(with R. Detcherry and A. Sikora), Preprint 2024.
PDF file , ArXiv

(with R. Detcherry and A. Sikora), Advances in Mathematics, to appear.
PDF file , ArXiv

(with J. Melby), Annales l'Institut Fourier, to appear.
PDF file , ArXiv

(with R. Detcherry), American Journal of Mathematics, to appear.
PDF file , ArXiv

(with S. Hirose and E. Kin), Journal of Topology and Analysis, to appear.
PDF file , ArXiv

(with R. Mcconkey, Bulletin of London Math. Society, vol. 56, No 24, 3400-3411.
PDF file , ArXiv

(with C. Lee), Advances in Mathematics, vol. 417, Paper No. 108937(2023).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with J. Purcell), Communications in Analysis and Geometry,. Vol 32, No 1, 119-151(2024).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with R. Detcherry), Indiana Univ. Mathematics Journal, Vol. 71, no 3, 1101-1129 (2022).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with G. Belletti, R. Detcherry and T. Yang), Journal of Differential Geometry, 120(2), 199-229 (2022).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with B. Bavier), Fundamenta Math., 256, no 2, 195-220 (2022).
PDF file , ArXiv

Acta Math Vietnamica, 46, no. 2, 289-299 (2021).
(Proceedings of ``Hyperbolic Geometry and Quantum Topology in Da Nang).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with R. Detcherry), Ann. Sci. de l'Ecole Normale Sup., Vol. 53, Fasc. 6, 1363-1391(2020).
PDF file , ArXiv
Computational evidence for Conjecture 8.1

Encyclopedia of Knot Theory, Chapter 24, in press (2020).
PDF file , ArXiv

Journal of the Math. Soc. of Japan, 72, no. 1, 73-79(2020).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with R. Detcherry), Advances in Mathematics, Volume 351, 676-701(2019).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with R. Detcherry and T. Yang), Quantum Topology, Vol. 9, Issue 4, 775-813(2018).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with C. Lee), J. of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, Vol 27, Issue 6 (2018).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with D. Futer and J. Purcell), Knots, Low-dimensional Topology and Applications,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Vol. 284, 1-30(2019).
PDF file , ArXiv

Indiana Univ. Mathematics Journal, Vol. 67, No. 1, 205-219(2018).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with S. D. Burton), Bulletin of London Math. Society, Vol. 49, Issue 4, 694-708(2017).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with C. Balm), Topology and Its Applications, Vol. 207, 33-42 (2016).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with C. Lee), Advances in Mathematics, 286, 308-337(2016).
PDF file , ArXiv
Computer file The data about low crossing number knots has now been uploaded MathInfo

(with D. Futer and J. Purcell),
Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Vol 23, No 5, 991-1028(2015).
PDF file , ArXiv

(With Anh Tran), New York Journal of Mathematics, Volume 21, 905-941(2015).
PDF file ArXiv

(with C. Lee), Proceedings of
Hyperbolic Geometry and Quantum Topology in Nha Trang,
Acta Math Vietnamica, 39, no. 4, 549-560(2014).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with D. Futer and J. Purcell),
Transactions of the American Math. Soc., Vol 366, Issue 8, 4323-4343 (2014).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with D. Futer and J. Purcell), Proceedings
of ``Knots in Poland IIIÓ, Banach Cent. Pub., Vol 100, 51-77 (2014).
PDF file , ArXiv (27 pages).

(with D. Futer and J. Purcell), Research Monograph,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 2069, x\~ 170p.,Berlin, Springer (2013).
PDF file , ArXiv (179 pages).
MathSci Review,
ZbMath Review
Preface and biblio

(with C. Balm, S. Friedl and M. Powell),
Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Vol 20, No 2,235-254 (2012).
PDF file , ArXiv

J. Reine Angew. Math.(Crelle's Journal), Vol 2012, Issue 669, 151-164 (2012).
PDF file, ArXiv

Quantum Topology, Vol 2, Issue 1, 71-96 (2011).
PDF file, ArXiv

(with D. Futer and J. Purcell), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 139(5),1879-1887(2011).
PDF file , ArXiv

(with D. Futer and J. Purcell), Int.Math. Res. Notices,
Vol. 2010, Issue 23, 4434-4497 (2010).
PDF file, ArXiv

(with O. Dasbach),
J. of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, Vol 19 (6), 763-764 (2010).
PDF file

(with O. Dasbach, D. Futer, X.-S. Lin and N. Stoltzfus),
J. of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, Vol. 19 (6), 765-782 (2010).
PDF file, ArXiv

(with D. Futer and J. Purcell), Geometriae Dedicata,
Vol 147, No. 1, 115-130 (2010).
PDF file, ArXiv

(with D. Futer and J. Purcell), Mathematical Research Letters 16, no 2, 233-253 (2009).
PDF file, ArXiv

J. of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, Vol. 18 (1), 33-39( 2009).
PDF file, ArXiv

(with O. Dasbach, D. Futer, X.-S. Lin and N. Stoltzfus),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. B , Vol. 98, Issue 2, 384-399(2008).
PDF file, ArXiv.

(with D. Futer and J. Purcell), Journal of Differential Geometry, Vol 78, no 3, 429-464 (2008).
PDF file, ArXiv

(With Xiao-Song Lin),
Transactions of the American Math. Soc., Vol. 360, 3249-3261 (2008).
Postcript file, PDF file

(With Xiao-Song Lin),
J. of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, Vol. 16 (10),1295-1329 ( 2007).
Special Volume in honor of L. Kauffman's 60th birthday ( Eds. J. Przytycki, S. Lampropoulou).
Postcript file, PDF file, ArXiv.

(With Xiao-Song Lin),  Pacific Journal of Math., Vol. 228, No. 2, 251-276 (2006).
Postcript file, PDF file.

Algebraic and Geometric Topology, Vol. 4 (48), 1111-1123(2004).
Postcript file

J. of Knot Theory and its Ramifications,; Vol. 13 (4),441-456 ( 2004).
Postcript file

(With Xiao-Song Lin),  Topology and Its Applications,   Vol. 138 (3), 207-217 (2004).
Postcript file

(With Nikos Askitas) ,Topology and Its Applications, Vol.126 (1-2), 63-81 (2002).
Postcript file

Topology and Its Applications, Vol. 101 (2), 107-119 (2000).
Postcript file

J. of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, Vol 7 (2), 173-185(1998).

(With Xiao-Song Lin) Mathematical Research Letters 5, 293-304(1998).
Postcript file

(With Xiao-Song Lin) Topology Vol 38 (1), 95-115 (1999).

Topology Vol 37 (3), 673-707 (1998).

Mathematical Research Letters 4, 341-347 (1997).

Ph.D Thesis, Columbia University, NY, (1995).

J. of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, Vol 3 (3), 431--432 (1994).

J. of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, Vol 2 (4), 431-451(1993).