Crossing Changes and knot invariants (Sketchy notes)
Geometric types of surfaces and Jones polynomial (Vietnam: First of 2 talks; second given by Futer.)
Incompressible surfaces and Jones polynomial (Italy, summer 2013)
Geometric structures and Knot invariants (AMS Invited Address)
Invariants of Knots Theory and their Connections Talk aimed at graduate students, given at Redbud Topology Conference (Spring 2015).
Crosscap numbers and relations to other knot invariants (Turkey, Summer 2015).
Properties of the Degree of the Colored Jones Polynomial (Knots in the Triangle, NC, Spring 2016).
Geometric Estimates from spanning surfaces of knots (Knots in Hellas, Greece, July 2016).
Normal and Jones surfaces (AMS meeting, Hunter College, NYC, May 2017).
Geometric structure of 3-manifolds and quantum invariants (Colloquium: ETH/Zurich, EKPA/Athens, APTH/Thessalonikh, June 2017).
On the growth of Turaev-Viro 3-manifold invariants (Redbud Topology Conference, OSU, April 2018).
Asymptotic behavior of quantum representations Classical and Quantum 3-Manifold Topology, Monash University, Australia, December 17-21, 2018)
Colored Jones polynomials (survey talk for graduate students) (AMS Spring Meeting Hartford, CT, April 13-14, 2019).
Asymptotic behavior of quantum representations (Quantum Topology and Hyperbolic Geometry, Da Nang, Vietnam, May 27-31, 2019/ New Developments in Quantum Topology, University of California, Berkeley, June 3-7, 2019)
Geometric structures of 3-manifolds and quantum invariants (Colloquium, UVirginia, Rutgers, Fall 2019)
Quantum representations and geometry of mapping class groups (UPenn, CUNY, Rutgers, UC Riverside..)
Topology and Geometry of quantum invariants: open problems (Connections for Women: Quantum Symmetries, MSRI, January 2020.)
Jones diameter and crossing number (SS Recent Advances in LDT, 2021 Fall Southeastern Virtual Sectional Meeting, Nov. 20-21.)
Jones diameter and crossing number (73rd BMC: Geometry workshop, Kings College, London, UK, June 6-9, 2022.)
Pants graph, TQFT and hyperbolic geometry (Quantum Topology and Geometry conference in the honor of Vladimir Turaev, IHP, Paris June 13-17, 2022.)
Geometric structures of 3-manifolds and quantum invariants (Second Congress of Greek Mathematicians SCGM-2022 at NTUA, Athens July 4-8, 2022.) [Colloquium type talk. Variation of talk with same tittle above]
Crossing numbers of satellite knots (Seminar talk: GTech, Rutgers, Knots on Line Seminar, BANFF)
Skein modules, character varieties and essential surfaces of 3-manifolds (Quantum Topology, Quantum Information and Connections to Mathematical Physics [in honor of Professor Arthur Jaffe's 85th birthday], Texas A\&M University, May 27-31, 2024)