Huyi Hu's Home Page
Some Papers and Preprints
Polynomial decay of correlations for almost Anosov diffeomorphisms,
(with Xu Zhang).
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Exponential mixing of torus extensions over expanding maps,
(with Jianyu Chen).
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Some ergodic and rigidity properties of discrete Heisenberg group actions,
(with Enhui Shi and Zhenqi Wang).
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Polynomial decay for non-uniformly expanding maps,
(with Sandro Vaienti).
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Quasi-shadowing for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms,
Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems,
35 (2015), 412--430, (with Yunhua Zhou and Yujun Zhu).
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Polynomial loss of memory for maps of the interval with a neutral
fixed point,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems,
35 (2015), 793--806, (Romain Aimino, Matt Nicol, Andrew Torok and Sandro Vaienti).
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Pseudo-orbits, stationary measures and metastability,
Dynamical Systems: An International Journal,
29 (2014), 322-336, (with Wael Bahsoun and Sandro Vaienti).
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Quasi-stability of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,
366 (2014), 3787-3804, (with Yujun Zhu).
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A volume preserving flow with essential coexistence
of zero and nonzero Lyapunov exponents,
Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems,
33 (2013), 1748-1785, (with Jianyu Chen and Yakov Pesin).
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The essential coexistence phenomenon in dynamics,
Dynamical Systems: An International Journal,
28 (2013), 453-472 (with Jianyu Chen and Yakov Pesin).
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A volume preserving diffeomorphism with essential coexistence
of zero and nonzero Lyapunov exponents,
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 319 (2013), 331-378
(with Yakov Pesin and Anna Talitskaya).
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Nonadditive measure-theoretic pressure and applications to dimensions
of an ergodic measure,
Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems, 33 (2013), 831-850
(with Yongluo Cao and Yun Zhao).
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Quasisymmetric property for conjugacies between
Anosov diffeomorphisms of the two-torus,
Science China Mathematics , 53 (2010), 663-670,
(with Yunping Jiang).
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The dimensions of non-conformal repeller and average,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,
362 (2010), 727-751,
(with Jungchao Ban and Yongluo Cao).
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Dimension theory of iterated function systems,
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics,
62 (2009), 1435-1500,
(with De-Jun Feng).
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Absolutely continuous invariant measures for
some non-uniformly expanding maps,
Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems, 29 (2009), 1185-1215,
(with Sandro Vaienti).
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Infimum of the metric entropy of hyperbolic attractors with respect
to the SRB measure,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 22 (2008), 215-234,
(with Miaohua Jiang and Yunping Jiang).
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Equilibriums of some non-Holder potentials,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,
360 (2008), 2153-2190.
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Every compact manifold carries a hyperbolic Bernoulli flow,
in Modern dynamical systems and applications, 347--358,
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2004,
(with Yakov Pesin and Anna Talitskaya).
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Decay of correlations for piecewise smooth maps
with indifferent fixed points, Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems,
24(2004), 495--524.
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Ergodic components of volume preserving hyperbolic diffeomorphisms,
in Complex Dynamics and Related Topics, 170-198,
New Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Vol. 5, International Press, 2004.
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Statistics of Poincare recurrences for area
preserving maps with integrable and ergodic components,
Chaos 14, 160 (2004), 160-171,
(with A. Rampioni, L. Rossi, G. Turchetti, S. Vaienti).
An example of a smooth hyperbolic measure with countably
many ergodic components, in Smooth Ergodic Theory and
Its Applications (Seattle, 1999), 95-108,
Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 69, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI,
2001, (with Dmitry Dolgopyat and Yakov Pesin).
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Statistical properties of almost hyperbolic systems,
in Smooth Ergodic Theory and
Its Applications (Seattle, 1999), 367-384,
Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 69, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI,
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Conditions for the existence of SBR measures
of ``almost Anosov'' diffeomorphisms,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,
352(2000), 2331-2367.
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Ergodic theory of almost hyperbolic systems, in
Proceedings of the International Conference in
Dynamical Systems in Honor of Professor Liao Shantao, 84-98,
World Scientific, 1999.
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Box dimension and topological pressure for some expanding maps,
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 191(1998), 397-407.
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Dimensions of invariant sets of expanding maps,
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 176(1996), 307-320.
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Nonexistence of SBR measures for some diffeomorphisms
that are ``almost Anosov'',
Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems, 15(1995), 67-76,
(with L.-S. Young).
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Some ergodic properties of commuting diffeomorphisms
Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems, 13(1993), 73-100.
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- Locally maximal invariant sets of expanding maps,
Acta Mathematica Sinica , 35(1992), 788-802.
- Pesin's entropy formula for expanding maps,
Advances in Math. (China), 19(1990), 338-349.