Publicly Available Code
- Sparse Spectral Methods for High-Dimensional and Multiscale PDE
- Phase Retrieval Codes
Several Matlab scripts for solving phase retrieval problems are available below. These include:
- Michigan State University's Sparse FFT Repository
Several C and C++ codes developed by faculty at Michigan State are available
here. Included is:
- DMSFT, implemented by Ruochuan Zhang, which was introduced in "A New Class of Fully Discrete Sparse Fourier Transforms: Faster Stable Implementations with Guarantees". If you use DMSFT for your paper, please cite the paper above. The code for CLW-DSFT also evaluated therein is available here.
- AAFFT, implemented by Mark Iwen, which was empirically evaluated in "Empirical Evaluation of a Sub-Linear Time Sparse DFT Algorithm". If you use AAFFT for your paper, please cite the empirical evaluation above.
- GFFT, implemented by Ben Segal, which was empirically evaluated in "Improved Sparse Fourier Approximation Results: Faster Implementations and Stronger Guarantees". This code is also available here. If you use GFFT for your research, please cite Ben's paper.
- MSFFT, implemented by David Lawlor and Bosu Choi, which was empirically evaluated in "A Multiscale Sub-linear Time Fourier Algorithm for Noisy Data". If you use this code, please cite David's paper.
- Sparse Legendre Expansion Code (uses AAFFT)
The code for computing sparse Legendre expansions tested in Section 5 of "Rapidly Computing Sparse Legendre Expansions via Sparse Fourier Transforms" is available here. This code was implemented by Janice Hu. If you use this code, please cite this paper.
- Fast Fourier Transforms for Structured Sparsity
The code evaluated in "A Deterministic Sparse FFT for Functions with Structured Fourier Sparsity" is available here. This code was implemented by Ruochuan Zhang and Sina Bittens.
- Deterministic Construction of Multiple Rank-1 Lattices
The code evaluated in "A Deterministic Algorithm for Constructing Multiple Rank-1 Lattices of Near-Optimal Size" is available here. For an index of the contents of the compressed file see MultipleRank1Lattice_index.html in the uncompressed code directory. This code was implemented and collated by Toni Volkmer and Craig Gross.
- Optimal Generation of GFFT Matrices
Code that generates the linear integer programs solved with CPLEX in Section 7 of "On the Design of Deterministic Matrices for Fast Recovery of Fourier Compressible Functions" is available here. This code was implemented by James Bailey.
- SHT: Sparse Harmonic Transforms for Functions of Many Variables
There are two versions of SHT code at present. They are:
- Distributed and Incremental SVD Code
The code used to perform all experiments in "A Distributed and Incremental SVD Algorithm for Agglomerative Data Analysis on Large Networks" is available here. This code was implemented by B.W. Ong.
- Improved Fourier Reconstruction of Piecewise Smooth Functions
The code used to perform all experiments in "Edge-Augmented Fourier Partial Sums with
Applications to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)" is available here. This code was implemented by Aditya Viswanathan.