Index of MultipleRank1Lattice.tar.gz Contents
Title of paper: A deterministic algorithm for constructing multiple rank-1 lattices of near-optimal size
Authors: Craig Gross, Mark A. Iwen, Lutz Kaemmerer, and Toni Volkmer
File: figure_generator.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Central code which computes all data used in figures.
Justification: Allows for easy reproduction of all data in section 3 of paper.
File: test_mr1l_approx_symhceven.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes the number of samples in multiple rank-1 lattices constructed by Algorithm 2.1 for even hyperbolic crosses starting with CBC construction.
Justification: Used to generate Figures 3.1a, 3.1a, 3.4a.
File: coord_symhc2even.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Helper function to construct even hyperbolic cross index sets.
Justification: Used throughout numerical tests for even hyperbolic cross examples.
File: coord_symhc2_parfor.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes hyperbolic cross index sets in parallel.
Justification: Used throughout numerical tests for even hyperbolic cross examples.
File: coord_symhc.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes hyperbolic cross index sets.
Justification: Used throughout numerical tests for even hyperbolic cross examples.
File: get_cbc_recor1l_symhceven.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Lookup for CBC constructed rank-1 lattices for even hyperbolic crosses.
Justification: Used throughout numerical tests for even hyperbolic cross examples.
File: symhc_lattices_even_ad_new.mat
Type: MATLAB Data File
Contents: CBC constructed rank-1 lattices suitable for various even hyperbolic crosses.
Justification: Used throughout numerical tests for even hyperbolic cross examples.
File: deterministic_mr1l_approx_get_lattice_sizes.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes multiple rank-1 lattices by Algorithm 2.1.
Justification: Code which implements the primary algorithm of interest.
File: get_reconstructable_freq.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Determines which frequencies a lattice keeps collision free.
Justification: Used throughout numerical tests.
File: test_mr1l_approx_symhceven.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes the number of samples in multiple rank-1 lattices constructed by Algorithm 2.1 for even hyperbolic crosses starting with exponential lattices for the full grid.
Justification: Used to generate Figures 3.1b, 3.2b.
File: test_mr1l_approx_rand_cbc.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes the number of samples in multiple rank-1 lattices constructed by Algorithm 2.1 for random frequency sets crosses starting with CBC construction.
Justification: Used to generate Figure 3.3a, 3.4b.
File: lfft_gen_lattice_algo23mod.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Generates a reconstructing rank-1 lattice using CBC construction for random frequency set.
Justification: Used throughout numerical tests for random frequency set examples.
File: lfft_lattice_size_reduce_mex_23.c
Type: C Code
Contents: Reduces lattice sizes for CBC constructions.
Justification: Generates mex file.
File: lfft_lattice_size_reduce_mex_23.mexa64
Type: MATLAB Mex Binary (compiled for Linux systems)
Contents: Reduces lattice sizes for CBC constructions.
Justification: Used throughout numerical tests for random frequency set examples.
File: test_mr1l_approx_rand_fulllattice1.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes the number of samples in multiple rank-1 lattices constructed by Algorithm 2.1 for random frequency sets crosses starting with exponential lattices for the full grid.
Justification: Used to generate Figure 3.3b.
File: testG3_dmr1l_symhceven_fulllattice1_results.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes the error in using a series of multiple rank-1 lattices for approximation on even hyperbolic crosses starting with exponential lattices for the full grid.
Justification: Used to generate Figure 3.5.
File: testG3_mlfft2_run.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes the error in using multiple rank-1 lattices for approximation on even hyperbolic crosses starting with exponential lattices for the full grid.
Justification: Used to generate Figure 3.5.
File: fct_Gp.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes value of G_p^d at lattice points.
Justification: Used in all function approximation examples.
File: fct_gp_1d.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes value of factors of G_p^d.
Justification: Used in all function approximation examples.
File: multi_lattice_ifft_noniter_avg.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Uses multiple rank-1 lattice FFTs to reconstruct all Fourier coefficients.
Justification: Used in all function approximation examples.
File: lfft.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes rank-1 lattice FFT.
Justification: Used in all function approximation examples.
File: fct_Gp_hat.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes values of Fourier coefficients of G_p^d.
Justification: Used in all function approximation examples.
File: fct_gp_hat_1d.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes value of factors of Fourier coefficients of G_p^d.
Justification: Used in all function approximation examples.
File: fct_G3_normA.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes Wiener algebra norm of G_3^d.
Justification: Used in all function approximation examples.
File: fct_Gp_hat_mp.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes values of Fourier coefficients of G_p^d in multiple precision.
Justification: Used in all function approximation examples.
File: fct_gp_hat_1d_mp.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes value of factors of Fourier coefficients of G_p^d in multiple precision.
Justification: Used in all function approximation examples.
File: fct_Gp_norm.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes norm of G_3^d in L_2.
Justification: Used in all function approximation examples.
File: test_mr1l_largeMstartS_symhceven.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes the number of samples in multiple rank-1 lattices constructed by Theorem 2.8 for even hyperbolic crosses starting with CBC construction.
Justification: Used to generate Figure 3.6a.
File: deterministic_mr1l_get_lattice_sizes_largeMstartS.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes multiple rank-1 lattices by Theorem 2.8.
Justification: Implements a main algorithm of interest.
File: check_iterative_MR1L.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Checks whether a set of frequencies can be reconstructed with given multiple rank-1 lattices.
Justification: Used for testing multiple rank-1 lattices constructed by the technique in Theorem 2.8.
File: test_mr1l_largeMstartS_symhceven_fulllattice1.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes the number of samples in multiple rank-1 lattices constructed by Theorem 2.8 for even hyperbolic crosses starting with starting with exponential lattices for the full grid.
Justification: Used to generate Figure 3.6b.
File: test_mr1l_largeMstartS_rand_cbc.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes the number of samples in multiple rank-1 lattices constructed by Theorem 2.8 for random frequency sets crosses starting with CBC construction.
Justification: Used to generate Figure 3.6c.
File: test_mr1l_largeMstartS_rand_fulllattice1.m
Type: MATLAB Code
Contents: Computes the number of samples in multiple rank-1 lattices constructed by Theorem 2.8 for random frequency sets crosses starting with exponential lattices for the full grid.
Justification: Used to generate Figure 3.6d.