Welcome to  Guo-Wei Wei's  Home Page

C60 surface
DNA surface
Electrostatics of a DNA-protein complex

Contact info:

Guowei  Wei,

Associate Professor

Department  of  Mathematics   and   Department  of  Electrical  and Computer Engineering
Michigan State University
D301 Wells Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone:  517 353 4689;      Departmental  Fax: 517 432 1562
Email: wei@math.msu.edu                  weig@egr.msu.edu

Affiliation:  Quantitative  Biology  & Modeling Initiative


Upcoming Conference: 


Research  Interests:



         Fall 2006:
         MTH 994 Biological Modeling and Computation I  (Topics in Applied Mathematics)

         Spring 2007:
         MTH 994 Biological Modeling and Computation II  (Topics in Applied Mathematics)

         Course  taught:

Students and Postdocs:


Some  recent  group alumni:


Photo 2000

Photo 2002

Photo 2006

Positions available:

Recent  grants and supports:


Associate editor:


 Guest (associate) editor: