Lectures, seminars, and workshops
- University of Hong Kong, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Hong Kong, visiting scholar, 14-30 May 2010, slides - 24 May talk.
- University of Connecticut, Department of Mathematics, Storrs, Connecticut, Spring 2010 Actuarial Science Seminar, 20 April 2010, "On the Distortion of a Copula and its Margins". slides.
- University of the Free State, Department of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science, Bloemfontein, South Africa, Applications of Statistics and Probability in Energy, Finance and Actuarial Science Workshop, 4-5 March 2010, "Using Micro-Level Insurance Data for Macro-Effects Inference". slides.
- University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Department of Mathematical Sciences, to speak at their colloquium, 13 November 2009, "Life Insurance Policy Termination and Survivorship", joint work with J. Vadiveloo and U. Dias, abstract, slides.
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, invited visitor, 1-14 June 2009, slides of 9 June talk.
- The 13th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (IME 2009), Istanbul, Turkey, 27-29 May 2009, invited speaker, slides.
- Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, 9 January 2009, invited talk to academics/practitioners on "Using micro-level automobile insurance data for macro-effects inference" (joint work with Frees, Shi, and Antonio) slides.
- Workshop Internacional de Solvência e Supervisão Baseada em Risco (International Workshop on Solvency and Risk-Based Supervision), sponsored by FIPECAFI (Cultura Contábil, Atuarial e Financeira), São Paulo, Brazil, 8 January 2009. "Models of Dependencies for Assessing Solvency" slides.
- Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 11 September 2008, will present the paper, A multilevel analysis of intercompany claim counts (joint work with Antonio (Amsterdam) and Frees (Wisconsin)), for the Fall 2008 Rosen-Huebner-McCahan Seminar Series. slides.
- Universitat de Barcelona, 1 July 2008, presented the paper "Actuarial applications of a hierarchical insurance claims model" slides.
- Université dé Montreal, 14 March 2008, presented at their Winter 2008 research seminar the paper "Actuarial applications of a hierarchical insurance claims model".
Earlier years: Present - 2011