
  • Efstratia Kalfagianni
  •  Education:

  • Ph.D : May 1995, Columbia University, New York
  • M.A : May 1991, Columbia University, New York
  • M.Sc : January 1990, Fordham University, New York
  • B.Sc : October 1987, Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki, Greece

  • Academic Employment:

  • 2008-- \ \ \ \ , Professor, Michigan State University, E.Lansing MI.
  • 2003--2008, Associate Professor, Michigan State University, E.Lansing MI
  • 1998--2003, Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, E.Lansing MI
  • 1995--1998, Hill Assistant Professor, Rutgers University, Piscataway NJ

  • Visiting Positions:

  • March-April 2020, Max Planck Institute, Bonn, Germany
  • Fall 2019, Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton NJ
  • June 2007, Max Planck Institute, Bonn, Germany
  • 2004--2005, Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton NJ
  • July-August 1999, Max Planck Intitute, Bonn, Germany
  • 1994--1995, Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton NJ

  • Fellowships/Honors:

  • Fall 2019, IAS Sabbatical Fellowship
  • 2019, MSU William J. Beal Outstanding Faculty Award
  • 2019, Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
  • 2018, MSU College of Natural Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award
  • 2013, AMS Plenary Invited Address, AMS Central Section
  • 2004-2005, IAS Research Scholarship
  • 1996-1997, MSRI Postdoctoral Fellowship (declined)
  • 1995, Sigma Chi Research Society, Columbia Chapter
  • 1990--1994, Columbia University Fellowship

  • Reasearch Grants:

  • 2023-2026, sole PI for NSF Grant, DMS-2304033
  • 2020-2024, sole PI for NSF Grant, DMS-2004155
  • Spring 2020, MPIM-Bonn research grant
  • 2017-2021, sole PI for NSF Grant, DMS-1708249
  • 2014-2017, sole PI for NSF Grant, DMS-1404754
  • 2011-2014, sole PI for NSF Grant, DMS-1105843
  • 2008-2012, sole PI for NSF Grant, DMS-0805942
  • 2005-2009, NSF Focused Researsh Group Grant, DMS-0456155
    (with A. Champanerkar , O. Dasbach , X.-S. Lin, , W. Neumann )
  • 2003-2007, sole PI for NSF Grant, DMS-0306995
  • 2001-2004, sole PI for NSF Grant, DMS-0104000
  • 1999-2001, sole PI for NSF Grant, DMS-9996227
  • 1996--1999, sole PI for NSF Grant, DMS-9626140
  • June-July 2007, MPIM-Bonn research grant
  • July-August 1999, MPIM-Bonn research grant

  • Training Grants:

  • 2022-2027, NSF/RTG Grant, DMS-2135960
    (with M. Hedden, T. Gerhardt, M. Stoffregen)
  • 2004-2009, NSF/RTG Grant, DMS-0353717
    (with R. Fintushel, T. Parker, J. Wolfson)
  • 2008-2012, NSF/RTG Grant, DMS-0739208
    (with R. Fintushel, T. Parker, J. Wolfson)

  • Editing:

  • 2023--//, Journal of Knot Theory and Ramifications

  • 2021--//, NYJM Monographs

  • 2017--//, New York Journal of Mathematics

  • 2011, Interactions Between Hyperbolic Geometry, Quantum Topology and Number Theory Contemporary Mathematics, 541, AMS

  • Conference Organization:

  • New perspectives on skein modules,
    CIRM, Luminy, France, July 28th-August 1, 2025.
  • Interactions of geometric and quantum topology focused on links in thickened surfaces,
    BIRS-BANFF 5-day workshop, April 13 - 18, 2025.
  • Quantum Invariants and Low-Dimensional Topology,
    AIM 5-day workshop, Aug 14 - 18, 2023
  • Topology Session at the 3rd annual WIMS,
    Dominican University, Chicago, March 7 2015
  • Special Session on Invariants and Geometry of 3-manifolds,
    AMS Central Section, East Lansing, March 14-15, 2015
  • Special Session on Geometric Aspects 3-Manifold Invariants,
    AMS Central Section, St Louis, October 18-20, 2013
  • Special Session on Geometric aspects of 3-manifold Invariants,
    Joint AMS Meeting, San Francisco, January 2010
  • Interactions Between Hyperbolic Geometry, Quantum Topology and Number Theory,
    FRG-Workshop and Conference, Columbia University, June 3rd-June 19th, 2009
  • A second time around the Volume Conjecture,
    FRG-Conference, LSU, May 30 - June 3, 2007
  • Special Session on Geometric Aspects of 3-Manifold Invariants,
    Joint AMS Meeting, San Francisco, January 2010
  • Around the Volume Conjecture,
    FRG-Conference, Columbia University, March 13-19, 2006

  • Some research papers since 2008:

    27. Skein modules and character varieties of Seifert manifolds.
    (with R. Detcherry and A. Sikora), Preprint 2024 PDF

    26. Kauffman bracket skein modules of small 3-manifold.
    (with R. Detcherry and A. Sikora), Preprint 2023 PDF

    24. Constructions of q-hyperbolic knots.
    (with J. Melby), Annales l'Institut Fourier, to appear. PDF

    23. Pants complex, TQFT and hyperbolic geometry.
    (with R. Detcherry), American Journal of Mathematics, to appear.

    22. Volumes of fibered 2-fold branched covers of 3-manifolds
    (with S. Hirose and E. Kin), Journal of Topology and Analysis, to appear. PDF

    25. Crossing numbers of cable knots
    (with R. Mcconkey), Bulletin of London Math. Society, published on line 08/2024 . PDF

    21. Alternating links on surfaces and volume bounds.
    (with J. Purcell), Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Vol 32, No 1, 119-151(2024).

    20. Jones diameter and crossing number of knots.
    (with C. Lee), Advances in Mathematics,vol. 417, Paper No. 108937(2023).

    19. Cosets of monodromies and quantum representations.
    (with R. Detcherry), Indiana Univ. Mathematics Journal, Vol 71, No 3, 1101-1129 (2022).

    18. Growth of quantum $6j$-symbols and applications to the Volume Conjecture.
    (with G. Belletti, R. Detcherry and T. Yang), Journal of Differential Geometry, 120(2), 199-229 (2022).

    17. Guts, volume and Skein Modules of 3-manifolds
    (with B. Bavier), Fundamenta Math,Vol 256, No 2, 195-220 (2022).

    16. Gromov norm and Turaev-Viro invariants.
    (with R. Detcherry), Ann.Sci. de l'Ecole Normale Super., Vol. 53, Fasc. 6, 1363-1391 (2020).

    15. The Strong Slope Conjecture and torus knots.
    Journal of the Math. Soc. of Japan, 72 no. 1, 73-79 (2020).

    14. Quantum representations and monodromies of fibered links.
    (with R. Detcherry), Advances in Mathematics, Volume 351, 676-701(2019).

    13. Turaev-Viro invariants, colored Jones polynomial and volume.
    (with R. Detcherry and T. Yang), Quantum Topology Vol. 9, Issue 4, 775-813(2018).

    12. Geometric estimates from spanning surfaces. (with S. D. Burton),
    Bulletin of London Math. Society, Vol. 49, Issue 4, 694-708(2017).

    11. Crosscap numbers and the Jones polynomial. (with C. Lee),
    Advances in Mathematics, 286, 308-337(2016).

    10. Knot Cabling and the Degree of the Colored Jones Polynomial. (with A. T. Tran),
    New York Journal of Mathematics, Volume 21, 905-941(2015).

    9. Hyperbolic semi-adequate links. (with D. Futer and J. Purcell),
    Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Vol 23, No 5, 991-1028(2015).

    8. Quasifuchsian state surfaces. (with D. Futer and J. Purcell),
    Transactions of the American Math. Soc., Vol 366, Issue 8, 4323-4343 (2014).

    7. Guts of surfaces and the colored Jones polynomial. (with Futer and Purcell),
    Research Monograph, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 2069, x\~ 173p., Berlin, Springer (2013).

    6. Cosmetic crossing changes of fibered knots.
    J. Reine Angew. Math.(Crelle's Journal), Vol 2012, Issue 669, 151-164.

    5. Cosmetic crossings and Seifert Matrices. (with with C. Balm, S. Friedl and M. Powell),
    Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Vol 20, No 2,235-254 (2012).

    4. An intrinsic approach to invariants of framed links in 3-manifolds.
    Quantum Topology, Vol 2, Issue 1, 71-96(2011).

    3. Cusp areas of Farey manifolds and applications to knot theory. (with D. Futer and J. Purcell),
    Int.Math. Res. Notices, Vol. 2010, Issue 23, 4434-4497 (2010).

    2. Dehn filling, volume and the Jones polynomial. (with Futer and Purcell),
    Journal of Differential Geometry, Vol 78, no 3, 429-464 (2008).

    1. The Jones polynomial and graphs on surfaces (with O. Dasbach, D. Futer, X.-S. Lin and N. Stoltzfus),
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. B , Vol. 98, Issue 2, 384-399(2008).

    Expository papers:

    1. State Surfaces of Links.
    Encyclopedia of Knot Theory, Chapter 24, in press (2020).

    2. A survey of hyperbolic knot theory.
    (with D. Futer and J. Purcell), Knots, Low-dimensional Topology and Applications,
    Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Vol. 284, 1-30(2019).

    3. Jones polynomials, volume, and essential knot surfaces: A survey.
    (with Futer and Purcell), in the Proceedings
    of ``Knots in Poland ``, Warsaw, July 2010, Banach Cent. Pub. Vol 100, 51-77 (2014)

    Ph.D Students(first position shown):

  • Chris Cornwell (PhD 2011), 3 year postdoc at Duke University and 2-years atÊUniversity of Quebec in Montreal .
    Thesis: Invariants of Topological and Legendrian Links in Lens Spaces with a Universally Tight Contact Structure
    Currently:Associate Prof. (tenured) and Fisher Endowed Chair, Towson University, Baltimore, MD

  • Thomas Jaeger (PhD 2011), Philip T. Church Postdoctoral Fellow at Syracuse University.
    Thesis: Topics in Link Homology
    Currently: Software Engineer, Google, San Jose, CA

  • Cheryl Balm (PhD 2013), 3-year postdoc at Kansas State University.
    Thesis: Topics in Knot Theory: On generalized crossing changes and the additivity of the Turaev Genus.
    Currently: Associate Prof. (tenured), DeAnza College, San Jose, CA

  • Adam Giambrone (PhD 2014), Visiting Assistant Professor (3-year) at the University of Connecticut.
    Thesis: A Combinatorial Approach to Knot Theory: Volume Bounds for Hyperbolic, Semi-Adequate Link Complements.
    Currently: Associate Prof. (tenured), Elmira College, Elmira, NY

  • Christine Lee (PhD 2015), NSF Research Postdoctoral Fellow and Instructor (3-year) at University of Texas, Austin
    Thesis: Jones type link invariants and applications to 3-manifold topology.
    Currently: Assistant Prof. (tt), Texas State University, Sam Marcos, TX

  • Stephan D. Burton (PhD 2017), NSA, Washington DC
    Thesis: Volumes, Determinants and Meridian Lengths of Hyperbolic Links.
    Currently: NSA, Washington

  • Sunjay Kumar (PhD 2021), 3 year postdoc at University of California Santa Barbara.
    Thesis: Asymptotics of the Turaev-Viro Invariants and Their Connections in Low-Dimensional Topology. .
    Currently: Research Scientist, Metron, Washington DC.

  • Brandon Bavier (PhD 2021) Visiting Assistant Prof., Sam Huston University, Houston, TX
    Thesis: Diagrammatic and Geometric Invariants of Hyperbolic Weakly Generalized Alternating Knots.
    Currently: Teaching Assistant Prof.(tt), Mercer University, Mason, GA

  • Michael Shultz (PhD 2022)
    Thesis: Homology polynomial and Burau representation of psudo-Anosov braids.

  • Joseph Melby (PhD, 2023, Research Scientist, Nokomis, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA.
    Thesis: Asymptotics of the Turaev-Viro Invariants and q-hyperbolic manifolds.

  • Robert McConkey(PhD 2024)
    Assistant Professor(tt), Colorado State University (Pueblo)
    Thesis: Topics in Classical and Quantum Knot Invariants

  • Dean Spyropoulos(PhD expected 2025)
    Thesis Topic: Categorification and Quantum Topology

  • Sashini Marasinghe (PhD expected 2026)
    Thesis Topic: Quantum Topology

  • Luke Seaton (PhD expected 2027)

  • Vindya Morawaliyadda (PhD expected 2027)

    Postdoctoral Fellows Mentored (current position shown):

  • (1999-2000) Hessam Hamidi-Tehrani (PhD Columbia 2007). In Finance.

  • (2005-2008) David Futer (Ph.D. Stanford 2005). Professor, Temple University.

  • (2005-2008) Lawrence Roberts (PhD UC Berkeley 2005). Associate Professor, University of Alabama (co-mentored with R. Fintushel).

  • (2009-2010 ) Eric Shonefield (PhD Stanford 2009). Google, San Fransisco.

  • (2010-2011) Matt Rathbun (PhD UC Davis 2010). Associate Professor, California State University, Fullerton.

  • (2015-2018) Renaud Detcherry, (PhD University Paris VI 2015), Maitre de conferences, Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon, France.

  • (2019-2022) Honghao Gao, (PhD Northwestern University 2017) (co-mentored with L. Shen), Assistant Professor (tenure-track) at Tsinghua University, Peijing, China.

  • (2021-2024) Vijay Higgins, (PhD UC Santa Barbara 2021), RTG Postdoctoral Fellow, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

  • (2024-present) Matthew Harper, (PhD Ohio State University 2021)