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Some slides

Here are slides from some of my talks, if given as beamer talks. (Some of these are research talks while others are expository.)

Ramification bounds for mod p étale cohomology via prismatic cohomology [slides]
From a talk at Monodromy and its Applications (pre-workshop).

Geometric quadratic Chabauty over number fields [slides]
From a talk at Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory Seminar at IU Bloomington.

Perverse t-structures [slides]
From Mixed Hodge Modules learning seminar at Purdue University.

Ln-formally étale does not imply Weakly étale [slides]
From Arizona Winter School 2019 (paper slides, project presentation).

Quiver algebras [slides]
From Students Colloquium Seminar at Purdue University.

Websites of collaborators and friends

Tong Liu Víťa Kala
Jan Šťovíček Heng Du
David T.-B. G. Lilienfeldt Alexander Slávik
Luciena X. Xiao Jana Sotáková
Zijian Yao Riccardo Pengo