Math 132, Calculus I, Sec 018, Spring 2017
Instructor Information:
Shiwen Zhang
Office: Wells Hall C320
Office Hours: Mon, Thu 5pm-6pm(to be modified if necessary); or by appointment
Room: C101 Wonders Hall
Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri, 10:20am-11:10am
1/8/2018 | Classes begin for Spring semester 2018 |
1/15/2018 | Holiday - University Open, Classes Cancelled |
1/12/2018 | Online open add period ends at 8 p.m. |
1/15/2018-1/19/2018 | Students go to Undergraduate office, C212 Wells Hall for Mathematics enrollment changes. (Late add’s, drop to lower course, section changes) |
2/2/2018 | End of tuition refund period for fall semester courses --no refund after this date. |
2/28/2018 | Middle of Semester; 8 p.m. – deadline to drop course for the fall semester with no grade reported. |
3/5/2018 - 3/9/2018 | Spring Break -- Classes Cancelled |
4/27/2018 | Classes end |
There will be a quiz most weeks on Fri. Quizzes will begin on Jan 19th. There will be totally 12 quizzes. Two lowest scores will be dropped. No make-up quizzes. There will be 2-3 problems based on webwork and past exams in each quiz.
WeBWork is an internet-based system of homework problems similar to the problems found in the text at the end of each section. Assignments can be found at More Details and Due dates for each webwork assignment can be found in the webwork website.
Class Information:
Textbook:Calculus 7th, Special version for MTH 132, James Stewart
Grading Policy: Webwork: 10%; Surveys: 2%; Quizzes: 18%; Midterms: 40% (20% each); Final: 30%. See also.
No Make-Up Policy: There are NO MAKE-UP WEBWORKS and QUIZZES. TWO lowest quizzes will be dropped. NO MAKE-UP for COMMON EXAMS in general. Exceptional request has to be approved by the department no later than one weeek before the test. See Attendance Policies for details.
Other Information and Useful Link/Resources:
Tentative Webwork Schedule; Calculus I lecture notes; Common Tentative Weekly Schedule; RCPD Exams.
Previous Exams(14-17); Exam Formula Sheets;
Tips; Algebra to Review; Common Notes;
MSU Mathematics Undergraduate Programs; MSU Mathematics Graduate Programs.