Professor Keith Promislow

- [B2] Todd Kapitula and K. Promislow,
Spectral and Dynamical Stability of Nonlinear Waves, Springer, Applied Mathematical Sciences 185 (2013),
ISBN 978-1-4614-6994-0
- [B1] Steven Paddison and K. Promislow, eds.,
Device and Materials Modeling of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells, Springer, (2008).
Submitted Articles
- [S3]
Keith Promislow and Abba Ramadan, Curvature and chaos in the defocusing parameteric nonlinear Schro\"odinger system, submitted
- [S2]
Sulin Wang, Yuan Chen, Zengqiang Tan, Keith Promislow, Parametric density functional models of polymer melts, submitted.
- [S1] Andrew Christlieb, Keith Promislow, Zenqgiang Tan, Sulin Wang, Brian Wetton, Steven Wise,
Benchmark Computation of morphological complexity in the functionalized Cahn-Hilliard gradient flow, submitted.
Accepted for Publication in a Refereed Journal
- Click number for Arxiv version, click DOI for published version
- [82]
Yuan Chen and Keith Promislow, Global existence of classical solutions to a regularized brine inclusion model,
Z. Angew. Math. Physics. 74 (2023).
- [81]
Kenny Jao, Keith Promislow, and Samual Sottile, Defects and Frustration in the Packing of Soft Balls, Physica D,
445 (2023). DOI
- [80] Yuan Chen and Keith Promislow,
Curve Lengthening via regularized motion against curvature from the strong FCH gradient flow, J. Dynamics and Differential Eqns., 25 1785-1841 (2023)
- [79] Noa Kraitzman, Keith Promislow, Brian Wetton,
Slow migration of brine inclusions in first-year sea ice, SIAM J. Applied Mathematics, 82 (2022),
- [78] Qiliang Wu and Keith Promislow,
Undulated bilayer interfaces in the planar FCH equation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series S, 15 (2022),
- [77] Shibin Dai, Qiang Liu, Toai Luong, and Keith Promislow,
On nonnegative solutions for the Functionalized Cahn-Hilliard equation with degenerate mobility, Results in Applied Mathematics, 12 (2021),
- [76] Yuan Chen and Keith Promislow,
Manifolds of Amphiphilic Bilayers: stability up to the boundary, Journal of Differential Equations, 292 1-69 (2021),
- [75] Xinyu Cheng, Dong Li, Keith Promislow, and Brian Wetton,
Asymptotic Behavior of time stepping methods for phase field models, Journal of Scientific Computing, 86 (2021),
- [74] Shibin Dai and Keith Promislow,
Codimension one minimizers of highly amphiphilic mixtures, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 388, 113320 (2021),
- [73] Yuan Chen, Arjen Doleman, Keith Promislow, and Frits Veerman,
Robust Stability of Multicomponent Membranes: the role of Gylcolipids, Archive Rational Mechanics and Applications, 238, 1521-1557 (2020),
- [72] Hayriye Guckir Cakic and Keith Promislow,
Gradient invariance of slow energy descent: Spectral renormalization and energy landscape techniques, Nonlinearity, 33, (2020),
[71] A. Christlieb, N. Kraitzman, and K. Promislow, Competition and Complexity in Amphiphilic Polymer Morphology, Physica D,
400 132144 (2019). DOI
[70] J. Church, Z. Guo, P. Jimack, A. Madzvamuse, K. Promislow, B. Wetton, and S. Wise,
High accuracy benchmark problems for Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard dynamics, Communications in Computational Physics, 26 947-972 (2019).
[69] S. Dai, Q. Liu, and K. Promislow, Weak Solutions for the Functionalized Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Degenerate Mobility, Applicable Analysis (2019). DOI
- [68] Noa Kraitzman and K. Promislow, Pearling Bifurcations in the strong Functionalized Cahn-Hilliard Free Energy, SIAM Math Analysis, 50 (3) 3395-3426 (2018). DOI
- [67] Qiliang Wu and K. Promislow, Existence, Bifurcation, and Geometric Evolution of Quasi-Bilayers in the Multicomponent Functionalized Cahn-Hilliard Equation, Journal Mathematical Biology, 75 (2) 443-489 (2017). DOI
- [66] Nir Gavish and K. Promislow, Dependence of the dielectric constant of electrolyte solutions on ionic concentrations - a microfield approach, Physical Review E, 94 012611 (2016).
- [65] Nir Gavish and K. Promislow, On the structure of Generalized Poisson-Boltzmann equations, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 27, (4) 667-685 (2016). DOI
- [64] Nir Gavish and K. Promislow, A Systematic Interpretation of Differential Capacitance Data, Phys. Rev. E, 94 012321 (2015).
- [63] K. Promislow and Qiliang Wu,
Existence of pearled patterns in the planar Functionalized Cahn-Hilliard equation, J. Differential Equations, 259 (7) 3298-3343 (2015).
- [62] Shibin Dai and K. Promislow, Competitive Geometric Evolution of Amphiphilic Interfaces, SIAM Journal Math. Analysis, 47 (1), 347-380 (2015). DOI
- [61] A. Doelman, G. Hayrapetyan, K. Promislow, and B. Wetton, Meander and Pearling of Single-Curvature Bilayer interfaces in the Functionalied Cahn-Hilliard equation, SIAM Journal Math. Analysis, 46 (6), 3640-3677 (2014). DOI
- [60] J. Duncan, Q. Wu, K. Promislow, G. Henkelman, Biased gradient-squared descent saddle point finding method, Journal Chemical Physics, 140 194102 (2014) DOI.
- [59] G. Hayrapetyan and K. Promislow, Spectra of Functionalized Operators arising from hypersurfaces, to appear in ZAMP (2014).DOI
- [58] A. Christlieb, J. Jones, K. Promislow, B. Wetton, and M. Willoughby, High accuracy solutions to energy gradient flows from material science models, J. Comp. Physics 257 (2014) 193-215
- [57] K. Promislow and L. Yang, Existence of compressible bilayers in the functionalized Cahn- Hilliard equation, SIAM J. Dynamical Systems, 13 (2) 629-657 (2014) DOI .
- [56] Shibin Dai and K. Promislow, Geometric Evolution of Bilayers under the Functionalized Cahn-Hilliard equation, Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Series A, 469 : 20120505 (2013) DOI.
- [55] T. Bellsky, A. Doelman, T. Kaper, K. Promislow, Adiabatic Stability of Semi-Strong Interactions in an Activator-Inhibitor system: The Weakly Damped Regime, Indiana U. Math Journal, 62 No. 6 1809-1859 (2013) .
- [54] A. Christlieb, K. Promislow, Z. Xu, On the unconditionally gradient stable scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard equation and its implementation with Fourier method, Comm. Math. Sci. 11 345-360 (2013)
- [53] K. Promislow, J. Jones, Z. Xu, N. Gavish, and A. Christlieb, Variational Models of Pore Networks in Ionomer Membranes: the Role of Electrostatics, Electrochemical Society Transactions, 50 161-173 (2013).
- [52] K. Promislow and H. Zhang, Critical points of Functionalized Lagrangians, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, A 33 1-16 (2013).
- [51] N. Gavish, J. Jones, Z. Xu, A. Christlieb, K. Promislow, Variational Models of Network Formation and Ion Transport: Applications to Peruorosulfonate Ionomer Membranes, Polymers 4 (2012) 630-655.
- [50] T. Kapitula and K. Promislow, Stability indices for constrained self-adjoint operators, Proc. AMS 140 (2012) 865-880.
- [49] K. Promislow, J. St. Pierre, B. Wetton, A simple, analytic model of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell anode recirculation at operating power including nitrogen crossover, J. Power Sources 196 10050-10056 (2011).
- [48] Z. Zhang, K. Promislow, J. Martin, H. Wang, B. J. Balcom, Bi-modal water transport behavior across a simple Nafion membrane, J. Power Sources 196 8525-8530 (2011).
- [47] N. Gavish, G. Hayrapetyan, K. Promislow, L. Yang, Curvature driven flow of bi-layer interfaces, Physica D 240 675-693 (2011).
- [46] P. van Heijster, A. Doelman, T. Kapper, and K. Promislow, Front interactions in a three-component system, SIAM J. on Applied Dynamical Systems 9 292-232 (2010).
- [45] K. Promislow and B. Wetton, PEM fuel cells: A Mathematical Overview, Invited Review Paper to SIAM Applied Math. 70 369-409 (2009)
- [44] Mohar Guha and K. Promislow, Front propagation in a noisy, nonsmooth excitable media, Discrete and Cont. Dyn. Systems, Ser. A 23 (3) 617-638 (2009)
- [43] Z. Zhang, A. Marble, B. MacMillian, K. Promislow, J. Martin, H. Wang, B. Balcom, Spatial and Temporal Mapping of Water Content across Nafion Membranes under Wetting and Drying Conditions, J. Magnetic Resonance 194 (2) 245-253 (2008).
- [42] Z. Zhang, J. Martin, J. Wu, H. Wang, K. Promislow, B. Balcom, Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Water Content across the Nafion Membrane in an Operational PEM Fuel Cell, J. Magnetic Resonance 193 (2) 259-266 (2008).
- [41] R. Moore and K. Promislow, The semi-strong limit of multipulse interaction in a thermally driven optical system, J. Diff. Eqs. 245 (6) (2008) 1616-1655.
- [40] K. Promislow, P. Chang, H. Haas, and B. Wetton, A Two Phase Unit Cell Model for Slow Transients in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells, J. Electrochem. Soc. 155 (7) A494-A504 (2008).
- [39] I. Nazarov and K. Promislow, The impact of membrane constraint on PEM fuel cell water management, J. Electrochem. Soc. 154 B623-630 (7) (2007).
- [38] P. A. C. Chang and K. Promislow, Nonlinear stability of oscillatory pulses in the parametric nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Nonlinearity 20 743-763 (2007).
- [37] A. Shah, G.-S. Kim, and K. Promislow, Mathematical modelling of the catalyst layer of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell, IMA J. Applied Math. 72 (2007), 1-29. doi:10.1093/imamat/hxm005
- [36] P. A. C. Chang, G.-S. Kim, K. Promislow, B. Wetton, Reduced dimensional computational models of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell stacks, J. Comp. Physics 223 797-821 (2007).
- [35] J. St-Pierre, B. Wetton, G.S.-Kim, K. Promislow, Limiting current operation of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, J. Electrochem. Soc. 154 (2) (2007) B186-B193.
- [34] A. Doelman, T. Kaper, K. Promislow, Nonlinear asymptotic stability of the semi-strong pulse dynamics in a regularized Gierer-Meinhardt model, SIAM Math. Analysis 38 (6) (2007) 1760-1787.
- [33] A. Shah, G.-S. Kim, W. Gervais, A. Young, K. Promislow, J. Li, S.Ye, The effects of water and microstructure on the performance of polymer electrolyte fuel cells, J. Power Sources, 160 (2006), 1251-1268.
- [32] P. Berg, A. Novruzi, K. Promislow, Analysis of a cathode catalyst layer model for a polymer electrolyte fuel cell , Chemical Engineering Science 61 (13) (2006), 4316-4331.
- [31] P. Berg, A. Calgar, J. St Pierre, K. Promislow, B. Wetton, Electrical coupling in Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell stacks: mathematical and computational modelling IMA J. Applied Math., 71 (2) (2006), 241-261.
- [30] I. Nazarov and K. Promislow, Ignition Waves in a Stirred PEM Fuel Cell, Chemical Engineering Science 61 (10) (2006) 3198-3209.
- [29] K. Promislow, J. Stockie, B. Wetton, A Sharp Interface Reduction for Multiphase flow in a Porous PEM Fuel Cell Electrode, Proc. Roy. Soc. London: Series A 462, No. 2067 (March 2006) 789-816.
- [28] R. Moore and K. Promislow, Renormalization group reduction of pulse dynamics in thermally loaded optical parametric oscillators, Physica D 206 (2005) 62-81.
- [27] K. Promislow and B. Wetton, A Simple Mathematical Model of Thermal Coupling in Fuel Cell Stacks, Journal Power Sources, 150 (2005), 129-135.
- [26] G.S. Kim, J.St. Pierre, K. Promislow, B. Wetton, Electrical Coupling in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stacks, Journal of Power Sources, 152 (2005) 210-217.
- [25] P. Berg, K. Promislow, J. Stumper, and B. Wetton, Discharge of a Segmented Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell, Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology 2 (May 2005), 111-120.
- [24] P. Berg, K. Promislow, J. St. Pierre, J. Stumper, B. Wetton, Water management in PEM fuel cells, J. Electrochem. Soc. 151 (No. 3) (2004) A341-A354.
- [23] John Stockie, K. Promislow, B. Wetton, A Computational Study of Multicomponent Gas Transport in a Porous Fuel Cell Electrode, International J. Numerical Methods in Fluids, 41, (2003), 577-599.
- [22] R. Carretero-Gonzalez and K. Promislow, Localized breathing solutions for Bose-Einstein condensates in periodic traps. Phys. Rev. A. 66 Sept 033610 (2002).
- [21] Keith Promislow, A renormalization method for modulational stability of quasi-steady patterns in dispersive systems, SIAM J. Math. Analysis 33 No. 6 (2002), 1455-1482.
- [20] R. Bradean, K. Promislow, B. Wetton, Transport phenomena in the porous cathode of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A,42 (2002) 1-18.
- [19] J. Bronski, L. Carr, R. Carretero-Gonzalez, B. Deconinck, J. Kutz, K. Promislow, Stability of Attractive Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Periodic Potential, Phys. Rev. E 64 Nov. 056615 (2001).
- [18] Keith Promislow and John Stockie, Adiabatic Relaxation of Convective-Diffusive Gas Transport in a Porous Fuel Cell Electrode, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 62 No. 1 (2001), 180-205.
- [17] J. Bronski, L. Carr, B. Deconinck, J. Kutz, K. Promislow, Stability of repulsive Bose-Einstein condensate in
a period potential, Phys. Rev. E 63 Mar. 036612 (2001)
- [16] Brian Topp, Keith Promislow, Gerda de Vries, Robert Miura, Diane Finegood, A Model of β-Cell Mass, Insulin, and Glucose Kinetics: Pathways to Diabetes, Journal of Theoretical Biology 206 No. 4 (2000), 605-619.
- [15] Keith Promislow and J. Nathan Kutz, Bifurcation and Asymptotic Stability in the Large Detuning Limit of the Optical Parametric Oscillator, Nonlinearity 13 (2000), 675-698.
- [14] Yi Li and Keith Promislow, The Mechanism of the Polarizational Mode Instability in Birefringent Fiber Optics, SIAM Journal on Math. Anal., 31 (2000), 1351-1373.
- [13] Jerry Bona, Francoise Demengel, Keith Promislow, Fourier Splitting and Dissipation of Nonlinear Dispersive Waves, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edingburg, Series A, 129 (1999), 477-502.
- [12] Yi Li and Keith Promislow, Structural Stability of non-ground state traveling wave of a Nonlinear Schrodinger System, Physica D 124 (1998), 137-165.
- [11] Keith Promislow, Applications of center manifolds, Maple Tex 4, no.1, (1997), 77-87.
- [10] Leonid Berlyand and Keith Promislow, Effective Elastic Moduli of a Soft Medium with Hard Polygonal Inclusions and Extremal Behavior of Effective Poisson ratio, J. of Elasticity 40, no. 1 (1995) 45-73.
- [09] Jerry Bona, Keith Promislow, and C. Eugene Wayne, Higher Order Asymptotics of Decay for Nonlinear, Dispersive, Dissipative Wave, Equations, Nonlinearity 8, no 6. (1995) 1179-1206.
- [08] Jerry Bona, Keith Promislow, and C. Eugene Wayne, On the Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to Nonlinear, Dispersive, Dissipative Wave Equations, J. Math and Comput. in Simul. 37, (1994) 265-277.
- [07] Keith Promislow, The Squeezing Property and the Decay of Small Wavelengths in Dissipative Dynamical Systems, Applicable Analysis 53, (1994) 233-239.
- [06] Keith Promislow and Roger Temam, Approximation and Localization of Attractors, in Shape Optimization and Free Boundaries, ed. M.C. Delfour, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Series C, Klumer, Academic Publishers, (1992).
- [05] Keith Promislow and Roger Temam, Localization and Approximation of Attractors for the Ginzburg-Landau Equation, J. Dyn. Diff. Eq. 3, (1991) 491-514.
- [04] Keith Promislow, Time Analyticity and Gevrey Regularity for solutions of a class of Dissipative Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinear Anal.: TMA 16, (1991) 959-980.
- [03] Keith Promislow and Roger Temam, Approximate Interaction Laws for Small and Large Waves in the Ginzburg-Landau Equation, IMA J. of Appl. Math. 46, (1991) 121-136.
- [02] Keith Promislow, Induced Trajectories and Approximate Inertial Manifolds for the Ginzburg-Landau Partial Differential Equation, Physica D 41, (1990) 232-252.
- [01] M. Klenin and Keith Promislow, (undergraduate Honors project) Configurational Entropy of a 2-D Continuous Random Network, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 75 (1985), 141- 146.