Professor Keith Promislow

Curriculum Vitae
Educational Background
- Ph.D. Applied Mathematics
Indiana University, 1991
- B.S. Mathematics
North Carolina State University, 1986
- B.S. Physics
North Carolina State University, 1986
Positions Held
- Associate Chair, Deptment of Mathematics
Michigan State University, 2022-2024
- Chair, Department of Mathematics
Michigan State University, 2014-2022
- Executive Committee/Co-Founder
MCIAM, 2006-2010
- Professor
Michigan State University, 2007-Present
- Associate Professor
Michigan State University, 2003-2006
- Associate Professor
Simon Fraser University, 2000-2003
- Visiting Professor
Brown University, 2001-2002
- Assistant Professor
Simon Fraser University, 1995-2000
- NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Pennsylvania State University,1991-1995
- NATO Postdoctoral Fellow
Universite de Paris XI, Orsay, 1992-1993
- Fellow of Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2022
- Plenary Speaker at SIAM Nonlinear Waves, 2018
- Plenary Speaker at SIAM Annual General Meeting, 2012
- The AMS representative for the Coalition for National Science Funding 2011 Capital Hill Exhibit, 2011
- Kloosterman Professor, University of Leiden, 2010
- J.S Frame Teaching Excellence Award, 2007
- BC Science Council's "Young Innovator" Award, 2002
- President's Faculty Lecture Series Speaker, SFU, 2001
- PIMS Industrial Outreach Prize, 2000