Gabriel Nagy

Visiting Assistant Professor
Office: Wells Hall A-307
Phone: (517) 353-4484

MTH 235
Lectures 001-008 
Differential Equations

Syllabus Page:

General Information
Grading and Policies

Homeworks and Exams

Main page

Grading and Course Policies

Reading the sections of the textbook corresponding to the assigned homework exercises is considered part of the homework assignment and it will be expected that you read the assigned material in advance of each lecture. Furthermore, you are responsible for material in the assigned reading whether it is discussed in the lecture or not.

Recitation Sessions:
The recitation sessions are an integral component of the course, and as such you are required to attend.

Lecture Homework:
Homework will be assigned on the course homework page and should be completed by the recitation section on the indicated due date. Homework will not be collected. Completing the assigned homework is vital to your understanding of the subject material. You should make every effort to complete the homework assignments and seek help with problems you have not been able to solve.

WebWork Assignments:
Webwork assignments are available online here. These assignments will open along the course. They will be graded together with the Lecture Homework by periodic quizzes. See the course homework page for the quiz dates.

There will be ten quizzes given in recitation on Tuesdays without exams. Quizzes problems will be similar to Lecture Homeworks and WebWork Homeworks. Quizzes are taken on the last 20 minutes of the recitation meeting. See the homework page page for the dates of the quizzes. The lowest quiz score will be dropped. No early, late, or makeup quizzes will be given. The dropped quiz will accommodate a quiz missed for any reason. 
There will be three exams; see the homework page page for the dates of the exams.  You will be allowed 50 minutes to complete each exam.  Each exam will have between five and ten problems. No notes (or books) or calculators will be allowed in the exams. There will be no early or makeup exams.

Common Final Exam: Tuesday, May 3, 10:00 am-12:00 pm. Place TBA.

Common Make-up Final Exam: TBA. Probably the next day.
No notes (or books) or calculators will be allowed in the final exam. 

Bring your personal photo ID to the exam.

Students who are elegible for the make-up exam (those students who have three or more exams in one day, according to the official final exam schedule) must fill out a request to take the exam no later than 12:00 pm on Friday April 30th in A212 Wells Hall. Students must provide a recent copy of their schedule for documentation.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have a schedule conflict involving the final examination; you should not enroll in this class if you cannot take the final examination at its scheduled time.
Your course grade will be based on the maximum of the following two decompositions:
    • 15% Quizzes (best 9 of 10)
    • 17% Exam 1
    • 17% Exam 2
    • 17% Exam 3
    • 34% Final Exam

    • 15% Quizzes (best 9 of 10)
    • 34% Best 2 of 3 Exams, (17% each)
    • 51% Final Exam
In addition, you must pass the final examination in order to pass the course.  Note:  Since there are no makeup exams, if you miss an exam for any reason, your course grade will be based on the weighted average that counts the final examination 51%.

Final grades will be assigned based on the following scale.  We may curve the scale to be more lenient, depending on the final grade distribution, though this is at the sole discretion of the professor.

3.0 2.5 2.0
1.5 1.0 0.0
[100, 90] (90, 85] (85, 80] (80, 75] (75, 70] (70, 65] (65, 60] Below 60

Academic Dishonesty: 
Academic dishonesty is considered a serious offense at MSU. Students caught cheating may face failure in the course and an administrative sanction which may include suspension or expulsion from the university. For more information se here.