Practical details
Program of the previous 5th Workshop 6-11 June 2016
Monday, June 6
(at the Independent University
of Moscow)
9:50-10:00 Opening
10:00-11:00 J.Andersen
(QGM Aarhus, Denmark)
Geometric quantisation of Higgs moduli spaces
11:10-12:10 G. Borot (MPIM, Bonn, Germany)
CohFTs from 2d rational CFTs
coffee break
12:40-13:30 E. Getzler
(Northwestern Univ., Chicago, USA)
The analogue of the Moore-Seiberg classification of modular functors in open-closed two-dimensional field theory
15:00-15:50 A. Bondal
(Steklov, Moscow)
Generalized moduli of pointed curves
15:50-16:40 A. Belavin
(ITP, Chernogolovka)
Flat coordinates for the deformed Gepner Rings and Schur polynomials
tea break
17:00-17:50 J. Harnad (Concordia Univ., Montreal)
Weighted Hurwitz numbers, tau-functions and topological recursion
17:50-18:30 N. Do (Monach Univ., Australia) and M. Karev (St. Petersburg Univ.)
Double monotone and strict monotone Hurwitz numbers
18:30-19:00 A. Shapiro and G. Schrader (Berkeley Univ., USA)
Quantum groups and cluster algebras
19:00 Welcome party at the IUM.
Tuesday, June 7
(at the Steklov Mathematical
of Institute)
10:00-11:00 M.Kazaryan (Steklov and HSE, Moscow)
Universal cohomological expressions for strata in genus zero Hurwitz spaces
11:10-12:10 P. Norbury (Melbourne Univ., Australia)
Irregular spectral curves and Givental decomposition
coffee break
12:40-13:30 P. Sulkowski
(Caltech, USA, and Warsaw Univ., Poland)
Matrix models and quantization
15:00-15:40 M. Cafasso (Univ. Angers, France)
The Borodin-Okounkov identity and topological tau functions
15:40-16:10 A. Alexandrov (Concordia Univ., Montreal, Canada)
Open intersection numbers, MKP integrable hierarchy and W-constraints
16:10-16:40 B. Safnuk (Univ. of Central Michigan, USA)
Topological recursion for open intersection numbers
tea break
17:00-17:30 S. Morier-Genoud (Jussieu- Paris Rive Gauche, France)
Friezes, moduli spaces and difference equations
17:30-18:00 S. Nawata (QGM, Aarhus, Denmark)
Exact results with codimension two defects
18:00-18:30 J. Yagi (Warsaw Univ., Poland)
Branes, TQFTs and integrable lattice models
18:40-19:00 P. Kucharski (Warsaw Univ., Poland)
Knots, BPS states, and algebraic curves
Wednesday, June 8
(at the Steklov
Mathematical Institute)
10:00-11:00 M. Mazzocco (Loughborough Univ., UK)
Painleve monodromies and quantum cluster algebras
11:10-12:10 A. Okounkov (Columbia Univ., USA and HSE, Moscow)
Elliptic stable envelope
coffee break
12:40-13:40 Rei Inoue (Chiba Univ., Japan)
The cluster structure of geometric R-matrices
lunch, <afternoon and
evening free>
Thursday, June 9
(at the Steklov
Mathematical Institute)
10:00-11:00 R. Kashaev (Univ. Geneva, Switzerland)
Four-dimensional aspects of the Teichmuller TQFT
11:10-12:10 V. Fock (Strasbourg Univ., France)
Inverse spectral problem for GK integrable system
coffee break
12:30-13:30 A. Marshakov (Lebedev Phys. Inst., ITEP, and HSE, Moscow)
W-algebras, twist fields, and isomonodromic deformations
15:00-16:00 A. Mironov
(Lebedev Phys. Inst. and ITEP, Moscow)
Matrix models, check operators, and modular kernels in CFT
16:00-16:30 D. Lewanski (Univ. of Amsterdam)
On Hurwitz enumerative problems
16:30-17:00 P. Dunin-Barkovsky (ITEP and Univ. of Amsterdam)
Dubrovin's superpotential as a global spectral curve
tea break
17:10-17:40 M. Manabe (Warsaw Univ., Poland)
Super quantum curves as super Virasoro singular vector
17:40-18:20 P. Tumarkin (Durham Univ., UK)
Quotients of Coxeter groups, cluster algebras and marked surfaces
18:20-19:00 Sh. Shakirov (Berkeley Univ. USA) and A. Popolitov (Univ. of Amsterdam and ITEP)
Exact solutions to matrix models in the strong coupling limit
19:00 workshop dinner at
the Steklov Mathematical Institute
Friday, June 10
(at the Independent Univ.
of Moscow)
10:00-11:00 B. Dubrovin
(SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
Generating series for GUE correlators
11:10-12:00 P. Zograf
(St.Petersburg Department of Math. Inst. RAS)
Local index theorem for cofinite Fuchsian groups
coffee break
12:30-13:20 D. Orlov (Steklov, Moscow)
Noncommutative varieties and their geometric realizations
15:00-15:50 O.Marchal (Univ. St.Etienne, France)
Loop equations from differential systems
16:00-16:50 S. Natanzon (HSE and ITEP, Moscow)
Formal solution to the h-KP hierarchy
tea break
17:00-17:50 D. Korotkin (Concordia Univ., Montreal)
Symplectic geometry of the moduli space of projective structures in homological coordinates
17:50-18:20 A. Buryak (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
Double ramification hierarchies
18:20-18:50 A. Sleptsov (ITEP, Moscow)
Vassiliev invariants for pretzel knots
Saturday, June 11
(at the Skolkovo Institute
of Science and Technology)
10:00-10:50 Chaiho Rim (Sogang Univ., Korea)
Matrix model for irregular conformal block and spectral curve
11:00-11:40 V. Kulikov (Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow)
On rigid G-surfaces and rigid plane curves
coffee break
12:00-12:50 T. Nakanishi (Nagoya Univ., Japan)
Generalized cluster algebras and dilogarithms of higher degrees
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