Rongrong Wang

Associate Professor of CMSE and Math

2507G Engineering Building.
428 S. Shaw Ln.

Phone: 517-432-0613

Email: wangron6 at


  1. Structure-Preserving Network Compression Via Low-Rank Induced Training Through Linear Layers Composition, with X. Zhang, and I. Alkhouri, 2024, [arXiv preprint]
  2. Tensor Deli: Tensor Completion for Low CP-Rank Tensors via Random Sampling, with C. Haselby, M. Iwen, and S. Karnik, 2024, [arXiv preprint]
  3. Unlocking Tuning-free Generalization: Minimizing the PAC-Bayes Bound with Trainable Priors , with X. Zhang, A. Ghsoh, and G. Liu, 2024, [arXiv preprint]
  4. An exact sinΘ formula for matrix perturbation analysis, with He Lyu, 2021, [arXiv preprint]


  1. Optimal Eye Surgeon: Finding image priors through sparse generators at initialization, with A. Ghosh, X. Zhang, K. Sun, Q. Qu and S. Ravishankar, ICML 2024
  2. Towards Understanding Task-agnostic Debiasing Through the Lenses of Intrinsic Bias and Forgetfulness, with G. Liu, M. Afshari, X. Zhang, Z. Xue, A. Ghosh, B. Bashyal, and K. Johnson, ACL 2024
  3. Diffusion-based adversarial purification for robust deep mri reconstruction, with I. Alkhouri, S. Liang, Q. Qu, and S. Ravishankar, ICASSP, 2024 [Journal version]
  4. Neural network approximation of continuous functions in high dimensions with applications to inverse problems, with S. Karnik and M. Iwen, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematic, 2024 [journal version]
  5. PAC-tuning: Fine-tuning Pretrained Language Models with PAC-driven Perturbed Gradient Descent, with G. Liu, Z. Xue, X. Zhang, and K. Johnson, EMNLP-main 2023, [arXiv preprint]
  6. Quantization of Bandlimited Graph Signals , with F. Krahmer, H. Lyu, R, Saab and A. Veselovska, SampTA 2023, [Journal version]
  7. Sigma Delta quantization for images , with H. Lyu, Comm. Pure. Appl. Math, 2023, [arXiv]
  8. Implicit regularization in Heavy-ball momentum accelerated stochastic gradient descent, with A. Ghosh, H. Lyu, and X. Zhang, ICLR 2023 (spotlight), [arXiv preprint]
  9. Supervised Capacity Preserving Mapping: A Clustering Guided Visualization Method for scRNAseq data, with Z. Zhai, Y. Lei, and Y. Xie, bioinformatics, 2022 [biorxiv][code]
  10. Linear convergent decentralized optimization with compression, with X. Liu, Y. Li, J. Tang and M. Yan, ICLR, 2021. [arXiv preprint]
  11. A dual formulation of wavefield reconstruction inversion for large-scale seismic inversion, with G. Rizzuti, M. Louboutin, and F.J. Herrmann, Geophysics, 2021 [arXiv preprint].
  12. On the ℓ∞-norms of the Singular Vectors of Arbitrary Powers of a Difference Matrix with Applications to Sigma-Delta Quantization, with T. Faust, M. Iwen and R. Saab, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2021, [journal version]
  13. Manifold Denoising by Nolinear Robust Principal Analysis, with H. Lyu, N. Sha, S. Qin, M. Yan and Y. Xie, NeurIPS 2019, [arXiv][code]
  14. Sigma Delta quantization with Harmonic frames and partial Fourier ensembles , Journal of Fourier analysis and its applications, 24(6), 2018, [arXiv preprint].
  15. Quantization of compressive samples with stable and robust recovery , with R. Saab, O. Yilmaz, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 44.1, 2018, [arXiv preprint]
  16. From compressed sensing to compressed bit-streams: practical encoder, tractable decoders , with R. Saab and O. Yilmaz,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64.9, 2017,   [arXiv preprint].
  17. Fast sparsity-promoting microseismic source estimation, with S. Shashin and F. Herrmann, Geophysical Journal International. 216(1), 164-181, 2018. [Journal version].
  18. Source estimation for wavefield-reconstruction inversion, with Z. Fang and F. Herrmann, Geophysics, 83(4) R345-359, 2018. [Journal version] .
  19. Sparsity-promoting opto-acoustic imaging with source estimation, Shashin et al., IEEE IUS, 2018. [Journal version].
  20. Frequency down-extrapolation with TV norm minimization, with F. J. Herrmann, SEG technical program expanded abstracts, 2016 [Journal version].
  21. Sparsity-promoting joint microseismic source collocation and source-time function estimation, with S. Sharan, T. van Leeuswen, and F. J. Herrmann, SEG technical program expanded abstracts, 2016. [Journal version]
  22. A linearized Bregman method for compressive waveform inversion, with X. Chai, Y. Meng, P. A. Witte, Z. Fang, and F. J. Herrmann, SEG technical program expanded abstracts, 2016, [Journal version].
  23. The gap between the Null Space Property and the Restricted Isomety Property , with J. Cahill and X. Chen, Linear Algebra and its Application, 501, 363-375, 2016,[arXiv preprint] [Journal version].
  24. Measure of scalability, with X. Chen, G. Kutyniok, K. Okoudjou and F. Philipp, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 61(8), 4410-4423, 2015 [arXiv preprint] [Journal version].
  25. Restricted isometry property of random subdictionaries, with A. Barg, A. Mazumdar, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 61(8), 4440-4450, 2015 [arXiv preprint] [Journal version].
  26. Resolving Scaling Ambiguities with the l1/l2 Norm in a Blind Deconvolution Problem with Feedback, with E. Esser, T. Lin, and F. Herrmann, IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-sensor Adaptive Processing 2015 (CAMSAP 2015)[preprint][extended version].
  27. Tightness of Stability Bounds by Null Space Property, with X. Chen, SPIE Optical Engineering and Applications. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015 [Journal version].
  28. A Lifted L1/L2 Constraint for Sparse Blind Deconvolution, with E. Esser, T. Lin, and F. J. Herrmann, 77th EAGE, 2015 [preprint].
  29. Near-optimal compression for compressed sensing, with R. Saab, O. Yilmaz, Data Compression Conference 2015 (DCC2015) [Jounral version]
  30. A null space analysis of the l1-synthesis method in dictionary-based compressed sensing, Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., Vol. 37(3), 492–515, with X. Chen and H.Wang, 2014 [arXiv preprint][Journal version].
  31. Singular vector perturbation under Gaussian noise, SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. & Appl. , 36(1), 158–177, 2014 [arXiv preprint] [Journal version].
  32. Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction via the ENH-LTSA Method for Hyperspectral Image Classification, with C. Liu, W. Sun, B. Shi, and W. Li, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(2), 375-388, 2014 [Journal version].
  33. A null space property approach to compressed sensing with frames, with X.Chen and H. Wang, 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, 2013 [arXiv preprint].