
This is your course website where you will find important announcements, course slides, lecture notes, assignments, exercises, and everything else about the course. Annotated lectures will also be downloadable from this site. Please visit this site from time to time.

About this course

This course, together with STT 455, is largely intended to prepare you for the SOA Exam MLC (Models for Life Contingencies). These two courses will cover the learning objectives of Exam MLC that took effect on the Spring 2012 exam. STT 455, offered in the Fall semester, essentially covers the first half of these revised learning objectives. The other half of the materials is covered in STT 456 this Spring semester. To prepare you for applying life contingent concepts in the workplace and for more advanced studies in actuarial science, it is possible that more mathematical rigor and additional materials may be taught in the classroom than would be required in the SOA exam.

The SOA announced recently that, effective Spring 2014, MLC will have both multiple-choice and written-answer questions. Here for details.

In general terms, while there are possible differences in terminologies and notations or symbols from either previous syllabus or from other existing review materials, we will try to adopt, as best we can, to those that are expected to be used in the exam. However, we will note some of these differences as we proceed through the materials during the semester. Topics to be covered in this course include: survival distributions, life tables, life insurance, life annuities and benefit premiums.

You are highly encouraged to visit the SOA Exam MLC website for recent updates on the exam syllabus, including updates to sample exam questions.

Special announcements

Any special announcements and reminders for the course will be posted here. Please visit this site as often as you can.
January 25 - Your Homework has been posted on the Assignments page. Remember the due date is Friday, February 6, 2015.
February 11 - Suggested solutions to the homework are posted here on Assignments page.
February 18 - Reminder: Your Class Test 1 is scheduled for Friday, 27 February 2015.
March 30 - Reminder: Your Class Test 2 is scheduled for Wednesday, 8 April 2015.
April 6 - Posted review problems and solutions for Class Test 2 here.
April 19 - Just a friendly reminder that we will hold a Finals Review Session on Thursday, April 30, 2015 from 5-8 pm at room C-304.
May 2 - Final exam is on Monday, May 4, 2015 from 3:00-5:00 pm.