Department of Mathematics

Transitions, MTH 299-05

Tentative Schedule and Homework Assignments

Chapter numbers refer to:

Chartrand, Polimeni, and Zhang. Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics, Third Edition (2012).

The numbers in the parentheses refer to the corresponding problems in the Second Edition of the book, in case the numbers differ.

L Date Chapter and Topic HW Comment
1/6 Class cancelled Read Chapter 0: Communicating Mathematics.
If you don't have the book yet, read this.
1 1/8 [1.1] Describing a Set
[1.2] Subsets
[1.3] Set Operations

Due 01/13:

1.2, 1.4, 1.8 (missing), and 1.68 (1.48)
1.12 (1.10) and 1.14 (1.12)
1.22 (1.17), 1.26 (1.21), 1.30 (missing) and 1.76 (1.56)
Lecture Notes

Supplement for Lecture 1

HW problems from Ch. 1
R 1/9 Recitation
2 1/10 [1.4] Indexed Collections
[1.5] Partitions
[1.6] Cartesian Products

Due 01/15:

1.36 (1.28) and 1.38 (1.26)
1.46 (1.32) and 1.50 (1.38)
1.59 (1.43), 1.64 (missing), and 1.66 (missing). Exercise 1.66 is a bonus problem.
Supplement for Lecture 2
3 1/13 [2.1] Statements
[2.2] More Implications
[2.3] Disjunction and Conjunction

Due 01/17:

2.1, 2.2, 2.4
2.14 (missing)
2.16 (2.11), 2.18 (2.13)
Lecture Notes

HW problems from Ch. 2
4 1/15 [2.4] Implications
[2.5] More Implications

Due 01/22:

2.20 (2.15), 2.24 (Not in v. 2), 2.28 (Not in v. 2)
2.32 (2.20), 2.34 (a,b,e,f) (Not in v. 2)
Lecture Notes
R 1/16 Recitation
5 1/17 [2.6] Biconditionals
[2.7] Tautologies and Contradictions

Due 01/24:

2.36 (2.25), 2.40 (2.27), 2.44 (2.29)
2.46 (2.30)
Lecture Notes
1/20 MLK Holiday - No class
6 1/22 [2.8] Logical Equivalence
[2.9] Properties of Logical Equivalence

Due 01/27:

2.52 (2.35), 2.54 (2.37) 2.9:
2.58 (2.39), 2.60 (2.41), 2.62 (Not in v.2)
Lecture Notes
R 1/23 Recitation
7 1/24 [2.10] Quantified Statements

Due 01/29:

2.10: 2.68 (2.46), 2.70[c,e,f] (2.48), 2.74 (2.50), 2.78 (Not in v.2).
For 2.68 - state the negations of the statements and state original statements in symbols.
For 2.70 if you decide that the statement is false, provide a counterexample.
8 1/27 [3.2] Direct Proofs

Due 01/31:

3.8 (3.6), 3.10 (3.8),
Problem 3 from here.
Lecture Notes
Carefully read Sections 3.1 and 3.2, as well as 3.3 and 3.4 to prepare for next class.
9 1/29 [3.3] Proof by Contrapositive
[3.4] Proof by Cases

Due 02/03

3.3: 3.16 (3.12), 3.21 (3.18), 3.50 (3.36), 3.58
3.4: 3.2B, 3.4A and 3.4B from the last page of the lecture notes.
You might want to start working on 3.58 early on.

HW problems from Ch. 3
R 1/30 Recitation
10 1/31 [4.1] Proofs Ivolving Divisibility
[4.2] Proofs Involving Congruence

Due 02/05

4.1: 4.2, 4.4, 4.6
4.2: 4.14(4.10), 4.18(Not in v. 2), 4.22(4.16)
Lecture Notes
1/31 Last day to withdraw with tuition refund
11 2/3 [4.3] Proofs Involving Real Numbers

Due 02/07

4.3: 4.78(4.66), 4.89(4.65), 4.90(Not in v.2)
Lecture Notes
12 2/5 [4.4] Proofs Involving Sets

Due 02/10

4.4: 4.43 (4.30), 4.48, 4.50
For 4.43, for (a) and (b), make sure to present examples different than the back of the book. For (c), note that the proof in the back is not complete - you will need to complete it.

HW problems from Ch. 4

Lecture Notes
R 2/6 Recitation
13 2/7 [4.5] Properties of Set Operations
[4.6] Proofs Involving Cartesian Products

Due 02/12

4.5: 4.56(4.38)
4.6: 4.62(4.40), 4.64(4.42), 4.68(4.46), 4.70(4.48)
For 4.68 we proved one of the inclusions in class; for HW prove the remaining one. For 4.70 we discussed one example; for HW provide a different one. You can use finite or infinite sets. Make sure you specify your universal set.
2/10 Review Review problems for exam 1
2/12 Review Solutions to review problems for exam 1
M 2/13 Midterm Exam
14 2/14 [5.1] Counterexamples

Due 02/19

5.1: 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.8
HW problems from Sect. 5.1

Lecture Notes
15 2/17 [5.2] Proof by Contradiction

Due 02/21

5.1: 5.10(5.7), 5.20(5.17), 5.28, 5.32
HW problems from Sect. 5.2
16 2/19 [5.4] Existence Proofs
[5.5] Disproving Existence Proofs

Due 02/24

5.4: 5.40
5.5:5.50, 5.57, 5.62, 5.65
Bonus: 5.52
HW problems from Sect. 5.4 and 5.5

Lecture Notes
R 2/20 Recitation
17 2/21 [6.1] Mathematical Induction

Due 02/26

6.1:6.6b(6.8b),6.14, 6.16, 6.48(6.39)
HW problems from Sect. 6.1

Lecture Notes
18 2/24 [6.2] A More General Principle of Mathematical Induction

Due 02/28

6.2: 6.24, 6.26, 6.30a
HW problems from Sect. 6.2
19 2/26 More on induction

Due 3/12

Homework problems
Read Section 6.3
2/26 Last day to withdraw with no grade reported
R 2/27 Recitation
20 2/28

Due 3/10

Essay Homework
Read Chapter 7
Spring Break 3/3 - 3/7
21 3/10
22 3/12 [8.1] Relations
[8.2]Properties of relations
[8.3] Equivalence Relations

Due 03/14

8.1: 8.4 (8.4), 8.6, 8.10
8.2: 8.12 (8.6), 8.14 (8.8), 8.16 (8.10), 8.22
8.3: 8.24 (8.14)
HW problems from Sect. 8.1,8.2

Lecture Notes
R 3/13 Recitation
23 3/14 [8.4] Properties of Equivalence Classes
[8.5] Congruence Modulo n
[8.6] The Integers Modulo n

Due 03/19

8.3: 8.28, 8.30
8.4: 8.38
8.5: 8.52
8.6: 8.54, 8.56, 8.58
HW problems from Sect. 8.3-8.6

Lecture Notes
24 3/17 [9.1] The Definition of Function

Due 03/21

9.1: 9.4, 9.8, 9.10, 9.12a,b,d
HW problems from Sect. 9.1

Lecture Notes
25 3/19 [9.3] One-to-One and Onto Functions

Due 03/24

9.3: 9.20, 9.63, 9.67c,d, 9.68-bonus, 9.78-bonus
HW problems from Sect. 9.3
R 3/20 Recitation
26 3/21 [9.4] Bijective Functions

Due 03/26

9.4: 9.31, 9.32, 9.34, 9.36-bonus
HW problems from Sect. 9.4

Lecture Notes
27 3/24 [9.5] Composition of Functions

Due 03/28

9.5: 9.42a,c, 9.44, 9.46 + example on p.2 in Lecture Notes
HW problems from Sect. 9.5

Lecture Notes
28 3/26 [9.6] Inverse Functions

Due 03/31

9.6: 9.54, 9.57, 9.81, 9.83-bonus
HW problems from Sect. 9.6

Read Sections 10.1 and 10.2
R 3/27 Recitation
29 3/28 [10.1] Numerically Equivalent Sets
[10.2] Denumerable Sets
Lecture Notes
3/31 [10.3] Uncountable Sets

Due 04/09

10.4(10.2), 10.6b(10.14b), 10.10(10.5), 10.20(10.15), 10.22(10.17)
Review problems for exam 2

For 10.4 use 10.3(10.1) as a hint.
For 10.22 use 10.25 as a hint.
4/2 Review Solutions to selected review problems for exam 2
M 4/3 Midterm Exam
30 4/4 [11.1] Divisibility Properties of Integers
[11.2] The Division Algorithm
Lecture Notes
31 4/7 [11.3] Greatest Common Divisors

Due 04/11

11.1: 11.6, 11.10, 11.14
11.2: 11.18, 11.22, 11.26
32 4/9 [11.3] Greatest Common Divisors
[11.4] The Euclidean Algorithm

Due 04/14

11.3: 11.32, 11.34, 11.36
11.4: 11.38b, 11.42
Lecture Notes
R 4/10 Recitation
33 4/11 Lecture Notes
34 4/14 [12.1] Limits of Sequences

Due 04/18

12.4, 12.6, 12.8
Lecture Notes
35 4/16

Due 04/23

Examples 1, 2, 5 on p. 5 and 6 of Lecture Notes
R 4/17 Recitation
36 4/18
4/21 Review Final exam review problems
4/23 Review Selected review problems from FS13 with solutions
R 4/24 Recitation
4/25 Review Solutions to selected problems from the final exam review
4/28 Extended Office Hours Room A116 WH 5:00 pm -7:00 pm
4/28 MLC Hours with Ethan MLC 6:20 pm -9:50 pm
E 4/29 Final Exam 5:45pm - 7:45pm Room A128 WH