Peikai Qi

About Me

I am a sixth-year mathematics PhD student at Michigan State University. I am interested in algebraic geometry and number theory. I focus on Iwasawa theory, elliptic curves, and modular forms. I use tools from Galois cohomology to study the size of arithmetic objects. My advisor is Preston Wake. I am on the job market now. Here is my CV.

Papers and Writings

  • An Analogue of Greenberg's Pseudo-null Conjecture for CM fields (Joint with Matt Stokes, draft, 2024)
  • On the Non p-Rationality and Iwasawa Invariants of Certain Real Quadratic Fields (Joint with Matt Stokes, submitted, 2024)
  • Iwasawa lambda invariant and Massey product (Submitted, 2024)
  • My Regular Schedule

    My Schedule of a Week

    Contact Information

    Chinese name: 亓培凯
    Office: C528 Wells Hall.
    Email address:
    Peikai Qi