PICTURE Elmas Irmak
Assistant Professor
425 MSC
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH, 43403
Office: 425 MSC
Phone: (419) 372-7472
Fax: (419) 372-6092
Email: eirmak@bgsu.edu

Elmas is currently Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Bowling Green State University, working on mapping class groups and low-dimensional topology. Here is her thesis.
  • E. Irmak, "Superinjective simplicial maps of complexes of curves and injective homomorphisms of subgroups of mapping class groups", Topology 43 (2004), No.3, 513-541, ArXiv.
    For references to her other papers, one may consult MathSciNet (requires a site license for access).
  • E. Irmak; N. V. Ivanov; and J. D. McCarthy, Automorphisms of surface braid groups, ArXiv.
  • E. Irmak, "Superinjective simplicial maps of complexes of curves and injective homomorphisms of subgroups of mapping class groups II", Topology and Its Applications 153 (2006) 1309-1340, Arkiv.
  • E. Irmak, "Complexes of nonseparating curves and mapping class groups", Michigan Mathematical Journal 54 (2006) 81-110, Arkiv.
  • E. Irmak and M. Korkmaz, "Automorphisms of the Hatcher-Thurston complex", Israel Journal of Math. 162 (2007) 183-196, Arkiv.
  • E. Irmak and J. D. McCarthy, "Injective Simplicial Maps of the Arc Complex", Turkish Math Journal 33 (2009) 1-16, Arkiv.
  • E. Irmak, "Injective Simplicial Maps of the Arc Complexes on Nonorientable Surfaces", Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 9 (2009) 2055-2077, Arkiv.
  • E. Irmak, "Superinjective Simplicial Maps of the Complexes of Curves on Nonorientable Surfaces", submitted, Arkiv.

    Last revised 3/12/10
    John D. McCarthy