Elmas is currently Assistant Professor of Mathematics at
Bowling Green State University,
working on mapping class groups and low-dimensional topology. Here is her thesis. |
E. Irmak, "Superinjective simplicial maps of complexes of curves and
injective homomorphisms of subgroups of mapping class groups", Topology 43 (2004), No.3, 513-541,
For references to her other papers, one may consult MathSciNet (requires a site license for access). |
E. Irmak; N. V. Ivanov; and J. D. McCarthy,
Automorphisms of surface braid groups,
E. Irmak, "Superinjective simplicial maps of complexes of curves and injective
homomorphisms of subgroups of mapping class groups II", Topology and Its Applications 153 (2006)
1309-1340, Arkiv. |
E. Irmak, "Complexes of nonseparating curves and mapping class groups",
Michigan Mathematical Journal 54 (2006) 81-110, Arkiv.
E. Irmak and M. Korkmaz, "Automorphisms of the Hatcher-Thurston complex",
Israel Journal of Math. 162 (2007) 183-196,
Arkiv. |
E. Irmak and J. D. McCarthy, "Injective Simplicial Maps of the Arc Complex",
Turkish Math Journal 33 (2009) 1-16,
Arkiv. |
E. Irmak, "Injective Simplicial Maps of the Arc Complexes on Nonorientable Surfaces",
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 9 (2009) 2055-2077, Arkiv.
E. Irmak, "Superinjective Simplicial Maps of the Complexes of Curves on Nonorientable
Surfaces", submitted, Arkiv.
Last revised 3/12/10 |
John D. McCarthy |