Fourier Analysis, MTH 490-003
Instructor: | Mark Iwen |
Time and Place: | Lectures are Tu Th 12:40 pm -- 2:00 pm, in 2243 Engineering Building |
E-mail: | |
Office: | C342 WH |
Office Hours: | Tu 2:15 pm -- 3:15 pm, W 2 pm -- 3 pm, and Th 2:15 pm -- 3:15 pm |
We will discuss Fourier series, Orthogonal Functions, Inner Product Spaces, Convergence issues, The Fourier Transform, Distributions, and Wavelets.
Course website for MTH490-003:
The course website is mandatory reading for the course. On it you will find the course schedule, the syllabus, and supplementary reading. Homework assignments will be posted on the schedule.
Fourier Analysis and Its Applications, by Gerald B. Folland.
International Thompson Publishing Company, 1992.
The majority of the course will be spent covering Chapters 2, 3, 7, and 9 of Folland's book.
Supplementary Texts:
We will also utilize material from Fourier Analysis by Elias Stein and Rami Shakarchi, and from Wavelet Theory by David Ruch and Patrick Van Fleet. It's not necessary to buy either of these books (though both are good).