- Dynamic continuous indexing k-nearest neighbors algorithm (in Python). A reimplementation of the Dynamic Continuous Indexing algorithm by Jitendra Malik and Ke Li in Python. This was used in a project in Michigan State University's Industrial Mathematics program. Written by Cullen Haselby and myself.
- Mathematica tutorial. Files for Mathematica tutorial given by the MSU AMS graduate student chapter on February 19 and 26, 2021.
- Sparse Fourier transform techniques for rank-1 lattices. MATLAB code for the paper "Sparse Fourier transforms on rank-1 lattices for the rapid and low-memory approximation of functions of many variables". Provides two implementations of fast multivariate sparse Fourier transform algorithms making use of rank-1 lattices for a potentially large frequency space of interest. Written by Toni Volkmer and myself.
- Sparse Fourier transform discretization. MATLAB implementation of the discretization of a nonequispaced sparse Fourier transform from [Mehri et al., 2019]. Along with the sublinear sparse Fourier transform code below, this is a reimplementation of the discrete sparse Fourier transform DMSFT (discrete Michigan State Fourier transform) analyzed in [Mehri et al., 2019]. This code is very modular and easily allows for the use of alternative SFT algorithms.
- Sublinear sparse Fourier transform. MATLAB implementation of the sublinear-time sparse Fourier transform algorithm from [Iwen, 2013].