Upcoming activities
- July 2017, Attendinging Rocky Mountain-Great Plains Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics,
University of Colorado - Denver.
- May 2017, Will speak on "Recovering Surface Topology from Cluster Algerbas"
at AMS Spring Sectional Meeting,
Hunters College.
Past activities
- April 2017, Attended 4th Lake Michigan Workshop on Combinatorics and Graph Theory,
Western Michigan University.
- April 2017, Attended AMS Spring Sectional Meeting,
University of Indiana.
- January 2017, Spoke on "Recovering Surface Topology from Cluster Algerbas"
at Combinatorial Algebra meets Algebraic Combinatorics,
University of Quebec at Montreal.
- January 2017, Spoke on "Explorations of the One Hundered Prisoner Problem"
at Student Colloquium,
Gonzaga University.
- October 2016, Presented Poster on "Recovering Surface Topology from Cluster Algebras" at ALGECOM,
Purdue University.
- October 2016, Spoke on "Conncetions Between Topological Surfaces and Cluster Algebras"
at Algebra Seminar,
Central Michigan University.
- June 2016, Presented Poster on "Recovering Surface Topology from Cluster Algebras"
at <US-Mexico Conference on Represeentation Theory, Categorification, and non-commutative Algebras,
University of Southern California.
- March 2016, Attended MSRI Hot Topics Course: Scatttering Diagrams and Cluster Algebras,
Berkeley, CA.
- February 2016, Spoke on "Sequences of Quiver Mutations on Surfaces"
at Student Colloquium,
Hobart and William Smith Colleges.
- January 2016, Spoke on "Sequences of Quiver Mutations on Surfaces"
at Student Colloquium,
University of North Alabama.
- January 2016, Spoke on "Sequences of Quiver Mutations on Surfaces"
at Student Colloquium,
Tarleton State University.
- January 2016, Spoke on "Sequences of Quiver Mutations on Surfaces"
at Joint Mathematics Meeetings,
Seattle, WA.
- June 2015, Attended SAGE Days: Cluster Algebras,
University of Minnesota.
- May 2015, Attended Midwest Combinatorics Conference,
University of Minnesota.
- May 2015, Spoke on "Sequences of Quiver Mutations on Surfaces"
at Southeastern Lie Theory Conference,
North Carolina State University.
- March 2015, Spoke on "Cluster Algebras and Maximal Green Sequences"
at Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference,
University of Kentucky.
- January 2015, Spoke on "Cluster Algebras and Maximal Green Sequences"
at Joint Mathematics Meetings,
San Antonio, TX.