Iterated algebraic K-theory of the integers and higher Lichtenbaum-Quillen conjectures Algebraic Topology Seminar, University of California, Los Angeles, May 2019
Iterated algebraic K-theory of the integers and higher Lichtenbaum-Quillen conjectures Topology Seminar, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, April 2019
Towards Topological Hochschild homology of the second truncated Brown-Peterson spectrum AMS Sectional, University of Hawaii at Manoa, March 2019
Iterated algebraic K-theory of the integers and the Greek letter family red-shift conjecture Topology Seminar, Northwestern University, March 2019
Iterated algebraic K-theory of the integers and higher Lichtenbaum-Quillen conjectures Electronic Computational Homotopy Theory Seminar, January 31st 2019
Chromatic complexity of topological periodic cyclic homology of y(n) AMS Sectional, Ohio State University, March 2018
The Segal Conjecture for topological Hochschild homology of Ravenel spectra Topology Seminar, University of Kentucky, November 2017
Evidence for the Greek letter family red-shift conjecture Midwest Topology Seminar, Wayne State University, November 2017
Loday construction in functor categories AMS Sectional, Indiana University, April 2017
Approximating algebraic K-theory of the image of J Topology Seminar, University of Chicago, February 2017
Periodic Phenomena in iterated algebraic K-theory of finite fields Topology Seminar, Notre Dame, December 2016
Periodicity in iterated algebraic K-theory Geometry and Topology Seminar, Michigan State University, November 2016
Red-shift type phenomena in iterated algebraic K-theory of finite fields Topology Seminar, Indiana University, November 2016
Topological Hochschild homology of the connecitve cover of the K(1)-local sphere Topology Seminar, University of illinois Urbana Champaign, November 2016
On mod (p,v_1) homotopy of THH of the K(1)-local sphere and its homotopy fixed points K-theory Seminar, Ohio State University, February 2016
Periodicity in iterated algebraic K-theory Transatlantic Transchromatic Homotopy theory conference, University of Regensberg, June 2017
Elements of higher chromatic height detected in circle homotopy fixed points Graduate Student Geometry and Topology Conference, Indiana University, April 2016
Topological Hochschild homology of the connective cover of the K(1)-local sphere Young Topologists' Meeting Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, July 2015
Towards topological Hochschild homology of the algebraic K-theory spectrum of a finite field Graduate Student Geometry and Topology Conference, Univ. of Illinois Urbana Champaign, March 2015
Pro-objects in infinity categories Vitamin K1: Kerz-Strunk-Tamme's Proof of Weibel's Conjecture, University of Illinois at Chicago, May 2018
On the structure of the map from MU to BP Talbot Workshop on Obstruction Theory, May 2017 (Notes compiled by Eva Belmont and Sanath Devalapurkar)
Stacks and Homotopy Theory West Coast Algebraic Topology Summer School 2016, University of Oregon (joint with Eva Belmont)
Fundamental Theorems of Algebraic K-theory European Talbot Workshop 2015, Klosters, Switzerland
On the paper "Nilpotence and Stable Homotopy Theory II" MSRI Summer School: Algebraic Topology, Guanajuato, Mexico
The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra via Topology REU, Michigan State University, June 2018
The Hopf map in classical mechanics Math Club, University of Kentucky, November 2017
The Topologist's Snowflake and the Rose Undergraduate Seminar, Kalamazoo College, February 2014