
Unless otherwise specified, all the software packages below are released under the terms of the MIT software license.

Phase Retrieval

BlockPR: Matlab Software for Phase Retrieval using Block-Circulant Measurement Constructions

This software package contains Matlab scripts for solving the phase retrieval problem in essentially FFT-time using correlation-type measurements.
[code] [paper]

SparsePR: Matlab Software for Sparse Phase Retrieval

This software package contains Matlab scripts to solve the sparse phase retrieval problem efficiently and robustly using a near-optimal number of measurements. It also includes a sub-linear time sparse phase retrieval implementation.
[code] [paper]

FourierRecon: Matlab Software for Reconstruction from Fourier Spectral Data

This software package contains Matlab scripts for reconstructing functions from Fourier spectral data (as is required in applications such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)). Specifically, it contains code for computing edge-augmented Fourier reconstructions which improve the accuracy and efficiency of standard Fourier methods.
[code] [paper]