Harmonic analysis,
discrete geometry,
frame theory, semi-definite programming (SDP), spherical t-design and their links with
algebraic combinatorics.
Educational background
2014 Ph.D., Mathematics,
University of Maryland College Park, MD. Advisor: Alexander
Barg / John J. Benedetto
M.S., Mathematics,
National Taiwan Normal University.
B. S.,
Mathematics, National Tsing-Hua University.
1. A. Barg, W-H.
Yu, New upper bounds for spherical two-distance sets, Experimental
Math., 22, no. 2, 2013, 187-194. arXiv:1204.5268
2. A. Barg, W-H. Yu, New bounds for equiangular
lines. Discrete Geometry and Algebraic
Combinatorics, A. Barg and O. Musin, Editors, AMS Series: Contemporary
Mathematics, vol.
625, 2014, 111-121. arXiv:1311.3219
3. A. Barg, K. Okoudjou, A. Glazyrin and W-H. Yu, Finite two-distance tight
frames. Linear
Algebra and its Application , Volume 474, 15 June 2015, 163-175 arXiv:1402.3521.
4. T. Okuda and W-H. Yu, A new relative bound for equiangular lines and
nonexistence of tight spherical designs of harmonic index 4. European
Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 53 April 2016 96-103. arXiv:1409.6995.
5. Y. Zhu, Eiichi Bannai, Etsuko Bannai, K-T. Kim and W-H. Yu, More on
spherical designs of harmonic index T. (Submitted) arXiv:1507.05373
6. There are no 76 equiangular lines in R^{19}. (Submitted) arXiv:1511.08569
7. New bounds for equiangular lines and spherical two-distance sets.
(Submitted) arXiv: 1609.01036
8. A. Glazyrin and W-H. Yu, Upper bounds for s-distance sets and equiangular
lines. (Submitted) arXiv:1611.09479