About David Seal

picture of me I like to cook. Here is a picture of me. I used to play bass in the Madison Community Orchestra. My wife Gwen Miller Seal is a viola performer and strings teacher. She currently plays with some area orchestras, and used to play with the Madison Symphony Orchestra (not to be confused with 'Community') as well as the local indie rock band Pale Young Gentlemen.

One time, in a land far far away, in a little place known as Salt Lake City, UT, I was in a band. I played music with this band. The instrumentation for songs 1,3,4 are original. The lyrics for Fallen were borrowed from Karl Denson's Tiny Universe. The Harder they Come is a standard reggae song, and we put our own twist on it. The crappy bass parts were written and played by me.

I used to play double bass in the Madison Community Orchestra Before starting college I used to play in high school jazz and orchestra ensembles as well as the Wasatch Community Orchestra and Murray Symphony. These two orchestras were both volunteer run orchestras.

Here is a picture of a clock. Here is a picture of Van Vleck. Here is a picture of the bass section of the Madison Community Orchestra at our 2008 Holiday concert at the capital.

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