Math 309, Section 3: Linear Algebra

Fall 2010
Department of Mathematics
Michigan State University

Textbook: Robert Messer, Linear Algebra, Gateway to Mathematics, Harper Collins, 1994.

Course webpage:

Instructor: Dr. Corbett Redden. A318 Wells Hall. redden [att] Phone 517-353-4659. Office Hours: M 12:30-1:30p, W 10-11a, H 2:30-3:30p (or drop-in or by appointment)

Class Times: MWF 11:30-12:20. C211 Wells Hall.

Course objectives: This course on linear algebra focuses on proofs. For most of you, this is the first course where you encounter rigorous proofs. Several methods of writing proofs will be discussed. Upon completion of the course you are expected to present written proofs to relevant theorems and problems. During this class a special effort is made to help you understand the presented material. Please keep in mind that understanding mathematical arguments is different from memorizing the correct answer! After each class read your notes, read the section in the book, and do the assigned homework. You should do at least two hours of work outside of class (probably more) for each class section.
The course covers the following topics: vector spaces, linear systems of equations, linear independence and bases, linear transformations, determinants, and eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and if time permits: inner product spaces. All covered material is relevant for tests and for the final exam.

Homework: Homework problems will be assigned each class. It is essential to your understanding of what is going on in class that you work hard on them on a day-to-day basis. The problems assigned will be collected the next- to-next day of class (e.g. problems assigned on Monday are due on Friday). Your solutions must be written up neatly and logically, with appropriate explanation (in complete sentences) of what you are doing. Roughly a third of the homework problems will be graded. You may discuss any of the problems with each other, as long as you work alone and use your own wording in writing up the homework to be handed in. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Tests: There will be two midterms scheduled during regular class time. These are scheduled for Wednesday, October 13 and Wednesday, November 17. They are taken without the aid of books, notes, or calculators. There will be a third test grade, and it is your individual option whether this will be decided either by your quiz grades or by a third midterm. There are weekly recitation sessions with quizzes at the end. There will be approximately 12 quizzes, and I will drop the lowest 2 scores, leaving 100 possible points. For those students who choose not to participate in the recitations, you can take a third midterm (at a date to be announced during the final week of class). You will need to choose by October 19 if you want the quizzes or third exam to count for your score. Finally, there is a uniform (all course sections) final exam on Monday, December 13, from 10a-12p (location tba).
Test 1 Review.
Test 2 Review.
Test 3: Fri 12/3 at 1:30p in A-204A WH, or Mon 12/6 at 6p in A-304 WH
Final Exam: Monday 12/13 at 10a in C-209 Wells Hall

Recitations/Review Sessions: In order to help students in understanding and deepening the material covered in class, the math department offers 4 optional recitation sections of 90 minutes each. These will be run by the TAs Andrew Melfi and Erica Shugart. Every student should sign up for a specific recitation section although they might attend any (or all). Sign up sheets will be located outside of A212 Wells Hall. Students can earn credit by participating in these recitations and by taking a 15 minute quiz at the end of each session. To receive credit students must be present during the entire recitation session. The schedule is as follows:
Wed 3:00-4:30pC312 Wells
Wed 5:30-7:30pC208 Wells
Thur 2:10-3:40pC114 Wells
Thur 4:30-6:00pC113 Wells

Grading Scheme:
Test 1, 10/13 100 points
Test 2, 11/17 100 points
Test 3/Quizzes 100 points
Homework 150 points
Final Exam, 12/13 200 points

The above raw scores total 650 points. Please note that in order to achieve a passing grade, you need at least 50% on both the homework/midterm scores and 50% on the final exam. The final grades will be based on your total out of 650, according to following guide:
92 - 100%4.0 64-70%2.0
85 - 91%3.5 57 - 63%1.5
78 - 84%3.0 50 - 56%1.0
71 - 77%2.5 0 - 49%0.0

Makeup Policy: Makeups will only be given in the case of a severe medical or family emergency. A written note from an appropriate person is required (e.g. doctor, father, etc.). In such a situation, you or someone else should contact Dr. Redden as soon as possible, preferably prior to the test or exam. A test missed for a non-valid reason will result in a score of 0.

Calculators: The use of calculators is not permitted on the midterm tests or final examination. Calculators may be used on homework, however they will not be useful for large portions of the course.

Help: Help is available from a number of places and people. You are welcome to see Dr. Redden or your recitation instructor in office hours, by appointment, or ask short questions via email. Also available is the Math Learning Center (MLC), located in the A-wing lobby of Wells Hall. The undergraduate TAs who run the recitation sections will hold MLC hours (currently scheduled for) Monday and Tuesday 6:20-8:40p. Finally, you are encouraged to work with others on homework. Explaining concepts and techniques to fellow classmates is an excellent way for you to better understand them yourself.

Honor Policy: All students are expected to adhere to the University's policy concerning academic integrity. This is covered in the Spartan Life booklet. According to the handbook " student shall claim or submit the work of another as one's own."

Important Dates:
Wednesday, September 1 - Classes begin. Students should go to regularly scheduled Monday classes on the first day.
M 9/6 - Labor Day. University closed.
W 9/8 - Online open add period for Fall semester ends at 8pm.
H 9/9 to W 9/15 - Students go to Undergraduate office, A212 Wells Hall, for Mathematics enrollment changes.
W 9/15 - Last day to late add a course or change sections within a course. last day to drop to a lower level course.
M 9/27 - End of 100% Tuition Refund.
W 10/20 - Middle of semester. Last day to drop a class without a grade being reported.
H 11/25 to F 11/26 - Thanksgiving break
F 12/10 - Last day of classes
M 12/13, 10.00-12.00 - Common MTH 309 Final