Dragon Types and Rankings


Dragons come in many shapes, colors, sizes, and powers! They can be kept as companions or playmates. But "pets" isn't the right idea. If you try to put it that way, you may end up as lunch. Basic Dragons are recommended for beginners at Dragon herding. You cannot have any Tropical dragons or White Dragons until you have a Crystal Dragon, or any White Dragons until you have some Tropical Dragons. Dragons can provide great fun, but only if you have an imagination!


Basic Dragons

Fire This is what we think of when we hear the word dragon. Color -- any shade of red
Water This dragon shoots out water instead of fire and can swim. Color -- light blue or turquoise
Plant A truely amazing dragon that can create seeds and vines out of nowhere. Color -- very bright green
Electric This type of dragon shoots electricity enough to cook another dragon. Yow! Color -- dazzling yellow
Combinations If two dragons of different basic types decide to have kids, the babies will be a combination of the parents powers. (a dragon can not have more than two types.) Color -- varies with combination

Tropical Dragons

Sand This dragon has the ability to create sandstorms of any size. Color -- sandy or light brown
Island This peculiar dragon does not have any specific power, but has very good flying and fighting skills. Color -- any
Earth Earth dragons are related to sand, and specialize in earthquakes. Color -- dark brown

Off Limits

Crystal A very powerful dragon with the abilities of all basic types. Color -- shiny white. 100 basics needed.
White The most powerful type of dragon. Can do just about anything it wants to. Color -- white. 1000 adults needed.
Black Evil dragons that do anything they can to find and slay baby dragons of other species. You can not own a black dragon no matter what. Color -- black.