Dear Scout Parents,
In the interest of simplifying procedures, we would like to begin to use a "Universal"
permission slip, which would cover any activities that occur during the current scout year.
This will eliminate the problem of lost, forgotten, or late permission slips, and should help
get outings underway quicker.
Prior to an outing, we will get to you- through email, phone, mail or handouts, the proper
information and pertinent details of the outing. When you bring your son and pay the
outing fee, this will be your acknowledgement that your son has permission to attend with
Troop 316.
In order to attend any outing we must have your son's health forms on file.
This permission slip must be updated each year. If you would please, fill it out and return
it to the Miloch file or the BSA Outing Specialist file as soon as possible. Thank you.
Respectfully yours,
Gail Miloch
Outing Specialist
Troop 316
Ojibwas District
Chief Okemos Council