BSA Troop 316

Boy Scout Court of Honor

Trinity United Methodist Church

Tuesday, August 20, 2002 - 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.



Setting: Table set at the front of the room with the large green Troop 316 pillar candle, a large log candle holder with 12 smaller candles, and matches. A large cutout of the Tenderfoot badge is placed against the table. A spotlight is placed on the table. Two flagpoles are placed on either side of the table to hold the U.S. flag and the troop flag. The troop flag is posted on the flagpole to the right end of the table (from the point of view of the audience).

Three seats are placed behind the table for Sheila Robbe, Dave Holderread, and Jeff Bursley. The Color Guard is assembled, facing the audience, on the right end of the table. The other personnel for the ceremony are seated in the audience.

Opening Flag Ceremony

(1) Caller: this Scout calls out the commands to direct the other Scouts to perform the flag ceremony. He stands closest to the moderator. He remains in his position throughout the flag ceremony. He needs to give appropriate commands to direct the Scouts to be facing in appropriate directions throughout the ceremony, (e.g. to be facing the flagpost while the flag is being unfolded and mounted on the flagpost).

(2) Flag Bearer: this Scout stands next in order from the moderator after the caller. He will carry the folded flag to the flagpost when the colorguard marches to the flagpost, and will assist in unfolding the flag and mounting it on the flagpost.

(3-4) Flag Attendents: these two Scouts will keep the flag from falling to the floor as it is being unfolded and mounted on the flagpost.

(5) Assistant to the Flag Bearer: this Scout will assist the Flag Bearer in unfolding the flag and mounting it on the flagpost.

(6) Flagpost Handler: this Scout will handle the flagpost while the flag is being unfolded and mounted on the flagpost, and will return the mounted flag to its stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.


(If necessary, give an appropriate command, either "COLORGUARD, LEFT FACE" or "COLORGUARD, RIGHT FACE", to direct the colorguard to face in the appropriate direction for its march to the flagpost.)


(If necessary, give an appropriate command, either "COLORGUARD, LEFT FACE" or "COLORGUARD, RIGHT FACE", to direct the colorguard to face the flagpost.)


Welcome and Introduction

As the members of the Color Guard take their seats in the audience, Senior Patrol Leader Aaron Selis steps forward in front of the table, facing the audience, and says:

"I would like to welcome all of you who have come tonight to recognize and celebrate the achievements of the Scouts of Troop 316."
"Please join with me in welcoming the members of our Court of Honor, Troop Committee Chairman Sheila Robbe, Scoutmaster Dave Holderread, and Assistant Scoutmaster Jeff Bursley."

Aaron returns to stand at the right end of the table. Sheila Robbe, Dave Holderread, and Jeff Bursley come forward and take their place standing behind the table, facing the audience.

Jeff Bursley says:

"Please join with me in prayer. ...."

Sheila Robbe says:

"This Court of Honor is hereby convened to recognize the achievements of the Scouts of BSA Troop 316."

Sheila, Dave, and Jeff take their seats behind the table.

Candle Lighting Ceremony

Sheila Robbe says:

"Will the Scouts of Troop 316 please come forward and assemble for the Scout Law ceremony?"

The Scouts of Troop 316 assemble at the right end of the table.

Sheila Robbe comes to stand in front of the table.

Sheila lights the large green Troop 316 pillar candle and says:

"As Boy Scouts, we believe earnestly in the Scout motto, "Be Prepared", and in the ideals of service as given in the Scout slogan, "Do a Good Turn Daily". We meet here at Trinity United Methodist Church regularly to practice the skills of Scouting and to have fun. From time to time, we go hiking and camping, so we might learn more of the great outdoors and at the same time develop qualities of health and self-realiance. All of this is done in keeping with the rules of Scouting found in the twelve points of the Scout Law. As I light the twelve candles in front of me, representing the twelve points of the Scout Law, I would like to have the troop repeat them after me. Troop, attention! Scout sign!"

 (The troop stands at attention, demonstrating the Scout sign.)

 Sheila Robbe (lights first candle):  A Scout is trustworthy.

 Troop (repeats after Sheila Robbe):   A Scout is trustworthy.

 Sheila Robbe (lights second candle):  A Scout is loyal.

 Troop (repeats after Sheila Robbe):   A Scout is loyal.

 Sheila Robbe (lights third candle):  A Scout is helpful.

 Troop (repeats after Sheila Robbe):   A Scout is helpful.

 Sheila Robbe (lights fourth candle):  A Scout is friendly.

 Troop (repeats after Sheila Robbe):   A Scout is friendly.

 Sheila Robbe(lights fifth candle):  A Scout is courteous.

 Troop (repeats after Sheila Robbe):   A Scout is courteous.

 Sheila Robbe (lights sixth candle):  A Scout is kind.

 Troop (repeats after Sheila Robbe):   A Scout is kind.

 Sheila Robbe (lights seventh candle):  A Scout is obedient.

 Troop (repeats after Sheila Robbe):   A Scout is obedient.

 Sheila Robbe (lights eighth candle):  A Scout is cheerful.

 Troop (repeats after Sheila Robbe):   A Scout is cheerful.

 Sheila Robbe (lights ninth candle):  A Scout is thrifty.

 Troop (repeats after Sheila Robbe):   A Scout is thrifty.

 Sheila Robbe (lights tenth candle):  A Scout is brave.

 Troop (repeats after Sheila Robbe):   A Scout is brave.

 Sheila Robbe (lights eleventh candle):  A Scout is clean.

 Troop (repeats after Sheila Robbe):   A Scout is clean.

 Sheila Robbe (lights twelfth candle):  A Scout is reverent.

 Troop (repeats after Sheila Robbe):   A Scout is reverent.

 Sheila Robbe:   Scouts, stand at ease!

Sheila Robbe says: Scouts, you may return to your seats.

All the Scouts, except for Aaron Selis, return to their seats in the audience.

Sheila returns to his seat behind the table.

Tenderfoot Rank Ceremony (adapted from Woods Wisdom, pages 465-466)

Dave Holderread says:

" Senior Patrol Leader Aaron Selis, who has earned the rank of Tenderfoot Scout?"

Aaron says:

"Sir, Matthew Bursley of the Flaming Arrows Patrol has earned this rank."

Ben Batdorff comes forward and holds the large Tenderfoot badge cutout up in front of the table.

Matthew Bursley steps in front of the table before the cutout.

Jon Holderread kneels in front of Matthew shining the spotlight on Matthew so that Matthew's shadow is cast on the cutout.

Dave Holderread comes to the front of the table, stands next to Matthew and says:

"Matthew, tonight we are recognizing you for earning the rank of Tenderfoot, your first rank as a Boy Scout. By earning this rank, you have shown some abilities in camping and outdoor skills, some basic first aid techniques, and are learning about the patrol system. You have memorized the Scout Oath, Law, motto and slogan and explained what they mean to you. Your final step was to participate in your first Scoutmaster conference and your first Board of Review where you have satisfied your Scoutmaster and the Board that you were indeed qualified and worthy of the rank of Tenderfoot Scout."

"This is the first step in a long journey towards Eagle, the highest rank in Scouting. Congratulations and best wishes as you continue on your journey towards Eagle."

Dave gives the certificate of Tenderfoot rank to Matthew.

Dave gives Matthew the Scouting handshake.

The audience applauds.

Matthew, Ben, and Jim return to their seats in the audience.

Dave returns to stand behind the table.

Star Scout Ceremony (adapted from Star Scout Ceremony #1 - Woods Wisdom, page 468)

Jeff Bursley says:

"Anaconda Patrol Leader Ben Batdorff, who has earned the rank of Star?"

Ben says:

"Sir, Lightning Patrol Leader Jim Holderread, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Ethan McCarthy, Troop Guide Michael Robbe, and Senior Patrol Leader Aaron Selis have earned this rank."

Jeff Bursley says:

"Will these Scouts please come forward?"

Jim, Ethan, Michael, and Aaron step in front of the table facing the audience.

Jeff Bursley says:

"Will the parents of these Scouts please come forward and join your sons for this ceremony?."

Mr. and Mrs. Holderread, Dr. and Mrs. McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. Robbe, and Mr. and Mrs. Selis all come forward and stand behind their sons, facing the audience.

Jeff Bursley comes to the front of the table, stands next to Jim, Ethan, Michael, and Aaron, and says:

"Jim, Ethan, Michael, and Aaron, in receiving your Star rank tonight you are taking a long step toward Eagle, the goal of all true Scouts. You have advanced toward manhood in a way that obligates you to give younger Scouts the service and experiences you have received. Tonight you are leaving that group which receives Scouting. You are now to be admitted to a smaller group whose privilege and duty it is to give to Scouting - to give leadership, guidance, and inspiration to younger Scouts who will follow your lead. Your willingness to do so will be a pledge of service and a sign that your understanding of the ideals of Scouting grow with your increasing stature. The fun and fellowship of the past will be accompanied in the future by a deep satisfaction with your service to others and your leadership of younger Scouts. Do you accept this pledge of service to younger Scouts as a personal obligation?"

Jim, Ethan, Michael, and Aaron say:

"I do."

Jeff Bursley says:

"I declare that you are qualified to receive the rank of Star Scout. I charge you to keep on the merit badge trail of Scouting spirit and participation and Scoutcraft until you reach the Eagle rank. Somewhere along this trail you will find manhood in its finest form. Keep the spirit of service alive in your daily life, for your sake and the sake of the Scouts who follow where you lead. May the Star Scout badge be a constant reminder of the star of service that will shine as a guide to lead you on the trail to manhood."

Jeff says:

"I now present to you this certificate of Star Scout rank."

Jeff hands out the certificates for Star Scout rank to Jim, Ethan, Michael, and Aaron and shakes their hands.

Jeff says:

"These miniature Star Scout badges are for your mothers, in recognition of their love, comradeship, encouragement and faith in you. Take them and pin them on your mothers proudly."

Jim, Ethan, Michael, and Aaron take the miniature Star Scout badges and pin them on their mothers.

Jeff shakes the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Holderread, Dr. and Mrs. McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. Robbe, and Mr. and Mrs. Selis.

The audience applauds.

All the parents return to their seats in the audience, except for Sheila Robbe and Dave Holderread.

Ben, Jim, Ethan, Michael, and Aaron return to their seats in the audience.

Sheila Robbe, Dave Holderread, and Jeff Bursley return to stand behind the table.

Closing Flag Ceremony

Sheila says:

"I want to congratulate all you Scouts of Troop 316 for your accomplishments. We are proud to have you as members of our troop."

Dave reviews other recent accomplishments of the Scouts (e.g. Northwoods Summer Resident Camp, Merit Badges).

Sheila says:

"This Court of Honor is now adjourned. Please rise as Troop 316 retires the colors."

(1) Caller: this Scout calls out the commands to direct the other Scouts to perform the flag ceremony. He stands closest to the moderator. He remains in his position throughout the flag ceremony. He needs to give appropriate commands to direct the Scouts to be facing in appropriate directions throughout the ceremony, (e.g. to be facing the flagpost while the flag is being unfolded and mounted on the flagpost).

(2) Flag Bearer: this Scout stands next in order from the moderator after the caller. He will assist in taking the flag off of the flagpost and folding the flag. He will carry the folded flag back to his original position.

(3-4) Flag Attendents: these two Scouts will keep the flag from falling to the floor as it is being taken off of the flagpost and folded.

(5) Assistant to the Flag Bearer: this Scout will assist the Flag Bearer in taken the flag off of the flagpost and folding the flag.

(6) Flagpost Handler: this Scout will handle the flagpost while the flag is being taken off of the flagpost to be folded. He will return the flagpost to its stand once the flag is taken off of the flagpost.

(If necessary, give an appropriate command, either "COLORGUARD, LEFT FACE" or "COLORGUARD, RIGHT FACE", to direct the colorguard to face in the appropriate direction for its march to the flagpost.)
(If necessary, give an appropriate command, either "COLORGUARD, LEFT FACE" or "COLORGUARD, RIGHT FACE", to direct the colorguard to face the flagpost.)

Refreshments and Fellowship

Last revised 8/16/02

John D. McCarthy