Troop Guide |
Excerpted from BSA Junior Leader Handbook
Copyright 1990, Boy Scouts of America, ISBN 0-8395-3500-7
Revised 1998 |
Job description: The troop guide works with new Scouts.
He helps them feel comfortable and earn their First Class rank
in their first year. |
Reports to: the assistant Scoutmaster for the new Scout
patrol in the troop. |
Troop guide duties: |
- Introduce new Scouts to troop operations
- Guides new Scouts through early Scouting activities
- Shields new Scouts from harassment by older Scouts
- Helps new Scouts earn First Class rank in their first year
- Teaches basic Scout skills
- Coaches the patrol leader of the new Scout
patrol on his duties
- Works with the patrol leader at patrol
leaders' council meetings
- Attends patrol leaders' council meetings
with the patrol leader of the new Scouts
- Assists the assistant Scoutmaster with training
- Counsels individual Scouts on Scouting challenges
- Sets a good example
- Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly
- Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
- Shows Scout spirit
Last revised 2/14/06 |
John D. McCarthy |