_______________ (Name of Organization) and the _______________ Council, BSA

____ Pack _____ Troop _____ Team _______ Post Number ____________________

The Boy Scouts of America is an educational resource program. It charters community or religious organizations or groups to use Scouting as part of their service to their own members, as well as the community at large.

The BSA local council provides the support service necessary to help the chartered organization succeed in their use of the program. The responsibilities of both the BSA local council and the chartered group are described below.

The chartered organization agrees to

  • Conduct the Scouting program according to its own policies and guidelines as well as those of the Boy Scouts of America
  • Include Scouting as part of its overall program for youth and families.
  • Appoint a chartered organization representative who is a member of the organization and will coordinate all unit operations within it. He or she will represent the organization to the Scouting district and serve as a voting member of the local council. (the chartered organization head or chartered organization representative must approve all leader applications before submitting them to the local council.)
  • Select a unit committee of parents and members of the chartered organization (minimum of three) who will screen and select unit leaders who meet the organization's standards as well as the leadership standards of the BSA. (the committee chairman must sign all leadership applications before submitting them to the chartered organization for approval.)
  • Provide adequate facilities for the Scouting unit(s) to meet on a regular schedule with time and place reserved.
  • Encourage the unit to participate in outdoor experiences, which are vital elements of Scouting.

The council agrees to

  • Respect the aims and objectives of the organization and offer the resources of Scouting to help in meeting those objectives.
  • Provide year-round training, service, and program resources to the organization and the unit(s).
  • Provide training and support for the chartered organization representative as the primary communication link between the organization and the BSA.
  • Provide techniques and methods for selecting quality unit leaders and then share in the approval process of those leaders. (The Scout executive or designee must approve all leader applications.)
  • Provide primary general liability insurance to cover the chartered organization, its board, officers, chartered organization representative, and employees against all personal liability judgments. This insurance includes attorney's fees and court costs as well as the costs of any judgments brought against the individual or organization. Unit leaders are covered in excess of any personal coverage they might have, or, if there is no personal coverage, the BSA insurance immediately picks them up on a primary basis.
  • Provide camping facilities, a service center, and a full-time professional staff to assist the organization in every way possible.

Signed ________________________________ (For the chartered organization)

Signed ________________________________ (For the Boy Scouts of America)

Date ________________________________

See other side for discussion guide.

Last revised 1/26/10
John D. McCarthy