Boy Scout Merit Badge Blitz
Registration Form
Merit Badges offered:
Architecture, Art, Athletics, Aviation, Citizenship in the Community,
Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Coin Collecting,
Communications, Computers, Dog Care, Emergency
Preparedness, Family Life, First Aid, Genealogy, Home Repairs,
Music, Pets, Reading, Salesmanship, Sports and Swimming.
Troop Number: _______________________________________________
Scout Leader Name: __________________________________________
Contact Telephone #: ________________________________________
Number of Scouts attending session #1: ______________________
Number of Scouts attending session #2: ______________________
Total prepaid fee paid: _____________________________________
List Boy Scouts Name Pick up to four(4) Merit Badges to work on.

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3. ___________________ 4. ___________________

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3. ___________________ 4. ___________________

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3. ___________________ 4. ___________________

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3. ___________________ 4. ___________________

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3. ___________________ 4. ___________________

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3. ___________________ 4. ___________________