On the action of the mapping class group
on the arc complex(joint with Elmas Irmak)
John D. McCarthy
This talk concerns joint work with Elmas Irmakon the action of the mapping class group
of a compactconnected orientable surface with boundary on the simplicialcomplex whose simplices are
collections of isotopy classesof pairwise disjoint and nonisotopic properly embedded essential arcs
onthis surface.
In this talk, we discussed joint work with Elmas Irmak regarding the action
of the extended mapping class group of a compact connected orientable surface with nonempty boundary
on the arc complex of this surface. After explaining the setting of our study, we gave a number of
examples illustrating our main result relating this action to the group of automorphisms of this
complex. In particular, we discussed the examples of (i) a pair of pants, which corresponds to the
action of the symmetric group on three symbols on the tiling of an equilateral triangle by four
equilateral triangles, and (ii) the example of a torus with one hole, which corresponds to the
action of PGL(2,Z) on the classical decomposition of the hyperbolic plane by the ideal triangles of
the Farey graph. We then outlined the main ideas involved in the proof of our primary result that
the natural representation of the extended mapping class group into the group of automorphisms of
the arc complex is surjective, with kernel equal to the center of the extended mapping class