Preparing for a Test
(adapted from Scott Baldridge's study tips) Here is a list of tips that you may find helpful when studying for a test or an exam:
Leading up to the test:
- Always read the next section covered the night before class. (SeeGoodStudy Habits for more details).
- Take good notes in class.
- Do ALL your homework!
- Make sure your answers are correct! Either check the back of thebook (when it applies) or go to the Math Learning Center and have a qualified tutor verify your answers.
Studying for the test:- Memorize all definitions and all important theorems.
- After learning the definitions and theorems, select a problemfrom each problem type and attempt to do it without usingyour notes or looking back in the book.* If you think you can doa similar test question, move on to the next problem. If you had difficultywith the problem, go back and read the section the problem pertains toand then do a similar problem. Repeat this procedure until you feel comfortablewith doing this type of problem.
- Do the review questions at the end of each chapter. Try to do them withoutlooking back in the text or using your notes.
- Check your answers with a friend from class. Make sure you are inagreement.
* The book often becomes a crutch for students when they study for a test. While it contains most of what's needed for the test, and should be usedto clarify points missed in class, you cannot take it with you to the test. In other words, if the book becomes an integral part of what is neededby you to answer problems, you will have difficulty during the test whereyou can not use it.