Class time is often wasted in dealing with the behavior of those not aware of the simple ground rules of academia. For the benefit of all students, the following lays out these rules explicitly.
- The following is disruptive class behavior:
- Coming late to class
- Reading newspapers during class hour
- Private conversations during class
- Leaving class early
- After absences it is the student's responsibility to obtain missed material from classmates. Exams and homework missed because of absences without prior approval or valid Olin Health Center excuse are counted as zeros.
- Students must produce carefully written documents. All writing must be in complete sentences employing standard English and mathematical symbols. Writing must be legible and neat.
- Office hours are not private lectures. Go to office hours with prepared questions and/or examples of your attempts at the material.
- All discourse is to be civil and mutually respectful.
- Study groups are encouraged. However all work not designated as group work must be substantially the student's own work. It is a fundamental rule in academia that another's work must be acknowledged.*
- The text for the course is the primary resource. Read each assigned section carefully. Not all points from a section may be mentioned during lecture.
- Students are responsible for prerequisites. Likewise, material given in a course is not to be immediately discarded at course end -- you are now responsible for this material in later courses and career.
* The University's policy concerning academic integrity is covered in theSpartan Life booklet, General Student Regulations. According to thehandbook:
- "no student shall claim or submit the work of another as one's own"
For more information about this and other scholarship issues, please consult the handbook or visit the Spartan Life web sites at
John McCarthy