Abstract of E. Irmak's Thesis
Superinjective Simplicial Maps of Complexes of Curves and Injective Homomorphisms of Subgroups of Mapping Class Groups, Ph. D. Thesis, Michigan State University, 2002
Let S be a closed, connected, orientable surface of genus at least 3, C(S) be the complex of curves on S and ModS* be the extended mapping class group of S. We prove that a simplicial map, l : C(S) -> C(S), preserves nondisjointness (i.e. if a and b are two vertices in C(S) such that i(a, b) ≠ 0, then i(l(a), l(b)) ≠ 0) iff it is induced by a homeomorphism of S. As a corollary, we prove that if K is a finite index subgroup of ModS* and f : K -> ModS* is an injective homomorphism, then f is induced by a homeomorphism of S and f has a unique extension to an automorphism of ModS*.