The variety of two-step loop-complexes isthe set of pairs of matrices {(X,Y) | XY = 0, YX = 0}.Using the construction of Lusztig [4], we show that this varietyis isomorphic to an open subset of a Schubert variety for the loop group of GLn(C). As an application, we give an explicitBott-Samelson resolution of the loop-complex variety.
Let F: = C((t)), the field of formal Laurent seriesf(t) = åi ³ Naj tj with aj Î C; and A: = C[[t]], the ring of formal Taylor series.Fix a positive integer n, and define the loop groupG = GLn(C)Ù: = GLn(F),the group of invertible n×n matrices with coefficientsin F.
Let V: = Fn, a vector space over F with a naturalaction of G. Let e1,¼, en denote the standardF-basis of V, and for c Î Z,define ei+nj: = tj ei, so that {ei}i Î Zis a C-basis of V. With respect to these bases, we may write an element v Î V either as a column vectorv = [a1,¼,an]T with coefficients ai Î F,or as an infinite column vector[¼,a-1,a0,a1,a2,¼]T with coefficients ai Î C. (Here T means transpose.)We will sometimes think of a matrix g Î G as a listof column vectors: g = (v1,¼,vn).
An A-lattice L Ì V is the A-submodule L = Av1żÅAvn, where {v1,¼,vn} is an F-basis of V.The standard A-lattice is: E: = SpanAáe1, ¼enñ = SpanCáeiñi ³ 1,and we let Ek: = SpanCáeiñi ³ k.
The affine Grassmannian Gr(V) is the spaceof all A-lattices of V. Clearly Gr(V) is ahomogeneous space with respect to the obvious actionof G, and the stabilizer of the standard lattice Eis the maximal parabolic P: = GLn(A), the subgroup of matrices X with coefficients in A such that detX = a0+a1 t+¼ with a0 ¹ 0.Thus G/P @ Gr(V), and a matrix with column vectors(v1,¼,vn) Î G corresponds to the latticewith basis áv1,¼,vnñ.
Let a,b be positive integers with a+b = n.The partial affine flag varietyFl(a,b;V) is the space of all pairs of latticesL· = (L1,L2)such that L1 É L2 É tL1 anddimC(L1/L2) = a, dimC(L2/tL1) = b.We write these conditions concisely as:
Now let S¥ be the group of bijections p:Z®Z,and let t:i® i+n be a shift bijection. Define the disconnected Weyl group W ~ Ì S¥ to be the subgroupof bijections which commute with t: that is, W ~ : = {p Î S¥ | pt = tp}.Clearly, any permutation of [1,n] extends in a unique way to an element of W ~ . Furthermore, any element p Î W ~ is equivalent to a sequence of integers[p(1),¼,p(n)] such that -p-:i® -p(i)-defines a permutation of [1,n],where -m-: = m mod n. For example, we denotet = [n+1,n+2,¼,2n].
We may embed the W ~ Ì G.For p Î W ~ we let p act F-linearly on V by p(ei): = ep(i). The correspondingmatrix is the affine permutation matrix (aij)with a-p-(i),i = tci, where p(i) = -p-(i)+nci.For example, we may identify t = diag(t,¼,t),
Define the simple reflections s0,¼,sn-1 in W ~ by si(i) = i+1, si(i+1) = i, and si(j) = j for j not º i, i+1 mod n. We denote sn: = s0,and more generally si+nj: = si.Then s0,¼,sn-1 are involutionsgenerating a subgroup W Ì W ~ and satisfying theCoxeter relations (si si+1)3 = id for 0 £ i £ n-1, and (si sj)2 = id otherwise.We have a semi-directproduct W ~ = ásñ |×W. Here s:i® i+1 is the shift operator, whichacts on W via the outer automorphism:ssis-1 = si+1.
By Gaussian elimination, we establish theparabolic Bruhat decomposition of G into double Pa-cosets:G = -|-|-p Î Wa\W ~ /Wa PapPa, where we consider each p as an affine permutationmatrix, and Wa = ás1,¼,sa-1,sa+1,¼,snñ.We have the corresponding decomposition ofthe affine flag varietyFl(a,b;V) = -|-|-p Î Wa\W ~ /Wa Xpinto Schubert cells X°p: = Pa· pE·,where pE· = (pE(1) É pE(2)) is a translation of the standard flag.
The Schubert cells can be defined by Schubert conditions:
For any Schubert variety Xp,we define a certain affine open subset, the opposite cell X¢p Ì Xp.First we deal with the special case p Î W Ì W ~ .Let E¢(1): = SpanCáeiñi £ 0and E¢(2): = SpanCáeiñi £ acomplementary spaces to E(1),E(2), and define X¢p Ì Xp as the set of L· Î Xp such that LiÇE¢(i) = 0 for i = 1,2. For example, E· Î X¢p for any p Î W.Next, for the general case of p Î sk W, we letX¢p: = { L· Î Xp | LiÇsk E¢(i) = 0 for i = 1,2};so that skE· Î X¢p.
For positive integers a £ b, we consider the variety of two-step loop-complexes:
Now, L is a subvariety of the representations of the affine quiver AÙ1;a subvariety which is invariant under the natural action of the group GLa,b(C): = GLa(C)×GLb(C), namely(ga,gb)·(X,Y): = (gbXga-1,gaYgb-1).We easily see that L is a finite union of GLa,b(C)-orbits. In fact, Lhas exactly a+1 open orbits L°0,¼,L°a, whose closures give the a+1 irreducible components of L:
We define an isomorphism from L to a union of opposite cells of Schubertvarieties in Fl(a,b;V), where V = Fn and n = a+b. Our notation will emphasizethe block decomposition V = FaÅFb,as well as:
We easily deduce:
| ì ï ï í ï ï î | L·Î Fl(a,b;V) | ê ê ê ê ê ê ê |
| ü ï ï ý ï ï þ |
Lc @ Y(Lc) @ | ì ï ï ï í ï ï ï î | U· Î Fl(b,a,b;Ca+2b) | ê ê ê ê ê ê ê ê |
| ü ï ï ï ý ï ï ï þ |
We wish to identify the image of Lc as the opposite cell of an affine Schubert variety,
To analyze the decomposition of p into simple reflections,we construct the loop wiring diagram of p.That is, the strip below represents a cylinder (identify thetop and bottom edges) with n = a+b dots on either end.For each i we write p(i) = -p-(i)+nj, and we draw a wire connecting the dot ion the right to the dot -p-(i) on the left,but looping upwards (around the cylinder) j times.We will group the wires into five cables correspondingto our blocks i,...,v (on the right)and i¢,¼,v¢ (on the left),so that the cable starting at i represents cnon-crossing wires, etc. As a final simplification,instead of drawing the diagram for p, we instead draw the diagram for t-1p(a harmless normalization, since t is in the center ofW ~ ).
Whenever a cable with k wires crossesone with k¢ wires, we have a total of kk¢ wirecrossings. Thus the six cable-crossings of our picturegive a wire-crossing total of: Now we may write a reduced decomposition for pas follows. For integers i,k, define the affine permutation si[k]: = si si-2¼si-2k+2, which has kmutually commuting factors. Recall our conventionsi+nj: = si. For each cable crossing: We can use the above data to give a Bott-Samelsonresolution of singularities for Lc. Although this is clearly far from a minimal resolution,it brings the loop complexes into the framework of Frobenius splittings and other results forBott-Samelson varieties. In particular, thesingularities of Lc are rational, effective line bundles are acyclic, etc. The construction of the affine Bott-Samelson varietyZi corresponding to a reduced word i = (i1,¼,il)is exactly analogous to (and includesas a special case) the construction for GLn(C).It is best illustrated by an example. Let us take c = 1, a = 2, b = 3, n = 5 so that each ofthe blocks i,¼,v hassize 1, and our cable diagram in the previoussection is a simple wiring diagram.Then p = s1 s3 s4 s3 s0 s2,and the Bott-Samelson variety is: We can definea regular, birational map of Zionto Xp byforgetting all the spaces except (L1,L3). This map is genericallyone-to-one because generically all the spacesare determined by L1, L3: that is,L2 = L1Ç E1, L5 = tL1+tE1, etc.To desingularize the opposite cell X¢p @ Lc, we consider the subset of Zi whereL1, L3 are generic with respect to the opposite standard flag E¢1, E¢3. For general a,b,c, the diagram of inclusionsdefining Zi is closely related to thedual graph of the wiring diagram of p.l(p) = (a-c)2+c2+(a-c)(b-a)+2c(a-c)+c(b-a) = ab ,
(j) \ / / \
(k) si+1[j,k] : = si+k[1]si+k+1[2]¼si+k+m[min(m,j,k)]¼si+j+k[min(j,k)]¼si+j+m¢[min(m¢,j,k)]¼si+j+1[2]si+j[1]. p = t s1[a-c,c] sa+1[b-a,c] sb+1[a-c,c] sa+1[a-c,b-a] sb+a-c+1[c,c] sc+1[a-c,a-c] , 4 Bott-Samelson resolution
Zi : = ì
î(L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L¢4) Î Gr(V)6 ê
ê E4 / \ E1 ¬ E2 ¬ E3 ¬ L¢4 ¬ E5 ¬ tE1 \ / \ \ / L1 ¬ L2 ¬ L3 ¬ L4 ¬ L5 <¬ tL1 ü
þ. References
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