MTH 411 | Abstract Algebra II | Fall 2023 |
INSTRUCTOR: Peter Magyar,,
tel. 353-6330
Grader: Wachirawit Chaifongsri
DROP-IN HOURS: Mon, Wed, Fri 12:30-1:30pm in Wells D-326
and on Zoom
I'm also available after class & by appointment.
Check if I'm in anytime at 353-6330 or Zoom.
LECTURE: Lecture: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:20−11:10pm in Wells A-228 and live stream on Zoom
TEXT: Audrey Terras, Abstract Algebra with Applications (required), from Amazon, Cambridge, Google.
Quiz+Hand-In | 150 |
Midterm exam | 100 |
Final exam | 150 |
Total | 400 points |
Tentative Grade Scale: ≥90% = 4.0 , ≥85% = 3.5 , ≥ 80% = 3.0 , ≥75% = 2.5 , ≥70 = 2.0 , ≥ 60 = 1.0.
QUIZZES: First 5 minutes of each class, with questions based on the previous lecture's daily homework problems. I will assume you have done the problems, so that you can do a similar quiz problem quickly.
There will be approximately 40 quizzes, each counting 3 or 4 course points. Missed quizzes will count as zero, and I do not normally give makeups. However, I will add 12 points free (out of 150) to the quiz total to allow for a few absences.
Quiz grades (together with Hand-In HW) collectively count as much as the Final Exam. If you fail several quizzes, you are headed for failing the course, and should arrange with me to get help.
HAND-IN HOMEWORK: I will sometimes post homework problems to hand in, clearly marked with due dates. These will count together with the Quiz grades.
DAILY HOMEWORK: Posted after each lecture on the Course Page, with solutions.
I will not collect the daily homework, but it is the crucial part of the course. Quiz and test problems will be difficult to impossible unless you have already done the corresponding homework problem. Only look at the solution after a serious effort. If you need the solutions for most problems, you should arrange with me to get help.
To repeat: the key to success in this course is to solve (not just read solutions to) all the problems on the daily HW. You cannot learn mathematics by watching it any more than learning a sport: you must practice it yourself.
MIDTERM EXAM: Tentatively Oct 20, in class.
FINAL EXAM: Fri Dec 15 morning at 7:45-9:45am in Wells A-228 (lecture room)