§4.1 Elementary Row Operations
As has been mentioned in class, there are three different types of elementary row operation. They are as follows:Type 1:
Multiply row i by a constant c.Type 2:
Exchange row i and row j.Type 3:
Add a multiple of row i to row j.For a simple example, let us consider the matrix [ 1 2 3; 4 5 6 ; 7 8 9]. If we apply a type 1 operation to row 2, with constant 3, we get the matrix [ 1 2 3; 12 15 18 ; 7 8 9 ]. If we apply operation 2 to rows 1 and 2 then we obtain [ 4 5 6 ; 1 2 3 ; 7 8 9 ]. And if we add 3 times row 2 to row 3 we obtain [ 1 2 3; 4 5 6 ; 19 23 27 ]. Associated with each elementary row operation is an elementary matrix which is obtained by performing the elementary row operation on the identity matrix. So elementary matrices give us a way of storing information about row operations.
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Exercise 4.1
What are the elementary matrices associated with the above operations?
§4.2 Finding Inverses
As you have also seen in class, it is possible to use row reduction to find the inverse of a matrix. In this section, we are going to verify this using MATLAB, and we are also going to see what happens if we attempt this on a matrix which is not invertible.Enter the following matrix:
>>A = [ 3 3 6 ; 5 9 3 ; 9 -7 10 ]
Now we are going to see what happens if we attempt the above on a singular matrix.
§4.3 LU-Factorization
Let A be a matrix. Then it is possible to find a lower-triangular matrix L and an upper-triangular matrix U such that A = LU. For a more in-depth discussion of how this factorization is obtained see section 2.5 in Linear Algebra and its Applications by David C. Lay. We need not worry too much about how the factorization is obtained, since we are going to use MATLAB to compute them for us, using the function lu().This function can be executed in a few different ways; below are the two we are going to use. Let A be a matrix. Then typing
>> [L,U] = lu(A)
will return a lower-triangular matrix L with its rows permuted (possibly), and an upper-triangular matrix U such that A = LU. Typing
>> [L, U, P] = lu(A)
will return a lower-triangular matrix L; an upper-triangular matrix U; and a permutation matrix P such that PA = LU. If you do not know what a permutation matrix is then do not worry - you will still be able to complete this lab.
§4.4 Solving Ax=b
We have already seen that if A is non-singular then we can row reduce the matrix [ A b ] to obtain the solution. It is also possible to first find L and U such that A = LU, then solve Ly = b and Ux = y. The second thing seems a great deal more cumbersome--let us see why it is not:Let us see how using rref() compares to using LU-factorization with regards to execution time and accuracy.
To calculate execution time we are going to use the MATLAB function clock which, when called, gives the contents of the computer clock at that moment; and the function etime(x,y) which calculates the time elapsed between time y and time x, in seconds.
Instead of constructing a program which uses LU-factorization to solve Ax=b we are going to make use of the fact that there is already a built-in program which does just that. Typing the following
>> A\b
returns the solution (if it exists) computed using LU -factorization.
To compare the accuracy of the solutions we are going to use the MATLAB function norm() to compute the 'distance' between b and Ax; and b and Ay . The solution which is 'further' away is less accurate.
Exercise 4.8 | |
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Ask MATLAB to compute >> norm(b-Ax) and >> norm(b-Ay) |
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(b) Which method is more accurate? Repeat the experiment for a few different N. How does the accuracy vary with N? |
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