MTH 124: Survey of Calculus I, Section 2
We meet MWF 9:10-10:00 AM in A326 Wells Hall. My office hours are MWF 1:30-2:30PM in C320 Wells Hall.
Course description and location:
"Study of limits, continuous functions, derivatives, integrals and their applications."
Important dates
- WebWork is due every few days, so check it regularly.
- Exam 1 is Friday, February 15 in class. It covers all the sections from class up through section 3.6.
- Exam 2 is Friday, March 29 in class. It is cumulative and covers what we learned up through section 5.3.
- The Final Exam is Tuesday, April 30 from 10AM-12PM in A230 Wells Hall. It is also cumulative.
Uniform course website
Syllabus The only additional information I have to add to the syllabus is that I will be traveling the second week of class. You will have a substitute.
Additional Resources
- Please feel free to email me at gilulama at math dot msu dot edu.
- I will make a list of practice problems before each exam for additional practice outside of WebWork.
- More will be posted as the course progresses.