Curriculum Vitae

Contact information

Name: Fedor L'vovich Nazarov
Department of Mathematics (Wells Hall),Michigan State University,East Lansing, Michigan, 48824, USA
Phone: (517)-353-3830
962, Touraine Ave.,East Lansing, Michigan, 48823, USA
Residence phone: (517)-355-5778

Scientific Degrees

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Ph.D.); obtained from St.-Petersburg State University, Russia in 1993

Diploma of Mathematician Summa Cum Laude (M.S.); obtained from St.-Petersburg State University, Russia in 1989


Local Estimates For Exponential Polynomials And Their ApplicationsTo Inequalities Of The Uncertainty Principle Type

(click here to see the abstract).


Professor Vicktor Petrovich Havin

Personal Data

Born on September 8, 1967
Married, one daughter
Citizen of Russian Federation, permanent resident of the USA.


1994 - 1995 Research Scholar
School of Mathematics,Institute for Advanced Study,Princeton, NJ, USA
1995 - 1997 Visiting Instructor
Department of Mathematics,Michigan State University,East Lansing, MI, USA
1997 - present Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics,Michigan State University,East Lansing, MI, USA
1992 - present Assistant Professor
(on leave since 1994)
Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,St.-Petersburg State University,Leningrad, Russia

Principal Fields of Interest

Harmonic analysis, Fourier series, Combinatorial geometry.

Teaching Experience

1982 -- 1992
 Teaching of optional courses and summer mathematical schools for talented schoolchildren in Russia.
1989 -- 1994
 Regular teaching of analysis at St-Petersburg State University, Teaching for special advanced group at the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of St.-Petersburg State University. Courses given:  measure theory, complex analysis, calculus of  several real  variables, harmonic analysis and Fourier series.
 Teaching at Michigan State University. Courses given: undergraduate: traditional and Harvard project reform calculus; graduate: advanced complex analysis, measure theory.

Honors and Awards

Prize of the St.-Petersburg Mathematical Society for the best young mathematician of 1993.
Salem prize of 1999


Visiting Professor in IHES (Bures-sur-Yvette, France) June 1994 - August 1994 by invitation of Professor J. Bourgain.
Visiting Professor in University Cergy-Pontoise (Paris, France)May 1997 - June 1997 by invitation of ProfessorF. Lust-Piquard.

Membership in professional societies

Member of theSt.-Petersburg Mathematical Society(St.-Petersburg, Russia)since 1992.

Member of AMS, 1996-1997

Colloquia and invited lectures




