MA 262: Linear Algebra and Differential Equations

Spring 2020, sections 525, 570

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At the beginning of the class, you should hand in the hand-written homework that is due that week. Each class, we will go over some of the problems from homework: either the hand-written homework or online homework for lessons already covered in the lecture. In the last 20 minutes of the class, there will be a quiz based on the material covered that week, i.e. on Tuesday and Thursday lectures in the week of the class.

Online homework 4 problem 9.

Exam 1 solution.

Past quizzes list

Quiz 1 Solution
Quiz 2 Solution
Quiz 3 Solution
Quiz 4 Solution
Quiz 5 Solution
Quiz 6 Solution
Quiz 7 Solution
Quiz 8 Solution

At this point, the class switched to an online setting due to the COVID19 pandemic. For more information about the program for the rest of the semester, see the websites of the lecturers:

Donatella Danielli (lecturer)

Jianlin Xia (course coordinator)