MTH 481
Discrete Mathematics I
Spring 2025
1a. We can think of a line as a list of the 6 students, with no repeats. The first person in line can be any of the 6 students, the second person any of the remaining 5, etc. By the Multiplication Principle, the answer is 6×5×4×3×2×1 = 6! = 720 possibilities. There is only 1 alphabetical ordering, so the probability of getting it is 1 / 720.
1b. This is a list of 3 students from the 6, with no repeats. We can choose the president to be any of the 6, the vice-president from the remaining 5, etc., so the number of possibilities is 63 = 6×5×4 =120.
1c. Let S be the set of 6 students. For the first problem, let:
For the second problem, let A = { (a,b,c) s.t. a,b,c ∈ S and a ≠ b, a ≠ c, b ≠ c }; that is, the set whose elements are triples of distinct elements of S.
2a. The first digit can be 1, . . . ,9, the rest can be 0,1, . . . ,9, so there are 9×10×10×10 = 9000.
2b. The first digit can be 1, . . . ,9, the second can be 0,1, . . . ,9 but different from the first digit, etc., so there are 9×9×8×7 = 4536.
2c. 4536 / 9000 ≈ 50.4%.
3a. A result is a list of 10 heads or tails, so the possibilities are 210 = 1024. There is only one way to get all heads, so the probability is 1 / 1024.
3b. There is 1 way to get no tails and 10 ways to get exactly one tail, so the probability is 11 / 1024, about 1%.
3c. This is the complement of 3(b), all lists of 10 tosses which do not contain at most one tail. Thus the probability of this case is: (1024−11) / 1024 = 1 − 11/1024 ≈ 99%.
4a. We have A∪B = {a,b,c}, A∩B = {b}, A ∖ B = {a}, A×B = {(a,b), (a,c), (b,b), (b,c)}
4b. A has 4 subsets {a,b}, {a}, {b}, {}. B has 4 subsets {b,c}, {b}, {c}, {}. The set A×B has 16 subsets, for example {(a,b), (b,b), (b,c)}. Can you find a general rule predicting how many subsets a set will have?
4c. T = A3 = A×A×A = {(x,y,z) with x,y,z ∈ A}. Since A has two elements, there are 23 = 8 elements of T.
4d. R3 = R×R×R = {(x,y,z) with x,y,z ∈ R}, the set of possible coordinates for the points of space.
4e. Usually, no: S×T is a set whose elements are pairs (s,t), which are different from individual elements s∈S. For example:
|A ∖ (B1∪ · · · ∪Br)| | = | |A| − ∑1≤i ≤ r |Bi| + ∑1 ≤ i < j ≤ r |Bi ∩ Bj| |
− ∑1 ≤ i < j < k ≤ r |Bi ∩ Bj ∩ Bk| + · · · + (−1)r |B1 ∩ · · · ∩ Br| |
Because of the limitations of browser graphics, I write (n choose k) horizontally as (n | k). In your handwritten solutions, use the standard vertical notation.
1a. Basic Problem 3: Choose a set of 5 out of 20. Ans: (20 | 5) = 205 / 5! = 20×19×18×17×16 / 5×4×3×2 = 15504. Try computing a few of these on a calculator, then on a spreadsheet using the FACTORIAL and/or BINOMIAL functions.
1b. First choose 5 from 20, then 5 from the remaining 15. Ans: (20 | 5) (15 | 5) = 46558512.
2. A list of 4 increasing digits corresponds to a set of 4 digits chosen from {1, . . . ,9}, since a set (without order) can always be written in increasing order. For example {2,3,5,9} corresponds to 2359. Ans: (9 | 4) = 94/4! = 126.
3a. A hand is choice of 5 unordered objects from 52, an example of Basic Problem 3: the number of possible hands is:
3c. A hand like {6♠, 6♥, J♦, J♥, 8♠} corresponds to
the following choices: a set of two face values {6,J} from the possible 13,
then another face value (8) from the remaining 11;
then a set of two suits {♠,♥} from 4 for the smaller pair and two suits {♦,♥} for the larger pair, and finally a suit ♠ for the last card.
Ans: (13 | 2) (13−2) (4 | 2) (4 | 2) 4 = 123552.
Note: The face values for the two pairs are interchangeable, forming a set {6,J} = {J,6},
since 6,6,J,J is the same two pairs as J,J,6,6.
3d. Choose a face value for the triple, then a different one for the pair; then choose a set of 3 suits and a set of 2 suits.
Ans: 13 (13−1) (4 | 3) (4 | 2) = 3744.
Note: Order matters for the choice of face values, forming a list (6,J) ≠ (J,6),
since 6,6,6,J,J is a different full house from J,J,J,6,6.
3e. Choose the low face-value of the straight: A or 2 or 3 or . . . or 10, then choose the 5 suits arbitrarily, but exclude all suits the same (4 cases). Ans: 10 (45 − 4) = 10200.
4. Of the 15 steps, choose which 5 are north (the other 10 must be east). Ans: (15 | 5) = 3003.
5a. Given a lineup of balls, record the positions of the black balls. The example ◦ ◦ • ◦ • • ◦ ◦ corresponds to the set {3,5,6}, since there is a black ball in the 3rd, 5th, and 6th positions. This gives a 1-to-1 correspondence between the ball lineups and 3-element subsets of {1,2, . . . ,8}. Ans: (8 | 3) = 56.
5b. Think of the 5 white balls as having 6 spaces between them (including the two end spaces), and choose which 3 of these spaces are occupied by a black ball. Ans: (6 | 3) = 20.
6a. First choose 5 from 20, then 5 from the remaining 15, then 5 from the remaining 10, leaving 5 for the last team. Ans: (20 | 5) (15 | 5) (10 | 5) = 11732745024 . (I computed using Wolfram Alpha, which understands a command like binom(20,5).) This is the same as splitting the 20 players into four subsets of size 5, so it is the multinomial coefficient (20 | 5,5,5,5).
6b. Similar to part (a), giving (20 | 5) (15 | 5). Choosing 5-person teams A and B leaves 10 students in a third set, so this is the same as (20 | 5,5,10).
6c. To see that the above answers give the formula, write the choose numbers as: (n | k) = n! / k! (n−k)!. Then in part (b), we see by cancellation that:
set | {1,2,3} | {1,2,4} | {1,2,5} | {1,3,4} | {1,3,5} | {1,4,5} | {2,3,4} | {2,3,5} | {2,4,5} | {3,4,5} |
1. (redo 2.) Four-digit numbers with increasing digits:
1. (redo 3a.) Any 5-card hands: (52 | 5) without transform.
1. (redo 3b.) One pair hands: done in problem example.
1. (redo 3c.) Two-pair hands:
1. (redo 3d.) Full house hands:
1. (redo 3e.) Straight hands. Face values determined by low card:
1 . (redo 4.) Walks 5 blocks N, 10 blocks E. Positions of N's:
1. (redo 5a.) Row of 5 white & 3 black balls. Positions of black balls:
1. (redo 5b.) Row of 5 white & 3 black balls, no black balls adjacent. White balls make 6 gap positions, 1◦2◦3◦4◦5◦6, choose 3 gaps with a black ball:
2. Consider the data: lists of 7 H's or T's with 3 or 4 H's total. These cannot be counted directly by the Multiplication Principle, so we transform them into equivalent data which is easier to count, using the Position Transform (see the Notes). That is, we record the positions of the H's, turning a list like (H,T,T,H,T,H,T) into the set {1,4,6} inside {1,2, . . . ,7}. For lists with 3 H's, we get all sets of 3 positions out of 7, giving a count of (7 | 3). Similarly, there are (7 | 4) lists with 4 H's. The Multiplication Principle gives 27 for the number of tosses with any number of H's, so the probability is ( (7 | 3) + (7 | 4) ) / 27 = (35 + 35) / 128 = 35/64, a little better than even chance.
3. Count all subsets of an n-element set, S ⊂ [n]. For n = 3, we have the 8 subsets S = {}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}, {1,2,3}. Reverse Position Transformation changes the sets S into lists L = (a1, a2, a3) with ai = 0 or 1. The elements of S give the positions of the 1's.
set S | {} | {1} | {2} | {3} | {1,2} | {1,3} | {2,3} | {1,2,3} |
list L | 0 0 0 | 1 0 0 | 0 1 0 | 0 0 1 | 1 1 0 | 1 0 1 | 0 1 1 | 1 1 1 |
4. Given an anagram like SPSPSSIIMII with letters I,M,P,S, the positions of the I's are {7,8,10,11}, the position of the M is {9}, etc., partitioning the position set [11] = {1, 2, . . . , 11} into subsets:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
S | P | S | P | S | S | I | I | M | I | I
| |
Next we apply the Position Transform to the beans-and-bins sequence of O's and |'s, recording which n − 1 of the k + n − 1 symbols are | ; this is a subset of n − 1 positions chosen from k + n − 1 . In the above example k + n − 1 = 11 :
Conclusion: the multi-sets counted by ((n | k)) are in one-to-one correspondence with the sets counted by (k+n−1 | n−1), meaning that these numbers are equal. Alternatively, we could choose the k positions of the O's, giving a correspondence with (k + n − 1 | k) . Thus:
1. Ans: ((4 | 10)) = (4+10−1 | 10) = 286.
M | 111 | 112 | 113 | 122 | 123 | 133 | 222 | 223 | 233 | 333 |
B | 00011 | 00101 | 00110 | 01001 | 01010 | 01100 | 10001 | 10010 | 10100 | 11000 |
S | 123 | 124 | 125 | 134 | 135 | 145 | 234 | 235 | 245 | 345 |
4a. A solution like (a,b,c) = (4,5,1) corresponds to a multiset {1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3}, in which there are 4 ones, 5 twos and 1 three. Ans: ((3 | 10)) = (12 | 10) = (12 | 2) = 66.
4b. A configuration is determined by the triple (d,m,s), the number of defenders, midfielders, and strikers, with d+m+s = 10. Ans: ((3 | 10)) = 66.
4c. Since 1 goalie, 2 defenders, 2 midfielders, 2 strikers are fixed, the remaining 4 members are determined by (d,m,s) with d+m+s = 4. Ans: ((3 | 4)) = (6 | 4) = 15.
1a. Ways to order 10 distinct objects. Basic Problem #1: 10!
1b. Lists of 10 independent entry grades, each with 5 choices. Multiplication Principle: 510
1c. Multi-sets of 10 grades of 5 kinds (with repeats). Requiring increasing order is the same as saying order is irrelevant, since switching the order does not give a new case to count. Basic Problem #4: ((5 | 10)) = (5+10−1 | 10) = (14 | 10) = (14 | 4) = 14×13×12×11 / 4×3×2.
1d. Sets of 3 names out of 10 (order irrelevant). Basic Problem #3: (10 | 3).
1e. Lists of 3 distinct names from 10 (pen-winner, pencil-winner, skittles-winner). Basic Problem #2: 103.
1f. Lists of 3 independent names with 10 choices for each. Multiplication Principle: 103.
1g. The Position Transformation shows this is (10 | 6) = 210.
1h. An arrangement of rings is a list of 10 whole numbers adding up to 6. By the Multiplicity Transform, this corresponds to multi-sets of 6 elements of 10 kinds (think of each ring as a choice of finger 1,2, . . . ,10, with repetition allowed). Ans: ((10 | 6)) = (15 | 6) = 5005.
2a. See HHM p. 139, or Wolfram Alpha.
2b. The triangle is more efficient for computing a whole row, while the formula is better if you only need one value.
2c. The formula (n | k) = n! / k!(n−k)! is very inefficient, since n! is usually much larger than nk. However, this formula is useful for seeing the properties of (n | k), as in the next problem.
2d. There is a left-right mirror symmetry in the entries, which can be proved by noting that (n | k) = n! / k!(n−k)! whereas:
2e. See HHM p. 139.
2f. (n | 0) + (n | 1) + ··· + (n | n) = 2n for all n, which follows from the Binomial Theorem next time.
2g. The left side counts all subsets S ⊂ [n] of any size k = 0, 1, . . . , n. The right side counts length n bit-strings (a1, . . . , am) where ai = 0 or 1. The Position Transform gives a bijection between these.
2h. (n | 0) − (n | 1) + ··· ± (n | n) = 0 for all n ≥ 1, which also follows from the Binomial Theorem.
1a. A sequence of 8 independent choices, with 2 outcomes for each. Multiplication Principle: 28 = 256.
1b. A sequence of 8 binary choices, with 5 steps and 3 stays. Position Transformation into Basic Problem 3: (8 | 5) = (8 | 3) = 56.
1c. A sequence of 8 whole numbers adding up to 5, (n1, . . . , n8) with ni ≥ 0 and n1 + ··· + n8 = 5. The Multiplicity Transformation turns this into arrangements of 5 beans in 8 bins, Basic Problem 4: ((8 | 5)) = (5+8−1 | 5) = (12 | 5) = 792.
1d. Consider the Many-Step game from (c). Moving 18 steps in 8 turns is equivalent to 8 numbers ni ≥ 1 whose sum is 18:
However, there is one more restriction: the Dice-Roll Game also excludes step sizes n ≥ 7, or m = n−1 ≥ 6. We remove these bad cases with negative counting. A bad step m = 6,7,8,9,10 can occur in just one of the 8 turns, leaving 10−m steps in the 7 remaining turns. Thus the answer is:
2b. For example,
3a. Substituting x = y = 1 in the Binomial Theorem gives:
2n = (1+1)n = (n | 0)1n + (n | 1)1n−11 + ··· + (n | n)1n.
For a transformation proof, recall that the left side counts binary strings of length n (whether each k ∈ [n] is in or out of a subset S), and the right side counts subsets S ⊂ [n] of any size. These are related by the Position Transform.
3b. Substituting x = 1, y = −1 in the Binomial Theorem gives:
4b. Here we use 3 rows (instead of columns) corresponding to the terms in the identity (6 | 3) = (5 | 2) + (5 | 3).
(6|3) | S | {1,2,3} | {1,2,4} | {1,2,5} | {1,2,6} | {1,3,4} | {1,3,5} | {1,3,6} | {1,4,5} | {1,4,6} | {1,5,6} | {2,3,4} | {2,3,5} | {2,3,6} | {2,4,5} | {2,4,6} | {2,5,6} | {3,4,5} | {3,4,6} | {3,5,6} | {4,5,6} |
(5|2) | S' | {1,2} | {1,3} | {1,4} | {1,5} | {2,3} | {2,4} | {2,5} | {3,4} | {3,5} | {4,5} | ||||||||||
(5|3) | S' | {1,2,3} | {1,2,4} | {1,2,5} | {1,3,4} | {1,3,5} | {1,4,5} | {2,3,4} | {2,3,5} | {2,4,5} | {3,4,5} |
5. In the equation (x+y)5 = (x+y)4x + (x+y)4y, expand (x+y)4 using the n = 4 case of the Binomial Theorem, then multiply out and collect terms. Finally, apply the Pascal recurrence (4 | k) + (4 | k−1) = (5 | k) to obtain the Binomial Theorem for n = 5.
1. The pairwise intersections involve choosing 2 of the 4 sets B1, . . . ,B4, and there are (4 | 2) = 6 ways to do this. Similarly, there are (4 | 3) triple intersections, and (4 | 4) = 1 quadruple intersection. The first two terms have (4 | 0) = 1 term |A| with no Bi's, and (4 |1) = 4 terms with a single Bi. Hence the total number of terms is: (4 | 0) + (4 | 1) + … + (4 | 4) = 24 = 16. Similar reasoning holds in general: for r bad sets, the PIE formula has 2r terms, since the terms are intersections in which each bad set B1, . . . , Br is either present or absent.
2a. The Position Transformation (taking bit-strings to sets) reduces this to Basic Problem 3. Ans: (10 | 6) = 210.
2b. An arrangement of rings is a list of 10 whole numbers adding up to 6. By the Multiplicity Transform, this corresponds to multi-sets of elements of 10 kinds (think of each ring as a choice of finger 1,2, . . . ,10, with repetition allowed), which is Basic Problem 4. Ans: ((10 | 6)) = (15 | 6) = 5005.
2c. To count B1 = {arrangements with at least 2 rings on right thumb}, begin by putting 2 rings on the right thumb, then distribute the remaining 4 rings on any of the 10 fingers (including extras on the right thumb). Thus, |B1| = ((10 | 4)), and the same for |B2|. Ans:
2f. PIE with A = {arrangements of A,B,C,D,E,F on 10 fingers, at most 1 per finger} and
B1 = {arrangements with D on left thumb},
B2 = {arrangements with D on right thumb},
B3 = {arrangements with E on left thumb},
B4 = {arrangements with E on right thumb}.
Ans: 106 − 4×95 + 2×84.
Positive counting: There are 8 choices for D, 7 for E, 8 for A, 7 for B, 6 for C, and 5 for F. Ans: 8×7×84.
3a. A job roster is a list of all the jobs in some order, which is Basic Problem 1. Ans: 6! .
3b. Note |B1| = 5! since we assign the remaining 5 jobs to 5 people. Similarly for the rest of the terms in PIE formula. Ans: 6! − 3×5! + 3×4! -3!
3c. PIE with A = {all job rosters}, B1 = {P1 doing J1}, B2 = {P1 doing J2}, B3 = {P2 doing J3}, B4 = {P2 doing J4}.
Then |B1| = 1×5×4×3×2×1, figuring the number of choices for Person 1, Person 2, etc. Similarly for |B2| , |B3|, |B4|.
Also |B1∩B3| = 1×1×4×3×2×1 , and similarly for |B1∩B4|,
|B2∩B3|, |B2∩B4|, but |B1∩B2| = |B3∩B4| = 0. All triple intersections are empty.
Ans: 6! − 4×5! + 4×4!
4a. This is the city-street problem from previous HW. The Position Transform turns a path like ENNNEENE, a list of 8 steps with 4 N's and 4 E's, into a set S ⊂ [8] with |S| = 4, so there are (8 | 4) = 70 such paths.
4b. A path from (0,0) to (4,4) containing (2,3) splits into a path from (0,0) to (2,3), and another from (2,3) to (4,4). The first paths are counted by (5 | 2), and the second paths by (4−2 + 4−3 | 4−3) = (3 | 1). The total number of pairs is (5 | 2)(3 | 1) = 30.
4c. The complement of the set of (b) paths inside the set of (a) paths is counted by 70 − 30 = 40.
1. A = {all rosters}, B1 = {P1 does J1}, B2 = {P1 does J2}, B3 = {P2 does J2}, B4 = {P2 does J3}. Then all terms in PIE are zero except: |A| = 6! , |Bi| = 5! , |B1∩B3| = |B1∩B4| = |B2∩B4| = 4! . Ans: 6! − 4×5! + 3×4! .
2. PIE: A = {sets of 5 from 10}, B1 = {sets containing 1,2}, B2 = {sets containing 2,3}, B3 = {sets containing 3,4}. Clearly |A| = (10 | 5), and |Bi| = (8 | 3) since if two guests are fixed, this leaves 5−2 more to choose from 10−2. Similarly |B1∩B2| = (7 | 2), etc. Ans: (10 | 5) − (3 | 1)(8 | 3) + (7 | 2) + (6 | 1) + (7 | 2) − (6 | 1) = 126.
If you invite 1 & 2 anyway, 2 will sulk and not say a word all evening. If you invite 2 & 3, they will get into a ridiculous argument about politics. If you invite 3 & 4, don't even ask: that dude 4 is dangerous. 3a. PIE:4a. This is the model for Basic Problem 4: a handful with 18 beans of 4 kinds is a multiset of 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's. Ans: ((4 | 18)) = (21 | 18) = 1330.
4b. PIE: A = {all handfuls with 18 of 4 flavors}, Bi = {handfuls with more than 5 of the ith flavor} for i = 1,2,3,4. We can count |Bi| by first choosing 6 beans of flavor i, then choosing the remaining 12 beans of any flavor (possibly more i's).
Ans: ((4 | 18)) − (4 | 1)((4 | 12)) + (4 | 2)((4 | 6)) − (4 | 3)((4 | 0)) = 10.
We can do this positively by noting that there must be either 5 of 2 flavors & 4 of 2 flavors, or 6 of 3 flavors and 4 of 1 flavor. By the Position Transform, this makes (4 | 2) + (4 | 1) = (5 | 2) = 10.
4c. This is the same problem as (b) via the Mutiplicity Transform.
4d. This is the same problem as (c) by a shift transform. That is, given d1 + ··· + d4 = 22 with di ∈ {1,2,3,4,5,6}, transform via ai = di − 1 into a1 + ··· + a4 = 18 with ai ∈ {0,1,2,3,4,5}.
1a. See HHM p. 159. The number of multiples of k less than or equal to n is ⌊n/k⌋, where ⌊x⌋ means to round a real number x downwards to the nearest integer. Thus |B1| = ⌊100/2⌋ = 50,
|B2| = ⌊100/3⌋ = 33, etc.
The number of elements of A not divisible by 2,3,5,7 is thus:
= 99 − 50 − 33 − 20 − 14 + 16 + 10 + 7 + 6 + 4 + 2 − 3 − 2 − 1 − 0 + 0 = 21.
Adding 4 to account for 2,3,5,7 themselves, this gives 25 primes less than 100.
1b. The 25 primes less than 100 are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97 .
2a. In the original formula for dn, write out (n | k) = n! / k!(n−k)! ; then factor out n! and cancel (n−k)! in each term to get the desired formula.
2b. For both cases the answer is dn/n! ≅ 0.36788 up to many digits of accuracy.
2c. From the formula, the probabability dn/n! = 1 − 1 + 1/2! − 1/3! + ··· + (−1)n/n!, which is the first n terms of the formula for e−1 = 1/e. Since the Taylor series converges for all x, this approaches 1/e as n → ∞.
surj(n,k) = kn − (k | 1)(k−1)n + (k | 2)(k−2)n − ··· + (−1)k−1 (k | k−1)1n.
S1 ∪ ··· ∪ Sk = [n].
{1,2}∪{3,4} {1,3}∪{2,4} {1,4}∪{2,3} {2,3}∪{1,4} {2,4}∪{1,3} {3,4}∪{1,2}
{4}∪{1,2,3} {3}∪{1,2,4} {2}∪{1,3,4} {1}∪{2,3,4}.
{1,2}∪{3,4} {1,3}∪{2,4} {1,4}∪{2,3}.
1a. (x+y)3 = (xx + xy + yx + yy)(x + y) = xxx + xyx + yxx + yyx + xxy + xyy + yxy + yyy.
term | xxx | xxy | xyx | yxx | xyy | yxy | yyx | yyy |
S | {} | {3} | {2} | {1} | {2,3} | {1,3} | {1,2} | {1,2,3} |
Thus, there are clearly (3|1) terms which are algebraically equal to x2y, and (3|2) terms equal to xy2.
1b. To get (x+y)4, start with the previous result and multiply:
2a. Applying the Logical Distributive Law twice:
[0A and 0B] or [0A and 1B] or [0A and 2B] or |
[1A and 0B] or [1A and 1B] or [1A and 2B] or |
[2A and 0B] or [2A and 1B] or [2A and 2B] . |
term | 0A & 0B | 0A & 1B | 0A & 2B | 1A & 0B | 1A & 1B | 1A & 2B | 2A & 0B | 2A & 1B | 2A & 2B |
M | {} | {B} | {B,B} | {A} | {A,B} | {A,B,B} | {A,A} | {A,A,B} | {A,A,B,B} |
2b. Applying the Algebraic Distributive Law twice to expland (x0+x1+x2)2, we get a symbol-for-symbol equivalent of the above computation:
x0x0 + x0x1 + x0x2 + |
x1x0 + x1x1 + x1x2 + |
x2x0 + x2x1 + x2x2 , |
2c. (1 + (x+x2))2 = 1 + 2(x+x2) + (x+x2)2 = 1 + 2x + 2x2 + (x2 + 2xx2 + x4) = 1 + 2x + 3x2 + 2x3 + x4.
2d. The choices for each element are multiplicity 0 (absent) or 1 (present), producing the factor (1+x). For all n elements, this gives (1+x)n, where each factor represents rejecting or accepting each element into the subset.
Logic | choose object of any size | ⇔ | simple choice adding size m | or | and |
Algebra | f(x) = ∑k≥0 akxk | = | xm | + | × |
1. Step 0: Define ak as the number of handfuls with k beads, where k = 0, . . . ,12 (since there are 12 beads altogether).
Step 1:
(Choose a handful of beads) ⇔
(0G or 1G or 2G or 3G) and (0B or 1B or ··· or 4B) and (0R or 1R or ··· or 5R) .
f(x) = (1+x+x2+x3) (1+x+x2+x3+x4) (1+x+x2+x3+x4+x5)
Step 2. f(x) = 1 + 3x + 6x2 + 10x3 + 14x4 + 17x5 + 18x6 + 17x7 + 14x8 + 10x9 + 6x10 + 3x11 + x12.
Thus a6 = 18.
2a. f(x) = (1+x+···+x10) (1+x+···+x8) (1+x+···+x11)
2b. f(x) = (1+x2+x4+x6+x8+x10) (x+x3+x5+x7) (x2+x3+x5+x7+x11)
2c. f(x) = x2 (x5+x6+x7+x8) (1+x+x2+x3+x4)
3a. Step 1: For a hand of any size, choose the multiplicity of each of the 52 distinct cards C1, . . . , C52:
3c. Wolfram agrees with the count of 3,748,160 for a 5-card hand.
3d. In the expression a5 = (52 | 3)(3 | 2) + (52 | 4)(4 | 1) + (52 | 5)(5 | 0), the last term (52 | 5) clearly counts 5-card hands with no repeated cards from the 52. The middle term (52 | 4)(4 | 1) means choose 4 distinct cards from 52, then choose one of them to repeat. The term (52 | 3)(3 | 2) means choose 3 distinct cards from 52, then choose 2 of them to repeat. This covers all possibilities of 0,1, or 2 repeated cards.
3e. Similarly choose distinct cards and repeats for a6 = (52 | 3)(3 | 3) + (52 | 4)(4 | 2) + (52 | 5)(5 | 1) + (52 | 6)(6 | 0).
4. Step 0: To generalize counting 5 heads in 10 tosses, it is easier to change 5 into k, leaving the basic setup of 10 tosses fixed: ak is the number of ways to get k heads in 10 tosses. It is natural to leave the 10 tosses as a fixed setup, rather than to fix 5 heads while allowing any number k of tosses.
Step 1: (any outcome of 10 tosses) ⇔ (T1 or H1) and . . .
and (H10 or H10), where Ti means the ith toss is heads,
Hi means the ith toss is tails.
We translate Ti into x0 because a tail adds 0 to the number of heads; and we translate Hi into x1, giving:
f(x) = (x0 + x1)10
= (1 + x)10.
Step 2: Taylor's Formula in #1b above gives:
ak = 10k⁄k! = (10 | k).
The number of outcomes of 10 tosses is 210 by the Multiplication Principle, which is a simplified version of our computation of f(x) with x = 1. The probability of k heads is thus (10 | k) / 210.
The result ak = (10 | k) is explained combinatorially by the Position Transform (Notes 1/20): each outcome with k heads is equivalent to the k-element set of positions of the k heads out of the 10 possible positions.
5a. (Roll two dice) ⇔ (1 OR 2 OR . . . OR 6) AND (1 OR 2 OR . . . OR 6). Translating into algebra: f(x) = (x + x2 + ··· + x6)2. Typing this into Wolfram Alpha as: "expand (x+x^2+x^3+x^4+x^5+x^6)^2", we get:
5b. Regardless of their labels, each of the dice can land on any of their 6 faces, making 62 = 36 equally likely cases. Let sk be the number of ways to roll a total of k with Sichermann dice. For example, s3 = 2, which can appear as either of the 2's on the first die, and 1 on the second die. Using similar reasoning as before, the generating function is:
5c. Similar to part (a):
| ⇔ | (0K1 or 1K1 or 2K1 or ···) & ··· & (0Kn or 1Kn or 2Kn ···) |
= (1+x+x2+···+x9)⁄(1−x10) · (1+x5)⁄(1−x10) · 1⁄(1−x10)
= (1+x+x2+···+x9) (1+x5) · 1⁄(1−x10)3
= (1+x+x2+x3+x4) (1+2x5+x10) · ∑j≥0 ((3 | j)) x10j.
Finally, multiplying by (1+x+x2+x3+x4) shows a10j = a10j+1 = ··· = a10j+4, and a10j+5 = a10j+6 = ··· = a10j+9. These results are combinatorially mysterious: for example, how to see directly that there are 112 ways to make change for $1.00 with pennies, nickels, and dimes? Once again, the Method of Generating Functions is more clever with combinatorics than we are!
1. Step 0: Let ak count the possible k-card hands from a triple deck.
Step 1: For each distinct card C, we have the choice (0C or 1C or 2C or 3C). For the 52 distinct cards, this produces f(x) = (1+x+x2+x3)52
Step 2: Use the Binomial Theorem to expand:
= (1+x)52(1+x2)52,
= ( ∑52k=0 (52 | k) xk ) ( ∑52j=0 (52 | j) x2j )
so a5 = (52 | 5) + (52 | 3)(52 | 1) + (52 | 1)(52 | 2).
This must have a combinatorial explanation, corresponding to three cases
with a Multiplication Principle for each, but it is not obvious just how to do this.
Once again, generating functions substitute algebra for fairly subtle combinatorial thinking.
2a. f ''(x) = 2 a2 + 3 (2) a3 x + … so a2 = f ''(0)/2 = f (2)(0) / 2. In general, ak = f k(0) / k!.
2b. f (k)(x) = 10k(1+x)10−k since (1+x)' = 1. Thus (10 | k) = ak = f (k)(0) / k! = 10k / k!. This is not really a new formula, but a way to get the old formula purely through algebra, without reasoning much about sets.
2c. A function which is badly behaved near x = 0 might not have a Taylor series. For example, f(x) = 1/x has a vertical asymptote, and cannot be approximated by polynomials. Also, f(x) = |x| is not differentiable at x = 0, we cannot apply the formula for ak, and there is no Taylor series. In fact, no polynomial function (or Taylor series) looks like |x| very close to x = 0, since every polynomial has a smooth graph, whereas the graph of |x| has a corner.
2d. f (k)(x) = ex, so f (k)(0) = 1. Hence ak = 1 / k! and ex = 1 + x + x2 / 2! + x3 / 3! + ···. This converges for all x, and so a finite number of terms give an approximation to ex.
2e. f (k)(x) = k! (1−x)−(k+1), so ak = k! / k! = 1 and 1/(1−x) = 1 + x + x2 + x3 + ···, an infinte geometric series, which converges for |x| < 1.
2f. sin(x) = x − x3/3! + x5/5! − x7/7! + ···
2g. The exact value is sin(π/6) = 0.5 . The polynomial p(x) = x − x3/3! + x5/5! gives p(π/6) ≈ p(0.52) ≈ 0.497, which is pretty close. The point of the Taylor polynomial is that it computes a good approximation of sin(θ) for any given angle θ, even when there is no simple exact answer. This is how a calculator computes trig functions.
3a. Geometric series 1/(1−z) = 1 + z + z2 + ··· with z = x4, so f(x) = 1 + x4 + x8 + x12 + ··· = ∑k≥0 x4k , and a4k = 1, all other am = 0.
3b. Binomial with negative exponent: f(x) = ∑k≥0 ((4 | k)) xk, so
f(x) = x2 (1 + ((4 | 1))x + ((4 | 2))x2 + ···)
= ((4 | 0))x2 + ((4 | 1))x3 + ((4 | 2))x4 + ··· = ∑k≥2 ((4 | k−2)) xk,
so ak = ((4 | k−2)) = (k−1)k(k+1)/6.
3e. f(x) = (5−x) ∑k≥0 ((2 | k)) xk = ∑k≥05 ((2 | k)) xk − ∑k≥0 ((2 | k)) xk+1
= ∑k≥05 ((2 | k)) xk − ∑k≥0 ((2 | k−1)) xk = ∑k≥0 [5 ((2 | k)) − ((2 | k−1))] xk ,
so ak = 5 ((2 | k)) − ((2 | k−1)) = 5(k+1) − k = 4k + 5.
4a. This follows just from multiplying out and cancelling. Alternatively, you can deduce it from (1−xn) / (1−x) = 1 + x + x2 + ··· + xn−1 (the finite geometric series summation from an old HW), with x = b/a, after clearing denominators.
4b. Use (1+x)(1−x) = 1−x2 to massage the denominator into the form 1 / (1−x2)2. Then use the known series formula: 1 / (1−z)2 = ∑k≥0 ((2 | k))zk, with z = x2.
= (1+x) / (1−x2)2 = (1+x) ∑k≥0 ((2 | k))(x2)k
= [((2|0)) + ((2|1))x2 + ((2|2))x4 + ···] + [((2|0))x + ((2|1))x3 + ((2|2))x5 + ···]
Thus a2j = a2j+1 = ((2 | j)) = j+1.
4c. Use (1+x+x2)(1−x) = 1−x3 to massage the denominator into the form 1 / (1−x3)2. Then use the known series formula: 1 / (1−z)2 = ∑k≥0 ((2 | k))zk, with z = x3.
= (1+x+x2) / (1−x3)2 = (1+x+x2) ∑k≥0 ((2 | k))(x3)k
= [((2|0)) + ((2|1))x3 + ((2|2))x6 + ···] + [((2|0))x + ((2|1))x4 + ((2|2))x7 + ···] + [((2|0))x2 + ((2|1))x5 + ((2|2))x8 + ···]
Thus a3j = a3j+1 = a3j+2 = ((2 | j)) = j+1.
5a. Step 1: (choose a handful of change of any value) ⇔ (0P or 1P or . . . ) and (0N or 1N or . . . )
is translated algebraically as:
Step 2: As for the pennies-nickels-dimes example in the above Notes, we get N5j = N5j+1 = N5j+2 = N5j+3 = N5j+4 = j+1.
5b. A handful of pennies and nickels worth k = 5j cents is determined by how many nickels: either 0 or 1 or . . . or j−1 or j nickels, making j+1 choices. Thus N5j = j+1. Similarly for k = 5j+1, etc.
6a. f(x) = x3 (1−x6)3 / (1−x)3
(x3 − 3x9 + 3x15 − x21) × ∑j≥0 ((3 | j)) xj.
Multiplying out and collecting xk terms, we get:
a19 | = | ((3 | 16)) − 3((3 | 10)) + 3((3 | 4)) − 3((3 | −3)) |
= | (18 | 2) − 3(12 | 2) + 3(6 | 2) − 0 = 153 − 198 + 45 = 0 . |
1a,b. Factoring or using the quadratic formula on the denominator gives the vertical asymptotes x = −1, ½, which are shared by the geometric-series functions 1⁄(1+x) and 1⁄(1−2x). Since (1+x)(1−2x) has constant term 1, whereas the denominator has constant term −1, we must have 2x2+x−1 = −(1+x)(1−2x), so that:
1c,d. Substituting x = −1 gives 1+5 = A(1 + 2), so A = 2; and substituting x = ½ gives −½ + 5 = B(3⁄2), so B = 3. We may check that f(x) = 2⁄(1+x) + 3⁄(1−2x) by putting over a common denominator and comparing with the previous form of f(x).
1e. f(x) = ∑k≥0 2(−x)k + ∑k≥0 3(2x)k = ∑k≥0 [2(−1)k + 3(2k)] xk, so ak = 2(−1)k + 3(2k)
2a. See class notes, where I solved a similar recurrence.
Step 1: f(x) = a0 + ∑k≥1 akxk = 3 + ∑k≥1 (2ak−1−1)xk
Notice that the summation is for k ≥ 1 since the recurrence is not valid for the k = 0 term a0. Continuing:
Notice that the last summation is almost a geometric series, but with the k = 0 term missing, which accounts for the +1 at the end.
We have: f(x) = 2x f(x) + 4 − 1/(1−x),
which we solve to get:
(1−2x) f(x) = (4−4x)/(1−x) − 1/(1−x) and finally:
f(x) = (3−4x)/(1−2x)(1−x).
Step 2: By partial fraction decomposition,
2b. Step 1: f(x) = a0 + ∑k≥1 akxk = 3 + ∑k≥1 (3ak−1−2k)xk
The summation is for k ≥ 1 since the recurrence is not valid for the k = 0 term.
f(x) = 3 + 3x ∑k≥1ak−1xk−1 − ∑k≥12kxk = 3 + 3x f(x) − 1/(1−2x) + 1.
The final +1 is because the geometric series ∑k≥12kxk
is missing its k = 0 term.
We have: f(x) = 3x f(x) − 1/(1−2x) + 4 = 3x f(x) + (3−8x)/(1−2x), which we solve to get: f(x) = (3−8x) / (1−2x)(1−3x).
Step 2: By partial fraction decomposition,
3a. Recurrence: ak = ak−1 + c. We do this by generating functions just for practice.
a0 + x ∑k≥1 ak−1xk−1 + cx ∑k≥1 xk−1
= a0 + x f(x) + cx/(1−x)
3b. Recurrence: ak = b ak−1+ c rk. Here the answer is not at all obvious. Step 1 gives:
f(x) = a0 + bx f(x) + crx/(1−rx) so f(x) = a0/(1−bx) + crx/(1−rx)(1−bx)
Partial fractions: crx/(1−rx)(1−bx) = A/(1−rx) + B/(1−bx) .
Clear denominators, substitute x = 1/b, 1/r , get A = cr/(r−b), B = −cr/(r−b).
Final answer: ak = a0bk + A rk + B bk = a0bk + cr(rk − bk)/(r−b).
Check: For the case in Prob #2, we have b = 2, c = r = 1, a0 = 1, so ak = 1(2k) + 1(1k−2k)/(1−2)
= 2k − (1−2k) = −1 + 2k+1 as we got in #2.
3c. Recurrence: ak = b ak−1 + ck . This one is harder than I would give on a test.
First, differentiating (1−x)−1 = ∑k≥0 xk gives: (1−x)−2 = ∑k≥0 kxk−1,
so x/(1−x)2 = ∑k≥0 kxk.
Equation: f(x) = a0 + bx f(x) + cx/(1−x)2 so f(x) = a0/(1−bx) + cx/(1−bx)(1−x)2
Partial fractions: cx/(1−bx)(1−x)2 = A/(1−bx) + B/(1−x)2 + C/(1−x) .
Clear denominators and substitute x = 1/b, x = 1 to get A = cb/(b−1)2 , B = −c/(b−1) .
Then we have: C/(1−x) = cx/(1−bx)(1−x)2 − A/(1−bx) − B/(1−x)2 = −c/(b−1)2(1−x) .
Final answer: ak = (a0 + cb/(b−1)2) bk − ck/(b−1) − cb/(b−1)2 .
Check: Compare with obvious formulas in the case b = 0
and in the case c = 0 .
F0 | F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | F7 | F8 |
0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 8 | 13 | 21 |
f(x) | = | F0 + F1x + ∑k≥2 Fkxk |
= | x + ∑k≥2 (Fk−1 + Fk−2)xk | |
= | x + x ∑k≥2 Fk−1xk−1 + x2 ∑k≥2 Fk−2xk−2 | |
= | x + x (F1x + F2x2 + F2x3 + ···) + x2 (F0 + F1x + F2x2 + ···) | |
= | x + x (f(x) − F0) + x2 f(x) | |
f(x) | = | x + x f(x) + x2 f(x) |
1a. We should write: ∑k≥0 3kxk
= 30x0 + 31x1 +
32x2 + ···
= 1 + 3x + (3x)2 + ···
= 1⁄(1−3x).
The letter "k" is a dummy variable that takes on a particular value k = 0,1,2, . . . in each successive term of the summation ∑k .
It has no meaning outside the summation, and the correct final formula cannot have any k's in it.
1b. We should write: 1⁄(1−3x) = ∑k≥0 (3x)k = ∑k≥0 3kxk, and similarly for 1⁄(1−2x) , giving total coefficient ak = 3k − 2k.
1c. After the third equals sign, the ak just disappeared from the expression, which is wrong since in general ak ≠ 1. After the fourth equals sign, the expression 2xk was confused with (2x)k.
2. Step 1:
f(x) | = | a0 + a1x + a2x2 + ∑k≥3 akxk |
= | 1 + x + 2x2 + ∑k≥3 (3ak−1− 3ak−2+ ak−3)xk | |
= | 1 + x + 2x2 + 3x ∑k≥3 ak−1xk−1 − 3x2 ∑k≥3 ak−2xk−2 + x3 ∑k≥3 ak−3xk−3 | |
= | 1 + x + 2x2 + 3x (a2x2 + a3x3 + ···) − 3x2 (a1x + a2x2 + ···) + x3 (a0 + a1x + ···) | |
= | 1 + x + 2x2 + 3x (f(x) − a0 − a1x) − 3x2 (f(x) − a0) + x3 f(x) | |
= | 1 + x + 2x2 + 3x f(x) − 3x − 3x2 − 3x2 f(x) + 3x2 + x3 f(x) | |
f(x) | = | 1 − 2x + 2x2 + 3x f(x) − 3x2 f(x) + x3 f(x) |
f(x) | = | (1 − 2x + 2x2) ∑k≥0 ((3 | k))xk | |||||||||||||||
= |
3a. The equation reduces to ψ2 = 1−ψ, or ψ2+ψ−1 = 0, which has roots (−1±√5)/2. The positive root is ψ = (√5−1)/2 .
Also φ = 1/ψ = 2/(√5−1) = 2(√5+1) / (√5−1)(√5+1) = 2(√5+1) / (5−1) = (√5+1) / 2. The approximate values are ψ ≅ 0.6 , φ ≅ 1.6 .
3b. The roots are ψ and −φ.
4. The simple functions with the asymptotes x = ψ and x = −φ are 1/(1 − x/ψ) = 1/(1−φx) and 1/(1 + x/φ) = 1/(1+ψx), since 1/ψ = φ and 1/φ = ψ.
In fact 1 − x − x2 = (1−φx)(1+ψx), since the two sides are polynoimals with the same roots and the same constant term.
Multiplying out x / (1−x−x2) = A/(1−φx) + B/(1+ψx), we get x = A(1+ψx) + B(1−φx) for all x.
Substituting x = ψ gives ψ = A(1+ψ2) + B(1−φψ) = A(1+ψ2) so A = ψ/(1+ψ2) = ··· = 1/√5.
Similarly B = −1/√5.
It is much easier to rewrite the original equation as: x = (A+B) + (Aψ−Bφ)x,
and equate the constant terms and the coefficients of x on the two sides: 0 = A+B, so that B = −A; and
1 = Aψ−Bφ = Aψ+Aφ, so that A = 1/(ψ+φ) = 1/√5 and B = −1/√5.
5a. For example:
F3 | = | [(1+√5)3 − (1−√5)3] / 23√5 |
= | [ (1 + 3√5 + 3√25 + √125) − (1 − 3√5 + 3√25 − √125)] / 8√5 | |
= | (6√5 + 2(5)√5) / 8√5 = 16 / 8 = 2 (!?) |
5b. You round down when k is even and the correction term −(−ψ)k is negative, and round up when k is odd and −(−ψ)k is positive.
5c. F40 = round( (1.618033988749895)40 / 2.2360679774997896 )
= round( 1.023341550000000019 × 108 )
= 102334155 .
The run of 0's in the decimal expansion is because the correction term −(−ψ)k / √5 is exponentially small.
The number of digits is the rounding-down of:
2. ak − 2ak−1 − ak−2 = 0, so ak = 2ak−1 + ak−2 for k ≥ 2.
3,4. ak = (ak+1 − bk+1)⁄2√2 ≈ ak+1⁄2√2, where a = 1+√2 ≈ 2.41, b = 1−√2 ≈ −0.41 .
5. Suppose we have a balance scale with an unlimited supply of three kinds of weights: red 1 gram, black 1 gram, and 2 gram. Then ak is the number of ways to balance k grams with an ordered row of weights. For example, a2 = 5 counts the rows: (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (2).
2. As usual, the recurrence of ak in terms of smaller a's implies an expression for f(x) in terms of itself:
3. By the quadratic formula, the roots of the denominator x2 − x + 1 = 0 are x = α, β = 1⁄2 ± √3⁄2i . In the complex plane, these are unit-length vectors at angle ±π/3 from the positive real axis: α, β = cos(π/3) ± i sin(π/3).
4. An alternative to direct multiplication (a+bi)(c+di) = (ac−bd) + (ad+bc)i is the polar-coordinate picture: to multiply two complex numbers, multiply their radii and add their angles. Equivalently, Euler's formula gives:
5. Assuming the existence of the partial fraction decomposition, expanding geometric series as usual gives: ak = A⁄αk − B⁄βk for some complex numbers A,B. This must be periodic because αk+6 = αk, and similarly for β.
6. Factoring:
1. See Wolfram Mathworld, which has a picture of the Dyck paths for k = 1,2,3,4, but in a different orientation: instead of up/down paths staying on or above y = 1, those paths go right or up, and stay below the line y = x. Turn your head sideways to recover our orientation.
For C3, we show the left part (on stilts) and right part of each path:
k | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Ck | 1 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 14 | 42 | 132 | 429 | 1430 | 4862 | 16796 |
3b. Since the path ends at the same height as it began, half the steps must be down, and half up. Thus every path corresponds to a choice of k positions out of 2k for the up steps; and there are (2k | k) possibilities for such a choice. (See HW 1/9 #4, the city grid problem, where we also had two choices for each step, with fixed start and end points.) However, Catalan paths also require staying above y = 1, and the Formula says that a 1/(k+1) fraction of all the paths satisfy this. Where this fraction comes from is unclear: it is explained in the Wikipedia article.
4a. The kth derivative of (1−x)1/2 is (−1)k(½)(½−1)(½−2)···(½−k+1)(1−x)1/2 − k, so the kth coefficient of the Taylor series is ak = (−1)k(½)k / k!. This can be rewritten as:
4b. Modifying the above Taylor series
ak = h(k)(0) / k! | = (1⁄2)(3⁄2)···(2k−3⁄2) 4k−1 / k! |
= (1)(3)(5)···(2k−3) 4k−1 / 2k−1 k! | |
= (1)(3)(5)···(2k−3) 2k−1(k−1)! / (k−1)! k! | |
= (1)(3)(5)···(2k−3) (2)(4)(6)···(2k−2) / (k−1)! k! | |
= (2k−2)! / (k−1)! k! = 1⁄k (2k−2 | k−1) . |
5a. By the Reflection Principle, we have Ck = (2k | k) − (2k | k−1), which simplifies algebraically as:
= (2k)!⁄k!(k−1)! (1⁄k(k+1)) = 1⁄(k+1) (2k)!⁄k!k! = 1⁄(k+1) (2k | k).
6a. The groupings with division point after xm split into a factor with m+1 variables and one with k−m variables, with 0 ≤ m ≤ k−1; considering recursively, there are MmMk−m−1 such groupings. Thus Mk = M0Mk−1 + M1Mk−2 + ··· + Mk−1M0.
As an example, we make a two-row table of the transformation between the 14 factorizations counted by M4, and the splitting of these at the outermost multiplication into pairs of factorizations counted by ∑3i=0 MiM3−i. In fact, the most practical way to list all the Catalan number Cn expressions in any model is to write the (Ci | C3−i) expressions first, then combine them.
C4 | x0(x1(x2(x3x4))) | x0(x1((x2x3)x4)) | x0((x1x2)(x3x4)) | x0((x1(x2x3))x4) | x0(((x1x2)x3)x4) |
C0 | C3 | x0 | x1(x2(x3x4)) | x0 | x1((x2x3)x4) | x0 | (x1x2)(x3x4) | x0 | (x1(x2x3))x4 | x0 | ((x1x2)x3)x4 |
C4 | (x0x1)(x2(x3x4)) | (x0x1)((x2x3)x4) | C4 | (x0(x1x2))(x3x4) | ((x0x1)x2))(x3x4) |
C1 | C2 | x0x1 | x2(x3x4) | x0x1 | (x2x3)x4 | C2 | C1 | x0(x1x2) | x3x4 | (x0x1)x2) | x3x4 |
C4 | (x0(x1(x2x3)))x4 | (x0((x1x2)x3))x4 | ((x0x1)(x2x3))x4 | (((x0(x1x2))x3)x4 | (((x0x1)x2)x3)x4 |
C3 | C0 | x0(x1(x2x3)) | x4 | x0((x1x2)x3) | x4 | (x0x1)(x2x3) | x4 | ((x0(x1x2))x3 | x4 | ((x0x1)x2)x3 | x4 |
6b. Mk and Ck are computed using exactly the same recursion, starting from the same initial value M0 = C0 = 1, so they must be equal.
Formally, we can prove it by induction. Mk = Ck is definitely true for k = 0. Now assume it is proved up to a given k. Then
Mk+1 = MkM0 + Mk−1M1 + ··· + M0Mk. By assumption M0 = C0, M1 = C1, . . . , Mk = Ck, so the right hand side equals
CkC0 + Ck−1C1 + ··· + C0Ck, which equals Ck+1 by the known recurrence. Thus the equality Mk+1 = Ck+1 also holds, and the induction proceeds. Conclusion: Mk = Ck holds for all k ≥ 0.
7. Any tree T with k ≥ 2 splits into two subtrees: T' coming from the ancestor's oldest child (having m ≥ 1 vertices), and T'' with everyone else, including the ancestor (having k − m vertices). Conversely, any T' and T'' can be put together in a unique way to get a T (i.e. make the ancestor of T' into the oldest child of the ancestor of T''). Considering recursively, the number of pairs (T' , T'') is OmOk−m.
Thus, Ok = Ok−1O1 + Ok−2O2 + ··· + O1Ok−1. This is the same recurrence as for the sequence C'k = Ck+1 , so Ok = C'k = Ck+1.
In the picture above, the first two trees are of type O3O1, since the subtree T' coming from the oldest (only) child has 3 vertices, and the rest make a tree T'' with 1 vertex (the
ancestor alone).
The third tree is of type O2O2, since the subtree T' from the oldest child has 2 vertices, and the rest make T'' with 2 vertices. The last two trees are of type O1O3, since the oldest child has no children, and there are 3 vertices besides.
1b. Transform each number into a set,
e.g. 13 ↔ {1,3} ⊂ [9].
These are counted by Basic Problem 3.
Ans: (9 | 1) + (9 | 2) + (9 | 3)
1c. The reverse Multiplicity Transform considers the digits
as multiplicities in a multiset with 9 objects of 3 kinds,
e.g. 351 ↔ {A,A,A,B,B,B,B,B,C}
or 90 = 090 ↔ {B,B,B,B,B,B,B,B,B}.
(We consider 1, 2, and 3 digits at once
by inserting leading zeroes.)
These are counted by Basic Problem 4.
Ans: ((3 | 9))
2a. The items in a bag are most reasonably interpreted as unordered, thus modeled by a set or multi-set.
They are 3 different items of 5 kinds, namely a set of 3 from 5 (Basic Problem 3). Ans: (5 | 3) = (5 | 2) = (5)(4) / 2 = 10.
Note: It is not completely unreasonable to consider items in a bag as ordered, which would lead to Basic Problem 2, ans: 53. It is wise to state in your answer which interpretation you use.
2b. Here a bag is a multi-set with 3 items of 5 kinds (Basic Problem 4). Ans: ((5 | 3)) = (5+3−1 | 3) = (7 | 3) = 73 / 3! = 35.
2c. A bag is any non-empty subset of {P,G,C,S,B}. An n-element set has 2n subsets (since each of the n elements could be in or out of the subset: Multiplication Principle). Since the empty set is not allowed, we get 25 − 1 = 31.
2d. A sequence of 5 independent choices, each with (5 | 3) possibilities (Multiplication Principle). Ans: (5 | 3)5 = 100,000.
3a. Basic Problem 1: Ordering 5 distinct objects (Basic Problem 1). Ans: 5! = 120.
3b. PIE: A = {all arrangements from part (a)}, A1 = {arrangements containing sequence C,B}, A2 = {arrangements containing sequence B,C}. In A1, we can consider the adjacent letters C,B as a single unit, next to the 3 other units P, G, S; and these 4 units can be arranged arbitrarily. Same for A2, so |A1| = |A2| = 4!. Also |A1∩A2| = 0, and the number of good arrangements is:
3c. PIE: A = {all arrangements}, with 4 kinds of forbidden arrangements: A1 = {arrangements containing the sequence C,B}, A2 = {arr with B,C}, A3 = {arr with C,S}, A4 = {arr with S,C}. Reasoning as before, |A| = 5! and |Ai| = 4!. The only non-empty intersections are: A1∩A4 = {arr with S,C,B} and A2∩A3 = {arr with B,C,S}. Again, consider arbitrary arrangements of a 3-letter unit with two 1-letter units, giving 3! arrangements for each intersection. Hence:
= 5! − 4(4!) + 2(3!) = 36.
Another way: positive counting using a transformation. We analyze the data into parts which can be easily counted.
3d. Pick the positions of the two C's (Basic Problem 3), then arrange the other 4 around them (Basic Problem 1). Ans: (6 | 2) 4! = 360.
Alternatively: list the positions of B,G,S,P, making a list of 4 distinct positions out of 6 (Basic Problem 2). Ans: 64 = 360.
4a. Positive counting. Split all outcomes into disjoint cases (Addition Principle): Case (i), just 1 flavor, all 20 beans the same: 3 handfuls. Case (ii), have 2 flavors: then 4 beans are fixed (2 of each flavor), with 16 left to choose among 2 flavors; (3 | 2)((2 | 16)) handfuls. Case (iii), have all 3 flavors: then 6 beans are fixed, 14 left to choose among 3 flavors; ((3 | 14)) handfuls. Ans: 3 + 3((2 | 16)) + ((3 | 14)) = 3 + 3(17 | 1) + (16 | 2) = 174
3b. Negative counting (PIE). A = {all handfuls of 20 beans of 3 kinds}, Ai = {just 1 of flavor i, the other 19 of 2 flavors}, for i = 1,2,3. Ans: ((3 | 20)) − (3 | 1)((2 | 19)) + (3 | 2)((1 | 18)) − (3 | 3)((0 | 17)) = (22 | 2) − 3(20 | 1) + 3 = 174.
4c. Step 0: Generalize the problem to give a sequence.
Let ak be the number of ways to choose k jellybeans with the given restriction.
Step 1. Find a simple formula for the generating function f(x) = ∑k≥0 ak xk .
Consider that a handful of beans can be chosen by the logical expression:
5. Turning the recurrence into an equation for f(x) = ∑k≥0 pkxk, we get:
f(x) | = |
| . |
6a. A sequence of 8 independent choices, with 2 outcomes for each. Multiplication Principle: 28 = 256.
6b. A sequence of 8 binary choices, with 5 steps and 3 stays. Position Transformation into Basic Problem 3: (8 | 5) = (8 | 3) = 56.
6c. A sequence of 8 whole numbers adding up to 5, (n1, . . . , n8) with ni ≥ 0 and n1 + ··· + n8 = 5. The Multiplicity Transformation turns this into arrangements of 5 beans in 8 bins, Basic Problem 4: ((8 | 5)) = (5+8−1 | 5) = (12 | 5) = 792.
7a. Step 1: (Take 8 turns stay/step) ⇔
(turn 1: stay or step) and ··· and (turn 8: stay or step).
Since "stay" advances 0 steps, it is replaced by x0, and similarly "step" becomes x1:
7b. Step 1: (Take 8 turns of any length) ⇔
(turn 1: 0 steps or 1 step or 2 steps or···) and ··· and (turn 8: 0 steps or 1 step or ···).
Each choice to advance i steps gets replaced by xi:
7c. Step1: Similarly to the above:
7d. f(x) = (1+x+x2+···+x10)8
(−1)i (8 | i) x11i)
(∑j≥0 ((8 | j)) xj),
so ak = ∑11i+j=k (−1)i (8 | i) ((8 | j))
8a. The recurrence is: (n | k) = (n−1 | k) + (n−1 | k−1). The Deletion Transformation is S → S' where: S' = S if n ∉ S; and S' = S \ {n} if n ∈ S. Its inverse is the Insertion Transformation S' → S, where S = S' if |S'| = k, and S = S' ∪ {n} if |S'| = k−1.
8b. Each input M is on top, with its transformation output M' below it.
M = | {1,1,1} | {1,1,2} | {1,1,3} | {1,2,2} | {1,2,3} | {1,3,3} | {2,2,2} | {2,2,3} | {2,3,3} | {3,3,3} |
M' = | {1,1,1} | {1,1,2} | {1,2,2} | {2,2,2} | ||||||
{1,1} | {1,2} | {1,3} | {2,2} | {2,3} | {3,3} |
The inputs cover all ((3 | 3)) multisets M; the outputs cover all ((2 | 3)) + ((3 | 2)) multisets M'.
8c. The inverse is the Insertion Transformation M' → M, where: M = M', if |M'| = k; and
9a. 2n = (1 + 1)n = (n | 0)1n + (n | 1)1n−11 + ··· + (n | n)1n , so:
10a. There is no order among team members, so choose a set of 5 from 15 for the first team, then choose another 5 from the remaining 10 for the second team, with the third team of 5 left over. This gives the multinomial coeffcient:
10b. A line of marbles corresponds to a team-assignment for each of the 15 people, by using the Position Transform to record which positions have R's, which have B's, which have G's. For example:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
B | B | R | G | G | G | B | G | G | R | R | R | B | B | R |
1 | −−−−−− | 2 |
| | | | |
4 | −−−−−− | 3 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
| 2
| 6
| 1
| 4
| 3
| |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
| 1
| 4
| 3
| |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
| 2
| 3
| 4
| |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
| 8
| 7
| 4
| 1
| 5
| 2
| 3
| |
° | ε | ρ | τ1 | τ2 |
ε | ||||
ρ | ||||
τ1 | ε | |||
τ2 |
1a. The symmetries of the rectangle are the identity ε, the 1⁄2 rotation ρ, the side-to-side reflection τ1, and the up-and-down reflection τ2.
For an arbitrary symmetry σ, vertex 1 must go to one of the vertices σ(1) = 1,2,3, or 4; and this forces σ(2) to be the long-edge neighbor of σ(1); and there is also only one choice for σ(3), σ(4). Thus there are at most 4 symmetries, and we have found them all.
1b. The permutations of vertices corresponding to the geometric symmetries are:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
| 2
| 3
| 4
| |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
| 4
| 1
| 2
| |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
| 1
| 4
| 3
| |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
| 3
| 2
| 1
| |
2a,b. The arrow cycles are: 1 → 6 → 5 → 1, and 2 → 8 → 3 → 7 → 2; and 4 → 4. Thus, the cycle notation is: σ = (1,6,5)(2,8,3,7)(4). This can be rewritten many ways with the same meaning, such as σ = (4)(6,5,1)(8,3,7,2).
2c. The inverse permutation reverses each cycle, so that σ−1 = (5,6,1)(7,3,8,2)(4) = (1,5,6)(2,7,3,8)(4).
3. With a little practice, you can easily multiply using two-line or cycle notation. For example:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
| 4
| 1
| 2
| |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
| 1
| 4
| 3
| |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
| 3
| 2
| 1
| |
The multiplication table is:
° | ε | ρ | τ1 | τ2 | |||||||||||||||
ε | ε | ρ | τ1 | τ2
ρ | ρ | ε | τ2 | τ1
| τ1 | τ1 | τ2 | ε | ρ
| τ2 | τ2 | τ1 | ρ | ε
| |
4a. Our group G, the symmetries of the rectangle, is a commutative group:
we see that the table is symmetric across the upper-left to lower-right diagonal,
so that an upper-right entry σ ∘ τ is the same as the
corresponding lower-left entry τ ∘ σ.
4b. Writing in cycle notation, we have (1,2)(3) ∘ (1)(2,3) = (1,2,3), whereas (1)(2,3) ∘ (1,2)(3) = (1,3,2), so (1,2)(3) and (1)(2,3) do not commute. We can duplicate this in every larger Sn by just defining σ(i) = i for i ≥ 4. For example: (1,2)(3)(4)(5) ∘ (1)(2,3)(4)(5) = (1,2,3)(4)(5), etc.
5. We use the Division Principle, as we once did for computing (n | k) = nk⁄k!. There are 4! arrangements of the 4 beads without considering symmetry (Basic Problem 1). Collect all these into columns of arrangements which are symmetric to each other. Since there are |G| = 4 symmetries, each column has 4 arrangements. Each column is a symmetry class, and the number of columns is |S4|⁄|G| = 4!⁄4 = 6. One way to choose representatives for the distinct symmetry classes is:
1 | −−−−−− | 2 |
| | | | |
4 | −−−−−− | 3 |
R R |
R R |
R R |
B B |
1 |
6 2 |
5 3 |
4 |
R |
B R |
R B |
B |
1a & b. The colorings, grouped into symmetry classes of the rectangle group (not the symmetries of the square). Each row lists the elements of c = {c, ρ(c), τ1(c), τ2(c)}, though some of these might be identical, so we only list them once. (Remember, the quarter-turn is not a rectangle symmetry.)
R | R | |||||||||
R | R | |||||||||
B | R | R | R | R | B | R | R | |||
R | R | R | B | R | R | B | R | |||
B | B | R | R | |||||||
R | R | B | B | |||||||
R | B | B | R | |||||||
R | B | B | R | |||||||
B | R | R | B | |||||||
R | B | B | R | |||||||
R | B | B | B | B | R | B | B | |||
B | B | B | R | B | B | R | B | |||
B | B | |||||||||
B | B |
We have |C| = 7 symmetry classes (rows) altogether. Thus, we say there are 7 colorings of the rectangle vertices with colors R,B, distinct up to symmetry.
1c. Writing a coloring c as the list c(1)c(2)c(3)c(4), the stabilizer subgroups of the 7 distinct symmetry classes are:
1d. A symmetry fixes a coloring, σ(c) = c, whenever all vertices within each cycle of σ are given the same color. For example, ρ = (13)(24), so Cρ contains colorings with c(1) = c(3) and c(2) = c(4), with k choices for each cycle, so |Cρ| = k2. The fixed colorings are:
RR |
RR |
RR |
BB |
BB |
RR |
BB |
BB |
RR |
RR |
RB |
RB |
BR |
BR |
BB |
BB |
RR |
RR |
RB |
BR |
BR |
RB |
BB |
BB |
1e. Since the identity ε has 4 cycles, the rotation ρ has 2 cycles, and the two reflections have 2 cycles each, Burnside gives the formula: |C| = 1⁄4(k4 + 3k2).
The case k = 1 clearly has only one coloring, and indeed the formula becomes |C| = 1⁄|G| ∑σ∈G 1cyc(σ) = 4/4 = 1. In the case k = 2, we recover |C| = 1⁄4(24 + 3(22)) = 7 from part (b).
1f. There are |D| = 4! = 24 colorings of 4 vertices with 4 distinct colors, corresponding to lists of 1,2,3,4 in some order. Every symmetry class has |G| = 4 colorings, so the number of symmetry classes is: |D| = |D|⁄|G| = 24⁄4 = 6.
2a. We write each element of the dihedral group in cycle notation. Note that an element like σ = (1432) means σ(1) = 4, σ(4) = 3, σ(3)=2, σ(2) = 1, and we could equivalently write σ = (2143) = (3214) = (4321).
2b. We have ρ1(i) = i+1 mod n. This means we wrap around an n-hour clock, with n = 0 and n+1 = 1, etc. Performing this k times, we get ρ1k(i) = i + k mod n, and this is clearly ρk(i). Note also that ρ1n = ε and by definition ρ10 = ε. (These last facts are analogous to (−1)2 = 1 and x0 = 1.)
2c. We have τk = τ1 ρ1k for k = 0,1,2,3, as we can check by computing the cycle notation for the left and right sides. For example:
The case k = 1 color gives |C| = 1⁄8 ∑σ∈G 1cyc(σ) = 8/8 = 1, which is correct.
In the case k = 2 colors (R & B), we get |C| = 1⁄8(24 + 2(23) + 3(22) + 2(2)) = 6: there is one symmetry class having 0R's, 1R, 3R's, 4R's; and two symmetry classes having 2R's & 2B's, namely when the R's are next to each other and when they are diagonal.
3b. Comparing coloring classes for the square to the rectangle, the square has is one fewer coloring classes because it has more symmetry, potentially making some coloring classes larger. In fact, the single coloring class of RRBB for the square splits into two classes for the rectangle, RRBB and BRRB, which are inequivalent because they have different colors on their long edges.
4a. The regular hexagon has vertices labeled 1, . . . , 6 clockwise, with symmetry group D6: the identity ε; 5 rotations ρi = (ρ1)i; three reflections τ1, τ3, τ5 across the lines through opposite pairs of edges; and three reflections τ2, τ4, τ6 across the lines through opposite pairs of vertices:
σ | cycles | kcyc(σ) |
ε | (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) | k6 |
ρ1 | (123456) | k1 |
ρ2 | (135)(246) | k2 |
ρ3 | (13)(24)(36) | k3 |
ρ4 | (531)(642) | k2 |
ρ5 | (654321) | k1 |
τ1 | (1)(26)(35)(4) | k4 |
τ2 | (12)(36)(45) | k3 |
τ3 | (2)(13)(46)(5) | k4 |
τ4 | (23)(14)(56) | k3 |
τ5 | (3)(24)(15)(6) | k4 |
τ6 | (34)(25)(16) | k3 |
B | R | |
R B | B R | |
B R | R B | |
R | B |
4c. The 13 listed classes have stabilizer sizes |Gc| = 12, 2, 2, 2, 4; 2, 1, 6; 12, 2, 2, 2, 4, giving the total number of colorings:
X = | 1 3 2 | G = {ε, ρ1, ρ2, τ1, τ2, τ3}, |
σ \ c
Row Counts
ε = (1)(2)(3)
× × × × × × × ×
8 = 23
ρ1 = (123)
× ×
2 = 21
ρ2 = (321)
× ×
2 = 21
τ1 = (1)(23)
× × × ×
4 = 22
τ2 = (2)(13)
× × × ×
4 = 22
τ3 = (3)(12)
× × × ×
4 = 22
|C| = ∑ |Gc| ⁄|G| =
6⁄6 +
2⁄6 +
2⁄6 +
2⁄6 +
2⁄6 +
2⁄6 +
2⁄6 +
= |S| / |G|
c = |
c = |
σ ╲ c | RRR | RRB | BRR | · | · | · | · | · | Row sums / |G| | |||||||
ε = (1)(2)(3) | × | × | · | · | · | · | · | · | |C|⁄|G| = | |||||||
τ = (13)(2) | × | ○ | · | · | · | · | · | · | |Cτ|⁄|G| = | |||||||
C = | 2⁄2 | + | 1⁄2 | + | = |S|⁄|G| = |
1. Any symmetry σ ∈ G must permute the three outer corners 1, 6, 11 among each other, and these determine the motion of all the other vertices: for example, the vertices between σ(1) and σ(6) must be σ(2), σ(3), σ(4), σ(5). Thus there are at most |S3| = 3! symmetries. In fact, the symmetry group is G = S3 = D3, the same motions of the plane as for a triangle, but permuting the 15 labeled vertices:
σ | cycles | kcyc(σ) |
ε | (1) (2) ··· (15) | k15 |
ρ1 | (1,6,11) (2,7,12)(3,8,13) (4,9,14) (5,10,15) | k5 |
ρ2 | (11,6,1) (12,7,2) (13,8,3) (14,9,4) (15,10,5) | k5 |
τ1 | (1) (2,15) (3,14) (4,13) (5,12) (6,11) (7,10) (8,9) | k8 |
τ2 | (6) (5,7) (4,8) (3,9) (2,10) (1,11) (12,15) (13,14) | k8 |
τ3 | (11) (10,12) (9,13) (8,14) (7,15) (6,1) (5,2) (4,3) | k8 |
2a. A cube symmetry σ can rotate Face 1 to any of the 6 faces, so there are 6 choices for σ(1). Then σ(2) can be any of the 4 faces adjacent to σ(1). Now σ(3) can only be the face adjacent to σ(1) and σ(2), such that the path σ(1) → σ(2) → σ(3) → σ(1) circles clockwise around their common corner (since the path 1 → 2 → 3 → 1 circles clockwise around their common corner). Finally, σ(4) is the face opposite σ(3), etc. This makes a total of 6 × 4 = 24 choices, so that |G| ≤ 24.
2b. The cube has 1 identity symmetry ε = (1)(2)···(6). Also 3 axes through opposite pairs of faces, each with 1⁄4, 1⁄2, and 3⁄4 rotations, such as: α = (1)(6)(2354), α2 = (1)(6)(25)(34), and α3 = (1)(6)(4532). Also 4 axes through opposite pairs of corners, each with 1⁄3 and 2⁄3 rotations, such as: (1,2,3)(4,6,5). Also 6 axes through midpoints of opposite pairs of edges, each with a 1⁄2 rotation, such as: (1,2)(3,4)(5,6). Total: 1 + (3)(3) + (4)(2) + (6)(1) = 24, giving all the possible symmetries of G according to part (a).
2c. The identity gives contribution k6;
the three sets of face rotations like α, α2, α3
give 6k3 + 3k4;
the four sets of corner-rotations give 8k2;
and the six edge-rotations give 6k3.
Thus |C| = 1⁄24(k6 + 3k4 + 12k3 + 8k2).
For k = 1 this gives |C| = 1,
which is correct.
and for k = 2 it is |C| = 10.
There is one symmetry class for 0R's, 1R, 5R's, 6R's; two classes for 2R's (adjacent or opposite) and similarly
for 4R's; and two classes for 3R's (all adjacent or not).
3. Since there are no fixed colorings if the colors are all different, D is split into symmetry classes which all have |G| elements, and the Burnside Theorem reduces to the Division Principle:
4a. The natural symmetries of the checkerboard are turning only (since flipping the board over would expose the underside). The only turn which does not switch white and black squares is the 180° turn ρ, so the symmetry group is G = Sym(X) = {ε, ρ}.
4b. The identity is ε = (1)(2)···(64). The rotation is ρ = (1,64)(2,63)(3,62)···(32,33) : the 32 two-cycles are all pairs (a,b) with a+b = 65.
4c. There are k = 3 options for each square: red piece, blue piece, or empty. Choosing one of these for each square is a Burnside coloring problem with the above group G = {ε ρ}, so the number of coloring classes (arrangements up to symmetry) is:
5. In the Burnside proof table below, the alternating boldface separates coloring classes.
σ ╲ c | RRR | RRB | BRR | RBR | BRB | RBB | BBR | BBB | Row sums | ||||||||
ε = (1)(2)(3) | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | |Cε| = 23 | ||||||||
τ = (13)(2) | × | × | × | × | |Cτ| = 22 | ||||||||||||
|C| = | 2⁄2 | + | 1⁄2 | + | 1⁄2 | + | 2⁄2 | + | 2⁄2 | + | 1⁄2 | + | 1⁄2 | + | 2⁄2 | = |S|⁄|G| = | 1⁄2(23+22) |
σ ╲ c | RRR | RRB | BRR | RBR | BRB | RBB | BBR | BBB | Row sums | ||||||||
ε = (1)(2)(3) | r3 | r2b | r2b | r2b | rb2 | rb2 | rb2 | b3 | fCε(r,b) | ||||||||
τ = (13)(2) | r3 | r2b | rb2 | b3 | fCτ(r,b) | ||||||||||||
fC(r,b) = | 2⁄2r3 | + | 1⁄2r2b | + | 1⁄2r2b | + | 2⁄2r2b | + | 2⁄2 rb2 | + | 1⁄2rb2 | + | 1⁄2rb2 | + | 2⁄2b3 | = fS(r,b)⁄|G| | = 1⁄2 (fCε(r,b) + fCτ(r,b)) |
1a. Rectangle group G = { ε = (1)(2)(3)(4), τ1 = (12)(34), τ2 = (14)(23), ρ = (13)(24) }.
fε(r,b) = (r + b)4,
fτ1(r,b) = fτ2(r,b) = fρ(r,b) =
Generating function counting symmetry classes of colorings:
1b. This time:
1c. Dihedral group D4 = G = { ε = (1)(2)(3)(4), ρ = (1234), ρ2 = (13)(24), ρ3 = (4321), τ1 = (1)(3)(24), τ2 = (2)(4)(13), τ3 = (14)(23), τ4 = (12)(34) }.
2a. The number of all colorings is: kn = 36 = 729.
2b. The number of colorings of 6 positions distributed into 2+2+2 of the three kinds of radical is the number of ways to pick 2 positions of 6 which are H's; and 2 of the remaining 4 positions which are OH's, and the remaining 2 can only be CH3. Ans: (6 | 2)(4 | 2)(2 | 2) = 90. This is also the multinomial coefficient (6 | 2,2,2).
2c. The natural symmetry group is the rotations of the molecule in space, which include reflections in the plane: thus we get the dihedral group D6 = G, consisting of 2(6) = 12 symmetries: the identity, 5 rotations, and 6 reflections (see the table below). Burnside's theorem says the number of symmetry classes with k = 3 colors is:
That is, the 729 drawings from part (a) make only 92 distinct molecules.
2d. Here we sort symmetries by their cycle structure, giving the corresponding term in Polya's theorem. The three chemical radicals H, OH, CH3 (the "colors") are represented by the three generic variables x1, x2, x3:
σ ∈ G | fσ(x1, x2, x3) | |Cσ| = kcyc(σ) |
ε = (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) | (x1+x2+x3)6 | 36 |
ρ = (123456), ρ5 = (654321) | (x16+x26+x36) | 31 |
ρ2 = (135)(246), ρ4 = (351)(624) | (x13+x23+x33)2 | 32 |
ρ3 = (14)(25)(36), τ4 = (12)(36)(45), τ5 = (23)(14)(56), τ6 = (34)(25)(16) | (x12+x22+x32)3 | 33 |
τ1 = (1)(4)(26)(35), τ2 = (2)(5)(13)(46), τ3 = (3)(6)(15)(24) | (x1+x2+x3)2 (x12+x22+x32)2 | 34 |
Using Wolfram Alpha, the generating function of the coloring classes C is:
x16 + x15x2 + x15x3 + 3x14x22 + 3x14x2x3 + 3x14x32 + 3x13x23
+ 6x13x22x3
+ 6x13x2x32
+ 3x13x33 + 3x12x24
+ 6x12x23x3
+ 11x12x22x32
+ 6x12x2x33 + 3x12x34
+ x1x25
+ 3x1x24x3
+ 6x1x23x32
+ 6x1x22x33
+ 3x1x2x34 + x1x35 + x26 + x25x3
+ 3x24x32
+ 3x23x33
+ 3x22x34 + x2x35 + x36
The sum of all the coefficients is just the total number of coloring classes, namely 92 from the previous problem. This is obtained by setting x1 = x2 = x3 = 1, so that Polya's theorem reduces to Burnside's theorem. Also note that each term has total
degree 6, the total of colors in each coloring.
Extracting the term 11x12x22x32,
we see that there are 11 symmetry classes with 2 H's, 2 OH's, and 2 CH3's.
That is, the 90 drawings from part (b) make only 11 distinct molecules (isomers) of dihydroxy-dimethyl-benzene.
For the isomers of TNT, we can consider the three
variables to stand for H, NO2, and CH3, so the term 6x12x23x3
means there are 6 isomers.
3. In the checkerboard problem with n = 64 squares, G = {ε, ρ} ⊂ S64, and k = 3 colors (red, blue, empty), the Burnside fomrula
1. (p. 4 #1) V = {a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j} and E = {all possible edges xy}−{af, bg, ch, di, ej}. That is, G is the complement of the graph with edges {af, bg, ch, di, ej}.
1. (p. 4 #2) V = {A,B,C,D,E,F}, E = {AD, BA, BE, CD, CE, DC, FA, FB}. This should be a digraph, so that AD ≠ DA, since Adam likes Doug is not the same as Doug likes Adam. Officially, each directed edge is an ordered pair like (A,D). Note that it is reasonable to ignore the loop-edge EE, since it does not denote a valid roommate pairing.
1. (p. 4 #3) V = {teams}, with an edge between each pair of teams that have played each other, and two edges between teams that have played twice. This is is a multi-graph since it has multiple edges between a given pair of vertices.
2b. Since an edge is simply a set of 2 vertices, |E| = (n | 2) = ½n(n−1). Alternatively, Kn is regular of degree d = n−1, so by the Vertex-Edge Formula,
3b. n = |V| = 24 = 16. Since Cub4 is 4-regular, the Vertex-Edge Formula gives |E| = ½nd = ½(16)(4) = 32.
4a. A 1-regular graph is a union of disjoint edges: V = {a1, . . . ,an, b1, . . . , bn} and E = {a1b1, a2b2, . . . , anbn}.
4b. Let G be a graph on vertices V = {1,2,3,4,5}, with deg(v) = 3 for v = 1, 2, 3, 4. We will show that G can be one of three graphs (up to switching vertex labels), none of them with deg(5) = 3. Thus, there cannot be any 3-regular graph with 5 vertices.
Proof: Consier deg(5), the number of edges from the remaining vertex 5.
4c. Use the Vertex-Edge Formula ∑v∈V deg(v) = 2|E|, so if deg(v) = d for all n vertices, we have dn = 2|E|. If d and n were both odd, then their product dn would also be odd, but dn = 2|E| is clearly even. This contradiction shows d and n cannot both be odd.
1a. Since any two vertices are connected by an edge in K5, a path is just any list of distinct vertices in V = {1,2,3,4,5}. Basic Problem 2 says that the number of such lists of j vertices is 5j, but reversing gives the same path, making 5j⁄2 for j ≥ 2. Thus the total of paths of any length is:
1b. A walk is a path with repeat vertices allowed, but without the same vertex twice consecutively. Thus, the number of walks with j vertices is 5(4j−1). If we take k steps along j = k+1 vertices, this becomes 5(4k).
1c. A cycle of length k in K5 is a list of any k vertices, up to the 2k dihedral symmetries of a regular k-gon. Answer: 5k⁄2k .
2a. You should find the shells by labeling the vertices of the graph as described in the problem, and the vertices labeled with each value i form the set Si. To check your answer:
2b. Since (0,5) ∈ S6, this vertex is 6 steps from (3,2). Stepping from (0,5) to a neighboring vertex with a smaller label, and repeating, we get many possible paths to (3,2) with 6 steps (7 vertices), such as:
2c. It is not hard to find a path containing all 36 vertices: for example, go around the outer square and spiral inward, with a zigzag at the end for the two middle vertices. (A path using all vertices is called a Hamiltonian path. In general, finding a Hamiltonian path is an NP complete problem, with no efficient algorithms.) A walk is allowed to repeat vertices any number of times, so there is no longest one.
3a. If (a,b) is a vertex with a+b an even number, then every edge (a,b)(a+1,b) or (a,b)(a,b+2) or (a,b)(a+1,b+1) will connect (a,b) to a vertex (c,d) with c+d also even; and similarly if a+b odd. Furthermore, if a+b and c+d are both even, it is not difficult to connect them by edges; and similarly for both odd. Hence the connected components are the subgraphs with vertices V1 = {(a,b) with a+b even} and V2 = {(a,b) with a+b odd}.
3b. There are 4 components, each with a typical representative vertex (a,b):
1a. Kn is bipartite for n = 1, 2 (with obvious V = V+ ∪ V−); and non-bipartite for n ≥ 3, containing the same C3 with edges 12, 23, 31.
1b. Cycle Cn with vertices numbered clockwise V = {1,2, . . . ,n} is bipartite if n even, with partition V = {1,3, . . . ,n−1} ∪ {2,4, . . . ,n}; and non-bipartite if n odd (in which case the whole graph is an odd cycle).
1c. Path Pn with vertices numbered in order V = {1,2, . . . ,n} is always bipartite, with the following partition: if n even, V = {1,3, . . . ,n−1} ∪ {2,4, . . . ,n}; if n odd, V = {1,3, . . . ,n} ∪ {2,4, . . . ,n−1}.
1d. Cubd, with vertices v which are bit-strings of length d, is always bipartite, with V+ being the set of bit-strings with an even number of 1's, and V− the bit-strings with an odd number of 1's.
1e. Every cycle of the Petersen graph is a C5, so it is not bipartite.
2a. We have deg(ai) = s edges at each vertex a1, . . . ., ar, and these are the only edges, so |E| = rs. Alternatively, using the Edge-Vertex Formula, |E| = ½(∑i=1r deg(ai) + ∑j=1s deg(bj)) = ½(rs + sr) = rs.
2b. Since G is bipartite, it has a splitting V = V+ ∪ V− with |V+| = r and |V−| = s for some r+s = 7. Given such a splitting, we can add all possible edges between the two parts until we get a complete bipartite graph Kr,s. Thus, the maximum number of edges is rs for some r+s = 7, namely (1)(6) = 6 or (2)(5) = 10 or (3)(4) = 12, and largest of these is 12.
3a. Let V+ = {(000), (110), (101), (011)} and V− = {(100), (010), (001), (111)}, the vertices whose coordinates have an even/odd number of 1's. Since any edge changes exactly one coordinate, it will always change an even number of 1's to an odd number, and vice versa. Thus, all edges go between the + and − vertices, never connecting two + vertices or two − vertices.
3b. The graph G' has the 3-cycle: C = (000)(100)(110)(000). A bipartite splitting of the vertices of G would also give one for C, which is impossible, so there cannot be any splitting for G.
3c. False. G is not a complete bipartite graph, meaning it does not have every possible edge between V+ and V−. In fact, we can add the long diagonals (000)(111) and (001)(110) and (010)(101) and (100)(011) to make the complete bipartite graph K4,4.
4a. Proposition P(n): 1 + 2 + 3 + ··· + n = ½ n(n+1)
Proof. Base Case: The left side of equation P(1) is 1, and the right side is ½ 1(1+1) = 1. Thus equation P(1) is true.
Chain Case: Assume we know the formula for n = k, namely P(k): 1 + 2 + ··· + k = ½ k(k+1).
We wish to prove it for n = k+1, so we compute the left side of P(k+1):
1 + 2 + 3 + ··· + k + (k+1) | = | ½ k(k+1) + (k+1) | by the inductive hypothesis P(k) |
= | (k+1) (½k+1) = ½ (k+1) (k+2) | by algebra (factoring out k+1) |
4b. Proposition P(n): 1 + 3 + 5 + ··· + (2n−1) = n2
Proof. Base Case: The left side of P(1) is 1, and the right side is 12 = 1, so P(1) is true.
Chain case: Assume we know the formula for n = k, namely P(k): 1 + 3 + ··· + (2k−1) = k2.
We wish to prove it for n = k+1, so we compute the left side of P(k+1):
1 + 3 + 5 + ··· + (2k−1) + (2k+1) | = | k2 + (2k+1) | by the inductive hypothesis P(k) |
= | (k+1)2 | by algebra. |
4c. We write this one less formally. I claim that k+1 ≤ 2k for all k ≥ 1. The base case k = 1 is true: 1+1 ≤ 21. For the chain case, assume k + 1 ≤ 2k. Then the next case is:
5a. Proposition: If G is a bipartite graph with V = V+ ∪ V− , and v0v1···vk is any k-step walk with v0 ∈ V+ , then k is even if vk ∈ V+ , and k is odd if vk ∈ V− .
5b. Proposition: If G is a bipartite graph, then any cycle C ⊂ G has even length.
6a. P ⇒ Q: If it is raining, then I carry an umbrella. (Plausible)
Not(Q) ⇒ Not(P): If I am not carrying an umbrella, then it is not raining. (Plausible: equivalent to the previous)
Q ⇒ P: If I carry an umbrella, then it is raining. (Not very plausible: I might carry it as a precaution.)
Not(P) ⇒ Not(Q): If it is not raining, then I don't carry an umbrella. (Equivalent to the previous)
6b. P ⇒ Q: If Joe is hungry, then he eats a whole pie. (Not plausible: he will probably eat only a piece.)
Not(Q) ⇒ Not(P): If Joe doesn't eat a whole pie, then he must not be hungry. (Equivalent to previous.)
Q ⇒ P: If Joe eats a whole pie, then he must be hungry. (Plausible!!)
Not(P) ⇒ Not(Q): If Joe is not hungry, then he won't eat a whole pie. (Equivalent to the previous.)
6c. P ⇒ Q: If n = (2m)2 for some m, then n is divisible by 4. (True, since (2m)2 = 4m2.)
Not(Q) ⇒ Not(P): If n is not divisible by 4, then n ≠ (2m)2 for any m. (True: equivalent to the previous.)
Q ⇒ P: If n is divisible by 4, then n = (2m)2 for some m. (False, since n = 8 is divisible by 4, but 8 is not a square number.)
Not(P) ⇒ Not(Q): If n ≠ (2m)2 for any m, then n is not divisible by 4. (False: equivalent to the previous.)
6d. P ⇒ Q: If G is bipartite, then every subgraph is bipartite. (True, since a bipartite splitting of the vertices of G restricts to a splitting of any subgraph.)
Not(Q) ⇒ Not(P): If some subgraph of G is not bipartite, then G is not bipartite. (True: equivalent to the previous.)
Q ⇒ P: If every subgraph of G is bipartite, then G is bipartite. (True, since G itself is a subgraph of G.)
Not(P) ⇒ Not(Q): If G is not bipartite, then not every subgraph of G is bipartite. (True: equivalent to the previous.)
1a. Proposition: If T is a tree, then T is bipartite.
Proof. By hypothesis, let T be a tree, meaning that T is connected and has no cycles. Since T contains no cycles at all, it contains no cycles of odd length. Hence the Bipartite graph theorem (GN I.14 in the Notes) says that T is bipartite, which is the desired conclusion.
1b. A theorem is usually stated in the form "If A then B" or "All A's are also B's". The converse statement is "If B then A" or "All B's are also A's". The converse might well be false, even if the original statement is true.
In this case, the original true statement is "All trees are also bipartite graphs", and its converse is "All bipartite graphs are also trees". This is indeed false: for example C4 is a bipartite graph, but not a tree.
2a. Proposition: If a tree T has a vertex v with degree d, then T has at least d leaves.
Proof: By hypothesis, consider tree T (connected and acyclic) and a vertex v with d neighbors w1, . . . , wd. Extend the edge vw1 forward into a path as long as possible: P1 = vw1x1···y1z1. Then I claim z1 is a leaf of T. Indeed, if z1 had any neighbor t ≠ y1, then we could extend P1 further unless t were already used in the path: P1 = vw1x1···t···y1z1. But this would mean that T has the cycle C = t···y1z1t = tPz1t, which is impossible since T is acyclic. Hence z1 does not have any neighbor other than y1, so deg(z1) = 1, and z1 is a leaf.
Similarly, we produce leaves z1, . . . ,zd from w1, . . . ,wd. If two of these were the same, z = zi = zj, we would get the cycle:
2b. Converse: If a tree has at least d leaves, then it has a vertex of degree d.
This is false. For example the tree with n = 6 vertices and edges {12, 13, 14, 25, 26} has 4 leaves (3, 4, 5, 6) but its maximum degree is deg(1) = deg(2) = 3.
3. Proposition: If T is a tree with a leaf v, then T' = T−v, the graph with v deleted, is also a tree.
Proof. Let T be a tree, meaning it is connnected and acyclic, and v a leaf, meaning deg(v) = 1. We must show that T' = T−v is also a tree (connected and acyclic).
To show T' is connected, take any vertices x,y in T', meaning x,y ≠ v. Since T is connected, there is a path P = xv1···vk−1y in T. Here all the internal vertices have at least two neightors in the path, deg(vi) ≥ 2, but deg(v) = 1, so vi ≠ v. Since P does not contain v, it is a path from x to y inside T'. Thus any two vertices of T' are connected by a path in T', and T' is connected.
Now, since T contains no cycles, neither does its subgraph T'. (Removing the vertex v cannot create a cycle.) Thus T' is acyclic, and we conclude that T' is a tree.
4. Let G be an acyclic graph, and write its connected components (GN I.7): G = T1 ∪···∪ Tk. By definition each Ti is connected, and cannot have any cycles since G has none. Since the component Ti is connected and acyclic, it is a tree, so G is a disconnected union of trees, and hence a forest.
1. Let T be a tree with n vertices, so that it has n−1 edges by Graph Notes II.4. By the Vertex-Edge Formula (GN I.6), the sum of the degrees is twice the number of edges. Thus the average degree is:
2. (⇒) Assume T is a tree (connected and acyclic by GN II.1). Then any vertices x,y have some path P between them (since T connected).
Now suppose for a contradiction that there is a different path Q from x to y. (It does not follow that xPyQx is a cycle, since P and Q might cross each other several times, which is not allowed in a cycle.)
Let v be the last vertex before P and Q diverge (for example v = x if their first steps are different). Let w be the first vertex after v where P and Q cross (for example w = y if they do not cross until their endpoint). Then vPw and vQw (the parts of P and Q between v and w) are disinct paths which do not cross except at their common endpoints, so C = vPwQv is a cycle, using notation of GN I.7. This contradicts the assumption that T is acyclic.
Supposing two distinct P and Q leads to a contradiction, so the path P must be unique.
(⇐) Assume T has a unique path between any two vertices. Then T is connected (since there is some path). Suppose for a contradiction that T had a cycle C = xy···zx. Then P = xy and Q = xz···y are distinct paths from x to y, but this is impossible since T has unique paths. Thus there cannot be a cycle in T, so T is acyclic and connected, so T is a tree.
1. The Transfomation Principle says to change the data of a complicated object (a tree T) into the equivalent data of a simpler object (a list of whole numbers, the Prüfer sequence σ). Since the transformation is reversible, it produces a one-to-one correspondence between all T and all σ, so the number of T's is the same as the number of σ's. Now, σ = (s1, . . . , sn−2) is just a list of independent whole numbers si ∈ {1,2, . . . , n}, so the Multiplication Principle says there are nn−2 of them.
2a & b. The table shows all trees and their Prüfer sequences:
1−2−3−4 | 1−2−4−3 | 1−3−2−4 | 1−3−4−2 | 1−4−2−3 | 1−4−3−2 | 2−1−3−4 | 2−1−4−3 | 2−3−1−4 | 2−4−1−3 | 3−1−2−4 | 3−2−1−4 | ||||||||||||
(2,3) | (2,4) | (3,2) | (3,4) | (4,2) | (4,3) | (1,3) | (1,4) | (3,1) | (4,1) | (1,2) | (2,1) |
3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | ||||||
| | | | | | | | ||||||
2−−1−−4 | 1−−2−−4 | 1−−3−−4 | 1−−4−−3 | ||||||
(1,1) | (2,2) | (3,3) | (4,4) |
Performing the Reverse Prüfer Transform on each sequence σ recovers the tree above it.
3. First tree: σ = (2,2,1,3,1,4,4,1,5). Second tree: (5,8,4,3,3,3,9)
4. The Reverse Prüfer Transformation on σ = (5,4,3,5,4,3,5,4,3) goes like this:
Vi\ σi | 1,2,6,7,8,9,10,11 | 2,6,7,8,9,10,11 | 6,7,8,9,10,11 | 7,8,9,10,11 | 8,9,10,11 | 9,10,11 | 10,11 | 5,11 | 4,11 |
si | 5 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 3 |
ℓi | 1 | 2 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 5 | 4 |
The left-over vertices are V10 = {1,2, . . . ,11} \ {ℓ1, . . . ,ℓ9} = {3, 11}. Putting together the edges ℓi−−si and 3−−11, we get the tree:
1 | 2 | 6 | |||||||
| | | | | | |||||||
7 | −− | 5 | −− | 4 | −− | 3 | −− | 11 | |
| | | | | | |||||||
10 | 8 | 9 |
5. The leaf vertices of T will be pulled off in the course of the Prüfer Transformation, which records their neighbors as si in σ. The leaves themselves will never be neighbors of leaves, so they are not in σ. Furthermore, a vertex v with k neighbors will have k−1 of them pulled off (recording si = v each time), and then v becomes a leaf itself and is eventually pulled off, or it is left over at the end. Either way, v appears k−1 times in σ.
6a. Recall that for any T, each v ∈ T appears deg(v)−1 times in σ. Since c appears n−2 times in σ, the vertex c in T must have deg(c) = n−1 neighbors. This means c is a central vertex with an edge to every other vertex, and T is a star tree.
6b. Since the n−2 entries appear once each, they correspond to vertices in T of degree 2. The 2 vertices which do not appear are the leaves of T. Hence, T has no branching (degree 3 or more), and T must be an n-vertex path.
1b. The only two of the six graphs which have the same number of vertices are the lower left and middle right (8 vertices each). Start by labeling the two vertices of degree 2 as A,B in each graph, then label their neighbors C,D, etc. The result is two graphs with the same vertices and edges, just drawn differently.
1c. Taking the graphs row by row, we check the inequalities g·r ≤ ∑R deg(R) ≤ 2·q:
2. See p. 82:
3. G0 = T is a tree, having n vertices, q = n−1 edges, and r = 1 region, giving n − q + r = n − (n−1) + 1 = 2. Adding an edge to T creates a cycle which cuts off a finite region from the infinite region; so T+e has n vertices, q = n edges, r = 2 regions, giving n − q + r = n − n + 2 = 2. Adding another edge cuts one more region in two, giving q = n + 1, r = 3, and still n − q + r = 2. Continuing in this way, after each new edge the new values of (n,q,r) become (n', q', r') = (n, q+1, r+1), and the quantity n' − q' + r' = n − q + r remains unchanged, namely 2. This is the idea behind the inductive proof of Euler's theorem.
4c. Proposition: If G is a planar graph with k connected components, n vertices, q edges, r regions, then:
n − q + r = k + 1.
Proof: If a component Gi is drawn in the plane with ni vertices, qi edges, and ri regions, then the original Euler formula applies to this connected graph: ni − qi + ri = 2. A drawing of G is just placing G1, . . . ,Gk next to each other: none of the vertices, edges, or regions overlap, except that the infinite region is the same for all G1, . . . ,Gk. Thus:
= ∑i (ni − qi + ri) − k + 1 = 2k − k + 1 = k + 1.
5. We have G with n = |V| = 24, and deg(v) = 3 for all v, so q = |E| = ½∑v∈V deg(v) = ½(24)(3) = 36. Hence r = 2 − n + q = 2 − 24 + 36 = 14.
1a. We have G = K5 with n = 5 , q = (5 | 2) = 10, and g = 3 since G contains many copies of C3. If G were planar, we would have r = 2−5+10 = 7, so that gr = (3)(7) = 21 but 2q = 20, violating the Edge-Region Inequality gr ≤ 2q. This contradiction shows that G cannot be planar.
1b. For G = K1 and K2, we have g = 0, so the Region-Edge Inequality is automatically satisfied. Indeed, in these cases, the graph is obviously planar.
For G = Kn with n ≥ 3, we have q = (n | 2) = ½n(n−1), g = 3, so if planar then r = 2 − n + ( ½n2 − ½n) = ½n2 − 3⁄2n + 2. The edge inequality becomes:
2a. For K5 with an extra vertex on one edge, we have n = 6, q = 11, g = 3. If planar, we have r = 2 − 6 + 11 = 7 and gr = (3)(7) = 21, 2q = (2)(11) = 22, so the Region-Edge Inequality holds. Thus we get no contradiction. However, this failed proof does not mean G is planar: the jury is still out, and other arguments might succeed.
2b. For K3,3 with an extra vertex on one edge, we have n = 7, q = 10, g = 4. If planar, we have r = 2 − 7 + 10 = 5 and gr = (4)(5) = 20, 2q = (2)(10) = 20, so the Region-Edge Inequality holds, and again there is no contradiction.
2c. Neither of these graphs is planar. If we had any planar drawing of either, we could erase the extra vertex (turning the subdivided edge back into a single edge), and get a planar drawing of K5 or K3,3. Since we know this is impossible, we could not have any planar drawing of the subdivided graphs.
3a. Since 3 ≤ g, the Edge-Region Inequality gives: 3r ≤ gr ≤ 2q. But since G is connected, we have r = 2 − n + q, so that 3(2 − n + q) ≤ 2q. Solving for q gives: q ≤ 3n − 6.
Now if G, with q edges, is disconnected or has no cycles, then we can draw extra edges to connect all the components and to produce cycles, giving a graph G' with q' edges. Then q' ≤ q ≤ 3n − 6.
3b. Kn has q = ½n(n−1), which is maximal planar if ½n(n−1) = 3n−6. Solving gives n = 3,4, which are indeed maximal planar: K3 is a triangle, and K4 can be drawn as a triangle with a vertex in its center and an edge to each corner.
3c. If a graph has any regions with 4 or more edges, then we can draw an extra edge across the region, without causing any edge-crossings. In fact the maximal planar graphs are precisely those having only triangular regions (including the infinite region). Here triangular means 3 boundary edges, which may be drawn as curves.
6a & 6b. Easy by trial and error.
7a. This graph cannot contain a subdivision of K5, since it does not have 5 vertices of degree 4, only 2 such vertices. But in the following diagram, the square and circle vertices can be taken as the two sides of a subdivision of K3,3, with two extra edges (broken lines).
7b. Again, this graph cannot contain a K5 subdivision, since all its vertices have degree 3. The figure shows a subdivision of K3,3 inside G: there are 3 red and 3 blue vertices, connected by 9 gray paths having no common vertices except endpoints. There is also an extra vertex, not part of K3,3, with its edges drawn as broken lines.
7c. The graph contains both a subdivision of K5 along with an extra edge (broken line), and a copy of K3,3 along with extra edges.
9a. Statement: If a graph G has gr ≤ 2q (where we define r = 2−n+q), then G is planar.
This is false for G = K5 + v + e, meaning the complete graph K5 together with an extra vertex v and an edge e to one of the previous 5 vertices. This is connected with n = 7, q = (5 | 2) + 1 = 11, r = 2−n+q = 6, g = 3, and the inequality gr = 18 ≤ 2q = 22 is valid. However, G is not planar, since it contains K5. This illustrates that gr ≤ 2q is a necessary condition for G to be planar, but not a sufficient condition.
9b. Statement: If a graph G has q ≤ 3n−6, then G is planar.
Again this is false, with the same counter-example: q = 11 ≤ 3n−6 = 12. Again the condition is necessary, but not sufficient.
9c. Statement: If a graph G contains no subdivision of K5 or K3,3, then G is planar.
This is true, and is one direction of Kuratowski's theorem, Graph Notes III.7
r = 2 − n + q n = 2 − r + q
q ≤ 3n−6 q ≤ 3r−6
1. The graphs are maximal planar whenever all faces of the polyhedron are triangles.
1a. Hexagonal pyramid: the wheel graph W7, which is the cycle C6 plus an extra vertex in the center with edges to all the outer vertices.
1b. Hexagonal drum: one 6-cycle inside another, with 6 edges connecting the corresponding vertices of the two cycles.
1c. Twisted hexagonal drum: one 6-cycle inside another, with 12 edges zig-zagging between the two cycles.
1d. Tetrahedron: a complete graph K4, most naturally drawn as a triangle with a central vertex connected to each corner.
1e. Vertex-truncated tetrahedron: in the tetrahedron graph, make each vertex grow into a small triangle with the original three edges attached to the corners of the triangle.
1f. Permutahedron: in the previous graph (e), make each edge grow into a long thin rectangle with the original four edges attached to its four corners.
1g. Similar to (e)
1h. Make the triangles in (e) grow until they squeeze out the edges betweem them, leaving only triangle and quadrilateral regions.
2. Proposition: Any polyhedron graph has at least one face with deg(R) ≤ 5.
Proof. Since every corner of a polyhedron has deg(v) ≥ 3,
the Edge-Vertex Formula gives
3n ≤ ∑ deg(v) = 2q,
and Euler's formula gives n = 2 − r + q,
so 3(2−r+q) ≤ 2q,
which is equivalent to q ≤ 3r−6.
Applying the Edge-Region Inequality, we find the
average region degree is:
3a. Easy. Case (d,g) = (3,5): 3n = 2q = 5r, so that q = 3⁄2n , r = 3⁄5n, and 2 = n − q + r = n − 3⁄2n + 3⁄5n = 1⁄10n , and n = 20 , q = 3⁄2n = 30 , r = 3⁄5n = 12. Similarly for the other cases.
3b. Example: (d,g) = (4,3). The graph has four triangles at each vertex. Starting with a single triangle (vertices 1,2,3, edges 12, 23, 13), we draw two more edges inwards from each vertex (since deg(v)=4). Because each region must have only three edges, these edges must meet up at three new vertices 4,5,6 (edges 14, 42, 25, 53, 36, 63). Finally add edges 45, 56, 64, so that every vertex has four edges, every region (including the outside infinite region) has three boundary edges, and we are done, with no significant choices along the way.
See HHM p. 82 for all the finished graphs.
2a. Example: (d,g) = (4,3). The graph has four triangles at each vertex. Starting with a single triangle (vertices 1,2,3, edges 12, 23, 13), we draw two more edges inwards from each vertex (since deg(v)=4). Because each region must have only three edges, these edges must meet up at three new vertices 4,5,6 (edges 14, 42, 25, 53, 36, 63). Finally add edges 45, 56, 64, so that every vertex has four edges, every region (including the outside infinite region) has three boundary edges, and we are done, with no significant choices along the way.
See HHM p. 82 for all the finished graphs.
2c. Tetrahedron (d,g) = (3,3), r = 4. Octahedron (4,3), r = 8. Icosahedron (5,3), r = 20. Cube (hexahedron) (3,4), r = 6. Dodecahedron (3,5), r = 12.
Let's examine the octahedron in more detail. It has 4 triangles around each corner, so (d,g) = (4,3). We may label its vertices V = {1, . . . ,6}, where 1 and 6 are the poles and the cycle 23452 is the equator, and we have edges E = {12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 34, 45, 52, 26, 36, 46, 56}. Just as we denote edges by their two endpoints, we may denote regions by their three vertices: R = 123, 134, 145, 125 (the top pyramid) and R = 236, 345, 456, 256 (the bottom pyramid).
To compare this to your graph from 2a, label the graph vertices 1, . . . ,6 so that 1 and 6 are not adjacent and 2345 form a cycle. This gives a direct correspondence between the q = 12 edges of the octahedron and the graph, and between the r = 8 faces of the octahedron and the regions of the graph (remembering to count the infinite region).
3. Using the labeling from Solution 2c above, each pair (e,R) ∈ S is marked with an ×. Each edge e = ab is on the boundary of any region whose vertices include a,b.
e \ R | 123 | 134 | 145 | 125 | 236 | 346 | 456 | 256 |
12 | × | × | ||||||
13 | × | × | ||||||
14 | × | × | ||||||
15 | × | × | ||||||
23 | × | × | ||||||
34 | × | × | ||||||
45 | × | × | ||||||
25 | × | × | ||||||
26 | × | × | ||||||
36 | × | × | ||||||
46 | × | × | ||||||
56 | × | × |
Since each edge e = ab is on the boundary of two regions R = abc and R' = abc', we have 2 ×'s in each row, and the total number of ×'s is: |S| = 2q. Since each region R = abc has g = 3 edges in its boundary, ab and bc and ac, we have 3 ×'s in each column, and the total number of ×'s is: |S| = 3r = gr.
4. After a square frame with a trapezoid inside each edge, the rule of four edges from each vertex and only quadrilateral regions makes the graph continue inward forever, getting smaller and smaller. It is not a Platonic graph because by definition these must be finite. This is pretty much the inversion of the infinite square grid on the plane: a kind of reflection across the unit circle which takes the reciprocal of the radius, polar (r, θ) going to (1⁄r, θ).
1a. Make a graph G with vertices V = {committees Ci} and edges E = {e = CiCj where Ci and Cj conflict}. Then a non-conflicting schedule corresponds to a proper coloring of G with the colors being meeting times.
1b. Make a graph G whose vertices are students and edges are pairs of conflicting students. An allowed seating arrangement corresponds to a proper coloring of G with the colors being seating areas.
2a. Δ = 2, and the natural ordering of vertices around the cycle gives a minimal coloring. For n even, we use k = 2 colors, which is minimal because we obviously need at least 2 colors: G ⊃ K2 (a single edge), so χ(G) ≥ χ(K2) = 2. For n odd, we use k = 3 colors, which is minimal because G is not bipartite, so χ(G) > 2. At each step, there are no more than Δ = 2 conflicts, so Δ+1 = 3 colors are always enough, but not always minimal.
2b. Δ = 2, and the natural left-to-right ordering gives a minimal coloring, χ(G) = 2: that is, G is bipartite. Again, χ = 2 ≤ Δ+1 = 3.
For G = P4, it is possible to find a bad vertex-order which forces the Greedy Algorithm to use 3 colors (start at the left end, then order the remaining vertices right-to-left). However, any Greedy coloring will use at most Δ+1 = 3 colors, because at any step, there are at most Δ conflicts.
2c. Δ = m, and any vertex-order gives a minimal coloring with χ(G) = 2 colors. In this case, χ(G) is much less than Δ = m.
2d. Any tree T is bipartite, so χ(T) = 2 (unless T has only 1 vertex). Constructing the tree by adding one leaf each time means at most 1 color conflict, so the Greedy coloring has 2 colors and is minimal. In any case, Δ ≥ 1, so 2 ≤ Δ+1.
2e. Δ = n−1, and obviously χ = n, since every vertex conflicts with every other, so they must all have different colors. In this case χ = Δ+1.
2f. Put the smaller vertex set on the left, so that r ≤ s. Then Δ = s, and χ = 2, which is much smaller than Δ+1.
2g. The given vertex order makes the Greedy Algorithm use k = 3 colors, but the graph is just the path P6, which like all trees is bipartite: χ = 2. This illustrates the limitations of Greed. However, a better ordering (coloring the r vertices first, then the s vertices) would lead the Greedy Algorithm to a minimal coloring; but there is no easy way to find such an ordering.
3. Proof. Suppose that in G, a vertex x has m neighbors y1, . . . , ym, so by definition, m ≤ Δ, the maximum vertex-degree. The Greedy Algorithm chooses c(x) to be the smallest color not conflicting with c(y1), . . . , c(ym), some of which might not have a color yet. The number of conflicting colors is at most m, so at most Δ, hence there must be a free color in the set {1,2, . . . , Δ+1}. Continuing in this way, we find that Δ+1 colors are enough for a proper coloring of all the vertices. The minumum number of colors is no larger, so χ(G) ≤ Δ+1.
4b. Recall that the wheel graph Wn+1 means the cycle Cn with each vertex connected to an extra vertex in the middle. The map has 5 states surrounding Nevada, so the dual is a wheel graph H = W6. This has χ(H) = 4 ≤ χ(G), since the 5 states in the rim requre 3 colors, and the middle state forces a 4th color. Since you gave a 4-coloring in part (a), we have χ(G) ≤ 4, and we conclude χ(G) = 4.
5a. For n odd, Cn−1 is bipartite, and we can color even vertices with 1, odd vertices with 2; and color the middle vertex 3; hence χ(G) ≤ 3. However, G contains a triangle, so any proper coloring uses at least 3 colors: χ(G) ≥ χ(K3) = 3. Since 3 ≥ χ(G) ≥ 3, we must have χ(G) = 3.
For n even, we argue similarly: it is easy to find a 4-coloring of G, but since the middle vertex is a neighbor of every vertex on the cycle, we have χ(G) ≥ χ(Cn−1) + 1 = 4. Alternatively, we can just quote the Proposition in GN V.7, which is based on the above arguments.
5b. In the Greedy Algorithm under any vertex-order, each new vertex is attached to only 2 others, so that 3 colors are enough, until we attach the center, which might require color 4. After this, each new vertex has degree 3, so that 4 colors are enough. Any Wn with n even has χ = 4, so this is minimal.
5c. For Wn with n odd, if you start by coloring two opposite vertices on the cycle with color 1, the resulting Greedy coloring needs 4 colors, which is no longer minimal.
6a. The Greedy Algorithm needs 5 colors (written in red):
6b. The 6-Color Algorithm gives a vertex-order like the one below, which produces a 4-coloring, and this is minimal since G contains W6.
1. The Greedy algorithm gives the following colors c(w) to vertices w = v1, . . . , v7.
Let us use G24. Denote the vertices around v by w1, . . . , w5 with c(wi) = i. Flip c(w2) = 2 to c'(w2) = 4 and set c'(v) = 2:
1a,b. pG(k) = k(k−1)n−1 by the Multiplication Principle, the same for any tree with n vertices.
1c. Basic Problem 2: Count the lists of n distinct items chosen from k. Ans: kn = k(k−1)···(k−n+1).
1d. Coloring vertices from left to right, the Multiplication Principle gives: k(k−1)(k−2)3
1e. Case 1: c(v1) = c(v3). Since there is only one choice for these identical colors, we can regard v1 and v3 as one vertex, so the graph becomes P3, and the number of colorings is k(k−1)2.
Case 2: c(v1) ≠ c(v3). This is pH(k) for the graph H = G + v1v3 with an extra edge, and the Multiplication Principle gives pH(k) = k(k−1)(k−2)2. Final answer: k(k−1)2 + k(k−1)(k−2)2 = k4 − 4k3 + 6k2 − 3k.
1f. First reserve one of the k colors for v, then use the remaining (k−1) colors for H, giving pG = k pH(k−1).
1g. W5 = C4∗v, so:
2. The result of PIE is: k3 − (3 | 1)k2 + (3 | 2)k − (3 | 3)k. This agrees with the result k(k−1)(k−2) in 1c.
3. The result of PIE is: k4 − (4 | 1)k3 + (4 | 2)k2 − (4 | 1)k + (4 | 4)k = (k−1)4 + (k−1). This agrees with the result in 1e.
4. Step 1: We want to solve the Fibonacci-like recurrence pn = pn−1 + 2pn−2 for n ≥ 3, starting from p0 = p1 = 0, p2 = 6. (For general k this is pn = (k−2)pn−1 + k(minus;1)2pn−2, where the right side comes from the two cases by first coloring the cycle, then vn.)
4. Step 2: Since the numerator has the same degree as the denominator, the horizontal asymptote is not zero. Evaluate: limx→∞ f(x) = 6⁄−2 = −3. Thus the partial fraction decomposition which matches the horizontal and vertical asymptotes of f(x) will have the form:
Generalizing this to any number of colors k, the recurrence becomes: p0 = p1 = 0, p2 = k2, p3 = k3, pn = (k−2)pn−1 + (k−1)pn−2 for n ≥ 4. The generating function is:
5a. Collect kj terms in the PIE formula for the chromatic polynomial of the graph G with |V| = n and |E| = q. We get |aj| is the number of edge-subsets S ⊂ E such that G[S] has j connected components. The statements follow easily from this.
1a. Let Bi = {hands missing the ith suit} for i = 1,2,3,4. PIE gives:
1c. Product Priniciple: A good hand must have 2 cards of one suit. Construct all good hands by first choosing which suit has 2 cards, then choosing a set of 2 face-values for that suit, then choosing a list of 3 arbitrary face-values for the remaining 3 suits (listed in order). Answer: (4 | 1) (13 | 2) 133
1d. The answer in each case is 685,464.
2a. There are no 1-regular graphs unless the number of vertices is even, n = 2m. The graphs correspond to ways of splitting the vertex set into n/2 = m subsets of size 2 (the ends of the m edges); counted by a multinomial coefficient (see Counting Toolkit):
2c. Cayley's Theorem and Prufer's Transformation turns any tree to a length (n−2) sequence of the n vertices, giving nn−2 distinct trees.
2d. A cycle is C = vf(1)vf(2)···vf(n)vf(1) for any of the n! permutation bijections f : [n] → [n]. However, rotating or reflecting the cycle gives the same graph, so we must divide by the Dihedral Group Dn containing the identity, n−1 rotations, and n reflections. The number of distinct graphs is n!/2n = (n−1)/2
3a. Letting ak be the number of ways to choose quarters worth k cents, with at most one of each of 50 kinds, the Multiplication Principle and Generating Function Dictionary give f(x) = (1+x25)50, where 1 = x0 or x25 represents not taking or taking the quarter for a given state. The Binomial Theorem expands this as:
3b. Letting ak be the number of ways to choose quarters worth k cents, with at any number of each of 50 kinds, the Multiplication Principle and Generating Function Dictionary, together with the Geometric Series 1 + z + z2 + ··· = 1⁄1−z give f(x) = 1⁄(1−x25)50. The Negative Binomial Theorem expands this as:
3c. Letting ak be the number of ways to choose quarters worth k cents, with at most 3 of each of 50 kinds, the Multiplication Principle and Generating Function Dictionary give f(x) = (1 + x25 + x50 + x75)50. This factors as:
4a. The tetrahedron graph is just G = K4, so pG(k) = k(k−1)(k−2)(k−3).
4b. Case 1: Choose two different colors for the poles,
then color the equator C4
with k−2 colors, using pC4(k) = (k−1)4 + (k−1).
This gives
k(k−1)((k−3)4 + (k−3))
Case 2: Choose one color for both poles, then color the equator, giving k((k−2)4 + (k−2))
Wolfram|Alpha says this simplifies to
pG(k) =
k(k−1)(k−2)(k3 − 9k2 + 29k − 32)
5a. To choose a vertex, make d independent choices of 0 or 1 for each coordinate, giving vd = 2d. For an edge, choose which of the d coordinates is changed, and choose the remaining d−1 coordinates to be 0 or 1: this gives qd = d 2d−1.
5b,c. From vd = 2 vd−1, we recover vd = 2d. From qd = 2qd−1 + 2d for d ≥ 1, we get f(x) = ∑d≥0 qdxd = x⁄(1−2x)2 = ∑d≥0 ((2 | d)) x (2x)d, which gives qd+1 = ((2 | d)) 2d.
6. PIE with A = {proper colorings with k available colors}, Bi = {proper colorings with color i missing} for i = 1, . . . , k. The number of proper colorings with all k colors is:
7. Step 2: We got the same expression for f(x) as in the solution from HW Ch 1.6.4, so we repeat the same analysis. Since the numerator has the same degree as the denominator, the horizontal asymptote is not zero. Evaluate: limx→∞ f(x) = 6⁄−2 = −3. Thus the partial fraction decomposition which matches the horizontal and vertical asymptotes of f(x) will have the form:
|C| = 1⁄|Γ| ∑σ∈Γ |Cσ| = 1⁄|Γ| ∑σ∈Γ kcyc(σ).
Here Cσ = {c ∈ C with σ(c) = c} is the set of colorings unchanged (fixed) by σ, and cyc(σ) is the number of cycles of σ as it permutes the vertices of G.
|P| = 1⁄|Γ| ∑σ∈Γ |Pσ|,
where Pσ = {c ∈ P with σ(c) = c} is the set of proper colorings unchanged by σ. There is now no easy formula for |Pσ|, but it can ususally be found similarly to |P| = pG(k). (In fact, |Pσ| = pG/Γ(k) where G/Γ is the quotient of G under the action of Γ, pinching each orbit into a single vertex.)
1a & 2a. Γ = S4, all 4! = 24 permutations of the 4 vertices, namely:
1 identity (1)(2)(3)(4); (4 | 2) = 6 with cycle structure like (12)(3)(4); (4 | 2)/2 = 3 like (12)(34); 43/3 = 8 like (123)(4); 4!/4 = 6 like (1234).
Burnside gives: |C| = 1⁄24(k4 + 6k3 + 11k2 + 6k).
Easier way: a coloring of the unordered vertices is the same as a multiset of 4 objects from k kinds, i.e. ((k | 4)) = (k+3 | 4) = (k+3)(k+2)(k+1)k / 4! .
1b & 2b. Same symmetry group Γ = S4, so the same coloring classes as in 2a.
1c & 2c. Γ = {(1)(2)(3)(4), (14)(23)}, so Burnside gives |C| = ½(k4 + k2) = ½k2(k2+1).
1d. Γ = S4 (similar to the Example above).
1e. Γ = D4, the dihedral symmetry group of the square, containing the identity, 2 rotations, 4 reflections.
1f & 2f. The symmetries of Γ = Sym(G) are as follows:
3a. There are (6 | 2) = 15 possible edges between n vertices, so the largest possible edge-set, the edges of the complete graph K6, is Emax = {e1, . . . , e15}. The edge-set of every other graph is a subset of this: E ⊂ Emax. The number of possible subsets of a 15-element set is 215. Alternatively, think of the 15 possible edges as on or off (present or absent), a sequence of 15 independent binary choices, making 215 possibilities in all. Ans: There are 2(6 | 2) = 215 = 32768 possible graphs.
3b. A path is just an ordering of the 6 vertices, and there are 6! ways to do this (Basic Problem 1). However, this is double-counting, since paths each path is the same as its reverse path. Ans: 6! / 2 = 360.
3c. Cayley's theorem says there are nn−2 = 64 = 1296 trees on n = 6 vertices.
3d. First, we split the vertex set {1, . . . ,6} into two components of size k and 6−k, where k = 1,2, . . . ,5. Then we choose from kk−2 trees in the first component and (6−k)6−k−2 trees in the second component. However, this is double-counting, since each (k, 6−k) forest is the same as one of the (6−k, k) forests. Ans:
3e. We can specify a cycle as a list of vertices, of which there are 6!; however, this overcounts, and we must divide by the symmetry group of the cycle C6, namely by Γ = D6, the rotation and reflection symmetries of a regular hexagon. Answer: 6!⁄2(6) .
r = 2 − n + q n = 2 − r + q
q ≤ 3n−6 q ≤ 3r−6
2. There are ((6 | 2)) = (6+2−1 | 2) = (7)(6)/2 = 21 kinds of possible edges among the 6 vertices (including loop-edges), and an edge set is a multi-set with these 21 kinds. If we ask (a) how many possible multi-sets with these 21 kinds, this is infinite, since we can take any number of copies of each kind (any number of edges between a given pair of vertices). For (b), we have a multi-set of 10 elements of these 21 kinds, and this is Basic Problem 4. Ans: ((21 | 10)) = (21+10−1 | 10) = 3010 / 10!
3. Step 0: Define the sequence of problems. Let an be the number of atmosphere graphs on n unlabeled vertices, for n ≥ 1.
Step 1: Use combinatorial features of the problem to get a simple formula for the generating function. Any atmosphere graph is defined by how many of each kind of component: K1, K2, K3, P3:
any atmosphere graph | ⇔ | (0 K1 or 1 K1 or 2 K1 or . . . ) and (0 K2 or 1 K2 or . . . ) |
and (0 K3 or 1 K3 or . . . ) and (0 P3 or 1 P3 or . . . ) |
Translating this into algebra:
f(x) | = | ∑n≥0 anxn | = | (1 + x + x2 +···)(1 + x2 + x4 +···) (1 + x3 + x6 +···)2 |
= | 1 ⁄ (1−x)(1−x2)(1−x3)2 |
Step 2: Use algebra and known series to find the Taylor series of f(x). Use the difference-of-powers factorization:
f(x) | = |
= | (1+x+···+x5)⁄(1−x6) . (1+x2+x4)⁄(1−x6) . (1+x3)⁄(1−x6)2 | |
= | (1+x+2x2+3x3+4x4+5x5+4x6+5x7+4x8+3x9+2x10+x11+x12) . 1⁄(1−x6)4 | |
= | (1+x+2x2+3x3+4x4+5x5+4x6+5x7+4x8+3x9+2x10+x11+x12) . ( ∑n≥0 ((6 | n))xn ). |